Do normal people use the term "monkey it up"?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Nice drunken post.

Now apologize to my wife you woman bashing alcoholic.

And then switch to weed. I will still get you a sample of some good old school happy weed. You obviously don’t ever have any.

Maybe if you were nicer some new people would join your cause. But in the 2 years I have been here. Same small group as always. Smaller actually.

But many more that bother to talk to you have been turned off to your point of view, censored and or banned.

You really are doing your best to reTrump America up.

And help lose more great growers for us while you are at it.

Maybe try a canned beer forum. PBR dot com politics subforum. Your drunken anger will fit right in. ;-)



Well-Known Member
My thread I keep I keep it rolling even for trolls

Everyone’s thread. And I am keeping it rolling at the moment. The thread topic is dumb. You are supposedly old military. It was a common phrase in your day.

If you weren’t 24 years old and posting from your moms house. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Citation ?

There are more references inside the article.

It’s funny how effective the media has become. Well more like depressing. When I searched at the start of this thread there were many links showing this and variations of the phrase and it’s traditional meaning.

Now only days later all the top results are political blogs and opinion disguised as news.

This solidified my point about propoganda like the crap that gets posted here pretending to be liberal.

The best part of a phrase like this is that only a racist that equates monkeys with humans would even consider the racist angle.

But put it on the media with a nice spin and look how far it gets.

How useful to manipulate the sheep that actually believe any of this garbage spewed for elections.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member

There are more references inside the article.

It’s funny how effective the media has become. Well more like depressing. When I searched at the start of this thread there were many links showing this and variations of the phrase and it’s traditional meaning.

Now only days later all the top results are political blogs and opinion disguised as news.

This solidified my point about propoganda like the crap that gets posted here pretending to be liberal.

The best part of a phrase like this is that only a racist that equates monkeys with humans would even consider the racist angle.

But put it on the media with a nice spin and look how far it gets.

How useful to manipulate the sheep that actually believe any of this garbage spewed for elections.
Which is it " in my day" or modern urban dictionary
You seem conflicted as well as racist


Well-Known Member
Narcissists hate it when they are ignored.

Yes you do. Explains your constant word salads no one is actually reading.

You also ignore facts. Like the 200 google results other than the propoganda stuff the link I put up refers to with the use of the term at hand.

You are a massive hypocrite. And blindly agenda driven.


Well-Known Member
Yes you do. Explains your constant word salads no one is actually reading.

You also ignore facts. Like the 200 google results other than the propoganda stuff the link I put up refers to with the use of the term at hand.

You are a massive hypocrite. And blindly agenda driven.
“Monkey it up” was never used in the politics section, ever, not even once, for over a decade

For you to feign that it is commonly used is just yet more evidence of what a racist little bitch you are

“Try copping drugs in the city with white face. They’ll arrest you and leave the black”

“You only succeeded because of affirmative action “

“Don’t monkey it up by voting for the black guy”

You’re cooked, methigan


Well-Known Member
“Monkey it up” was never used in the politics section, ever, not even once, for over a decade

For you to feign that it is commonly used is just yet more evidence of what a racist little bitch you are

“Try copping drugs in the city with white face. They’ll arrest you and leave the black”

“You only succeeded because of affirmative action “

“Don’t monkey it up by voting for the black guy”

You’re cooked, methigan

No. And it is still just you same few pretending anything about me.

I did not say it was commonly used. I said it was common in the old days in the military. It is actually a navy saying.

And none of the things you just put in quotes are my words or in any context as usual.

You must invent the horrible racist who disagrees with you and shows what you really are.

It is the dumbest political tactic and it can only work the opposite way you want it to.

Go hysterical left. Joining you is like joining Jesus. It absolves all sins apparently.

Problem is the right is already full of that. And the independent is too weak. What does a reasonable person do now?


Well-Known Member
No. And it is still just you same few pretending anything about me.

I did not say it was commonly used. I said it was common in the old days in the military. It is actually a navy saying.

And none of the things you just put in quotes are my words or in any context as usual.

You must invent the horrible racist who disagrees with you and shows what you really are.

It is the dumbest political tactic and it can only work the opposite way you want it to.

Go hysterical left. Joining you is like joining Jesus. It absolves all sins apparently.

Problem is the right is already full of that. And the independent is too weak. What does a reasonable person do now?
And we all know how desantis is an old timey navy hand

Stop defending racism, methigan


Well-Known Member
And we all know how desantis is an old timey navy hand

Stop defending racism, methigan

I have methigan on ignore because he is so fucking boring.

Is he really trying defending DeSantis's racist comment by repeating the lie about how "that's commonly used in the navy"?

LOL. No one who spent much time in Florida would doubt the race-bating intent of DeSantis's "monkey it up" comment. We are going to hear much more like it from him too. He can't win unless he does. He'll likely win if he can stir up enough division. Certainly it will work in the North of his state. But I think Trump has hit the race button so many times it might be worn out.
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Well-Known Member

I have methigan on ignore because he is so fucking boring.

Is he really trying defending DeSantis's racist comment by repeating the lie about how "that's commonly used in the navy"?

LOL. Nobody who spent much time in Florida would doubt the race-bating intent of DeSantis's "monkey it up" comment. We are going to hear much more like it from him too. He can't win unless he does. He'll likely win if he can stir up enough division. Certainly it will work in the North of his state. But I think Trump has hit the race button so many times it might be worn out.
Yep, methigan is defending racism again

Well, not sure if “again” is the right word since he has been continuously defending it for years now