Greenpoint seeds!!

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
healthy microbes is the key. the roots actually talk and send the microbes to fetch their food. you need to buy the book Teaming with micobes by jeff lowenfels. he has 3 books on the subject.
I totally agree, which is why I use AACT for the first watering.
If it's not convenient or I don't have time to brew tea, there are other options.
Liquid Ass (Microbe Life Photosythesis Plus) is good, and Mammoth P is all the rage (though I've never tried it).

One thing I really like about organics is that plants regulate themselves (to a point). I ran a tomato this year using twice as much Epsoma Tomato Tone than was recommended on the bag -- and the plant did great! I gave it some molasses + potassium sulfate at the end and the fruit was fantastic.


Well-Known Member
Only problem with that is, how do you know what an elite cut is if youve never grown one, not gonna lie i thought i knew what one was until i got a clone of golden goat. It changed my entire way of plant selection. Keepers are what you wanna keep but elite cuts are very rare.
True but your golden goat may not be an elite to me or someone. Every plant as a chance to be an elite to someone. Elite to me doesnt mean its clone only. Elite to me is a single plant that has the traits the person growing it is looking for. My mother of 90s purps is elite. It had 7 years of selecting. Back crossing, and selecting. Built up to what it is today. It the most grape smell I've smelled in any plant. And tests in middle 20% it will creep up on you and put you to sleep right now. It's very very narcotic. Not very many purples have that trait. I have around 600 seeds of it. But my mother is an elite. Bc I know no one will ever have it but me. They may have beans of the strain. But not the pheno i have. Not arguing jus saying. It might not he an elite to you. But it is me. And I'd bet you that if you grow a clone of my 90s purps black pheno mother you wouldnt find another grape/purple that touches it.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure even if clones aren't accessible that USPS is delivering the same flowers to those of us here in prohibition land. Unless someone's totally unconnected and their grow is their only source there's a good chance all of us have come across elite flowers.
My thoughts exactly


Well-Known Member
I totally agree, which is why I use AACT for the first watering.
If it's not convenient or I don't have time to brew tea, there are other options.
Liquid Ass (Microbe Life Photosythesis Plus) is good, and Mammoth P is all the rage (though I've never tried it).

One thing I really like about organics is that plants regulate themselves (to a point). I ran a tomato this year using twice as much Epsoma Tomato Tone than was recommended on the bag -- and the plant did great! I gave it some molasses + potassium sulfate at the end and the fruit was fantastic.
the price of mammoth p scares people off. but it goes a long way. 500ml will last me all year for cost of a 1/2 an oz.


Well-Known Member
I seen that enjoyment strain for 500 a cut. Looks good but idk , 500 bucks!?
the guys getting them on forums are often not paying for more than shipping. sometimes not even that. these are coming from friends made over years of posting.

if you want those cuts the best thing you can do is just contribute and be supportive. you will make friends and one day you may find yourself with some cuts. a lot of growers are happy to share for the right reasons.

i was recently gifted a cut of a plant that i have loved smoking over the past few years. i had my buddy have his friend let the grower know that is was some of the best kush smoke i've had in my life, coming from someone who grows. the guy responded by giving his friend a cut to give to me. it wasn't even a cutting, it was a teen that i was able to take 13 cuts off. point of the story is that if you're not being fake and only hanging around to ask for cuts, and show some love you might just get your hands on something special without spending $500.

that being said, i would have paid $500 for the hindu kush clone i was given recently. i love the cut and have a decent handle on the environment where i grow so it would be a small investment for what can be produced once i have it.


Well-Known Member
I was ready to jump on those wifi's till i seen it was crossed with something else. Disappointing , really want some wifi, be good for somebody with the cut to make some backcrosses
I have a great wifi cut but i don't think it's right to do that to OG raskal, he's still in business and that's his genetics.


Well-Known Member
I have a great wifi cut but i don't think it's right to do that to OG raskal, he's still in business and that's his genetics.
I'm sure if you had a conversation with him about using said cut in a project of yours and you credit Raskal visibly, he'd be cool with it.

Most people just want the courtesy of a conversation and credit where it is due. We want to be recognized for putting in our valuable time right?


Well-Known Member
From my point of view I might could spend that much or more (and have actually) to find a good pheno. So if it's all that, itd be worth it to me , but I also have to factor in the worry of it surviving shipping. Id like to have it to see how what i have stands up. To people out west im sure it's not a good buy, but like I said there's just nothing around here that I know of.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure if you had a conversation with him about using said cut in a project of yours and you credit Raskal visibly, he'd be cool with it.

Most people just want the courtesy of a conversation and credit where it is due. We want to be recognized for putting in our valuable time right?
I think it should be changed to paki wifi or wifi kush at least
Right now i am working on my cut of wifi crossed to a beastly tangie male, so wifi x tangie

I wouldn't feel right doing a backcross or self cross


Well-Known Member
Why does he have these listed , like wifi f1, when its a pck cross. I assume it's 50:50 and not a BX.

I'm not sure why. It seems a bit misleading, but he doesn't try to hide the fact that it's a PCK cross.
One things for sure, theres some vigor, in those PCK crosses.
"F1" is short for "F1 hybrid."
It is the appropriate name for exactly what the strain is: The first generation of a hybrid outcross.

He has grouped his product line into families based on the male used to breed with. He needs to create a specific category for the PCK hybrids on his site and add it to the menu like he did with the 79 xmas bud (male) hybrids. Unfortunately, he hasn't done that yet and the xmas bud and PCK male crosses are mixed together in his site, causing confusion.

He has used IG "strain naming contests" for the fem lines and xmas bud crosses to create buzz about his site and product lines and I'm sure it's worked well.
He hasn't come up with clever names for most of the PCK crosses for some reason, preferring to name them in a way any breeder would understand, but apparently some regular folks do not.

He does have 3 PCK crosses that have clever names:
These 2 crosses are named because they are the core of his "Purple Plague" line of regs. I'm sure it makes listing the pedigrees much easier for those worked lines.

Fire Pak 43 . . . seems like he just got a bit carried away with the clever name thing and couldn't stop :-)

Hope this helps.

In the case of the PCK,


Well-Known Member
I totally agree, which is why I use AACT for the first watering.
If it's not convenient or I don't have time to brew tea, there are other options.
Liquid Ass (Microbe Life Photosythesis Plus) is good, and Mammoth P is all the rage (though I've never tried it).

One thing I really like about organics is that plants regulate themselves (to a point). I ran a tomato this year using twice as much Epsoma Tomato Tone than was recommended on the bag -- and the plant did great! I gave it some molasses + potassium sulfate at the end and the fruit was fantastic.
LOL @ "Liquid Ass"

I've had good luck with Epsoma too. Even Jobes organic spikes can help plants make it to the finish line without the use of bottles.
I stopped brewing AACT and use Recharge instead. I've been using it about a yr and really like it.

The Mammoth P seems to get mixed reviews. Some call it snake oil, others have posted some inaccurate info claiming its just PGRs, but from my own observations it works really well at helping the plants utilize the available P that can get bound up with Cal. The side by sides I've done were enough for me to keep using it. At 1mg per gal a little goes a long way.
The only con with Mammoth (besides its price tag) is its short shelf life. If you buy it from the hydro stores avoid the darker colored bottles. Its should be gold...not brown.
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Well-Known Member
"F1" is short for "F1 hybrid."
It is the appropriate name for exactly what the strain is: The first generation of a hybrid outcross.

He has grouped his product line into families based on the male used to breed with. He needs to create a specific category for the PCK hybrids on his site and add it to the menu like he did with the 79 xmas bud (male) hybrids. Unfortunately, he hasn't done that yet and the xmas bud and PCK male crosses are mixed together in his site, causing confusion.

He has used IG "strain naming contests" for the fem lines and xmas bud crosses to create buzz about his site and product lines and I'm sure it's worked well.
He hasn't come up with clever names for most of the PCK crosses for some reason, preferring to name them in a way any breeder would understand, but apparently some regular folks do not.

He does have 3 PCK crosses that have clever names:
These 2 crosses are named because they are the core of his "Purple Plague" line of regs. I'm sure it makes listing the pedigrees much easier for those worked lines.

Fire Pak 43 . . . seems like he just got a bit carried away with the clever name thing and couldn't stop :-)

Hope this helps.

In the case of the PCK,
I understand the f1 terminology, but its not a cross of the white by fire og, I do like the fire paki 43 though


Well-Known Member
Me'h. Theres tons of great Wifi crosses that are just as good if not better than the original.

As others have stated "elite" is subjective....very subjective.


Well-Known Member
LOL @ "Liquid Ass"

I've had good luck with Epsoma too. Even Jobes organic spikes can help plants make it to the finish line without the use of bottles.
I stopped brewing AACT and use Recharge instead. I've been using about a yr and really like it.

The Mammoth P seems to get mixed reviews. Some call it snake oil, others have posted some inaccurate info claiming its just PGRs, but from my own observations it works really well at helping the plants utilize the available P that can get bound up with Cal. The side by sides I've done were enough for me to keep using it. At 1mg per gal a little goes a long way.
The only con with Mammoth (besides its price tag) is its short shelf life. If you buy it from the hydro stores avoid the darker colored bottles. Its should be gold...not brown.
mammoth p works.

get a plant in hydro with some root rot, apply mammoth p, rot is cured.

it works very well in soil as well, yes it's costly but it keeps your roots clean at least which will lead to a better harvest. I am unsure about the additional p it does seem to bring big harvests.