I got more clones in dirt. My experiment cloning in perlite was only about 50% successful. There's no rhyme or reason to the split either, only about half of each strain put out roots, and about half of each of those put out thick roots in just over a week, the other half went 3+weeks before throwing roots. I don't get it. I'm gonna stick with rapid rooters, everything roots within 2 weeks.
I cut down over 30 mammoth sunflowers after that, a couple were easily 12ft tall. I'm gonna keep a bunch of seeds to roast for snacking and a handful of the larger plants seeds for next years crop, the rest will go to the birds over winter. I have a couple with all black seeds, apparently they have a higher oil content when they're like that. They did make my hands real sticky like if I was trimming. I'm wondering what they'll taste like roasted? I'll be keeping some of those for next year also.
Now I'm waiting for lights to kick on, I gotta move plants out, clean a tent and get the next round in there. And I'm already getting tired.