Colin Kapernick is the face of Nike's Just do it campaign. Old white men burn shoes. Too funny


Well-Known Member
Every time I speak these people’s suspected native languages, they either stop talking or disappear completely. Pretty sure I’m dead on or at least on the right track each time.
Even a 假在线人物 needs to sleep. The day job exploiting capitalism also takes up a bit of my time too.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
You asked about my country, not ethnicity, 鬼佬.
You’re clearly Chinese. You speak Mandarin. You talk of exploiting Capitalism (to tell you the truth, I’ve got my own issues with Capitalism, but that’s neither here nor there.) The point is, you’re a Chinese troll. Are you getting paid for this, or is this just your political persuasion driving you?


Well-Known Member
You’re clearly Chinese. You speak Mandarin. You talk of exploiting Capitalism (to tell you the truth, I’ve got my own issues with Capitalism, but that’s neither here nor there.) The point is, you’re a Chinese troll. Are you getting paid for this, or is this just your political persuasion driving you?
Before you said I wasn't Asian. What gives?


Well-Known Member
You’re not Asian. Or maybe you are. It doesn’t really matter either way. You are either intellectually disabled or intentionally subversive. Choose one.
You're the one using "socks." We use 假在线人物 (online imitation character).

I neglected my heritage for too long out of spite. But because you guys went too far by your subveriveness has caused some of my people to claim they're a person of color so they don't get harassed. That's really fucked up.

I'm tired of it. First all you cared about was the boogeyman white. Now we have an almost impossible time getting into math and computer majors, even compared to whites, because we try too hard.

You should've left well enough alone with your hatred of whites. This is all on you.

The more groups you all start attacking, the more of us who will leave your side and fight back.


Well-Known Member
You're the one using "socks." We use 假在线人物 (online imitation character).

I neglected my heritage for too long out of spite. But because you guys went too far by your subveriveness has caused some of my people to claim they're a person of color so they don't get harassed. That's really fucked up.

I'm tired of it. First all you cared about was the boogeyman white. Now we have an almost impossible time getting into math and computer majors, even compared to whites, because we try too hard.

You should've left well enough alone with your hatred of whites. This is all on you.

The more groups you all start attacking, the more of us who will leave your side and fight back.
The correct term is "white privilege".

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
You're the one using "socks." We use 假在线人物 (online imitation character).

I neglected my heritage for too long out of spite. But because you guys went too far by your subveriveness has caused some of my people to claim they're a person of color so they don't get harassed. That's really fucked up.

I'm tired of it. First all you cared about was the boogeyman white. Now we have an almost impossible time getting into math and computer majors, even compared to whites, because we try too hard.

You should've left well enough alone with your hatred of whites. This is all on you.

The more groups you all start attacking, the more of us who will leave your side and fight back.
Did you just say hatred of whites? Because I’m probably one of the palest people you’ll ever meet.

Also, I’m not using any socks, they’d have banned me by now.


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Stink Bug

Well-Known Member
Hearsay from a cop on trial. But you will immediately believe it because it fits your narrative. So predictable. Wouldn't expect anything less from you keyboard social warriors.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Hearsay from a cop on trial. But you will immediately believe it because it fits your narrative. So predictable.
Actually, other cops in Baltimore have also been convicted of corruption. It’s called a pattern of abuse, that’s the correct term you’re looking for.