my first grow how do they look and a few ?s


Well-Known Member
welp snipped my buds off they look so lonely off of the plant lol going to buy some lil scissors today so i can trim off the lil leaves n think im attempt to make some hash -_-



Well-Known Member
ok so i just went to water the last 2 plants alberta the next one for chop is looking great! but my topped plant isnt looking so hot.. ive had no problems from day 1 with any of the plants im now on something like 16 weeks the topped plant got stunted after i topped it but after it recovered and still now looks great as far as growth and production but its leaves have little yellowish brownish white spots on it lol and they are starting droop down.. now i watered them like 3 days in a row cuz they were really dry but i let them go for 3 days to dry out a lil could it be from not watering? or what else could it be :/ like i said the other plant looks fine same setup same nutes everything can anyone help! :(


Well-Known Member
thats fine the leaves will start to die off towards the end of its life. that means its using all the engery outta those leaves for the GoOdNeSs =)

those buds are gunna be awesome... how much do you think the yield will be?


Well-Known Member
hey thx for the reply peace well the plant has been flowering for 10 weeks but has like 0 brown hairs lol just keeps getting bigger but i went in n watered with nutes and within an hour she was fine again leaves perked right back up i just think it was low on water and nutrients all together and i went to this plant problem thread and found what i think was a phosphorus deficencey so im sure the nutes helped with that since the plant looks 100 times better lol but thanks again for the reply i thought thats maybe what it was too but it looked a lil diffrent ;)


Well-Known Member
thats fine the leaves will start to die off towards the end of its life. that means its using all the engery outta those leaves for the GoOdNeSs =)

those buds are gunna be awesome... how much do you think the yield will be?
oh n im not sure how much itll yield its hard to tell for me b/w wet n dry since this is my first grow lol but im guessing 2 ozs dry :/ lol that would be greaaaat for me!


Well-Known Member
ok so i just went to water the last 2 plants alberta the next one for chop is looking great! but my topped plant isnt looking so hot.. ive had no problems from day 1 with any of the plants im now on something like 16 weeks the topped plant got stunted after i topped it but after it recovered and still now looks great as far as growth and production but its leaves have little yellowish brownish white spots on it lol and they are starting droop down.. now i watered them like 3 days in a row cuz they were really dry but i let them go for 3 days to dry out a lil could it be from not watering? or what else could it be :/ like i said the other plant looks fine same setup same nutes everything can anyone help! :(
is this the lower leaves? then yea they'll die off.


New Member
we are all so funny. Freaking out over plants like they are our children or something.

Girldatgrows, I like your new avatar, good work on the grow. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
we are all so funny. Freaking out over plants like they are our children or something.

Girldatgrows, I like your new avatar, good work on the grow. :bigjoint:
hey thanks misshester :0 and yes it is funny i try not to over think/do but sometimes im like ahhh are they gonna die lol all that work and you dont want something bad to happen lol n yessss they r tasty lil childern mr nice -_- gonna weigh out the buds tonight after i finish trim ill let yall know keep yo fingers crossed! lolsbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
This chick will be a contender for sure. Looking very nice indeed. Girl u gangsta!
lol why thank you but im not too sure bout that -_- i cant compare to your grow desert so why even join! lol but for real i only used cfls and my shit is bagseed so i really dont think i could compare to any of the ppl in that comp.. i am very happy with what i got though this being my first grow n not having the light i would like.. but maybe the next one thinking about buying a 400 hps -_- but thanks again~!


Well-Known Member
how much do 400hps would cost.
ive never done inside grow girl... so could you enlighten me? =)
sorry to be off topic lol

Killa Man

Well-Known Member
Really? Only cfls? Thats an inspiration for a cfl grower like myself and i think since you grew those bagseeds so lovely, they actually grew into some high grade. Its like the princess adopting a peasent orphan. One day that little peasent will become a princess themselves..Wow...i just came up with that analogy myself... :)


Well-Known Member
how much do 400hps would cost.
ive never done inside grow girl... so could you enlighten me? =)
sorry to be off topic lol

ohh you dont ever have to worry about going off topic or about what you post in my thread i dun care ;) and this is the one i was thinking about getting

High Tech Garden Supply

so 119 not bad considering i pay 100 for a half of shwagg here.. i know i know its a fkin rip off but thats what i got please throw me a pity party lol

and yep all cfls ;) i do believe i have changed a peasent into a princess as you would say lol my buds look 10000 times better than the bag i pulled the seeds out of lols and thank you again -_- i am very proud of my gals! lol


Well-Known Member
ahh quick ? i know im a noob! lol so when i put my buds in a paperbag should i clip them off the stem like make them individual? like right now i have like 2 or 3 per stem lol