
Well-Known Member
Is medical marijuana used for treatment for ADD? Because if it is, then it definately doesn't work

im tellin ya USE THE FISH
I like the idea behind it, and the historical evidence of it working [indians/pilgrims, etc.], but i don't like the idea that there will be a rotting fish calling for all kinds of animals, bugs, and bacteria to have a all you can eat buffet on the fish and my ladies.... Would it work to put some fish in my compost pile a few weeks before the transplant outdoors, and then after a few weeks use the compost for the transplant?


Well-Known Member
You might want to try Gibberellic acid and Jasmonic acid, though Gibberellic can hermie your plant(probably dependant on dosage).:peace:


Well-Known Member
Noone has even mentioned strain yet. Thats a HUGE factor in the final size of your plant. Some Thai & Afghani strains can get 15 feet tall, the tradeoff being a looooooong flowering period (3-6 months) so while those might not be practical where your living (where are you living? dont have to give me your address, but a general area would be helpful) you can get some fantastic Hazes and the like that will grow big and go fast enough to finish.
If you want big plants you're really gonna wanna start them inside, for at least a couple months (why not 6) You're gonna want to use clones or femmed seeds or at very least have identified some preflowers, putting alot of love into growing an unwelcome male is always a downer.
Use quality nutes, make sure you support and renforce the plants as they grow taller, cover them during big storms, use preventative measures to keep pests away, and be smart, having your plants stolen or being arrested would be a bummer.a
Anyhow, good luck and i hope to see some pics of the monsters when they're growing.


Well-Known Member
Noone has even mentioned strain yet. Thats a HUGE factor in the final size of your plant. Some Thai & Afghani strains can get 15 feet tall, the tradeoff being a looooooong flowering period (3-6 months) so while those might not be practical where your living (where are you living? dont have to give me your address, but a general area would be helpful) you can get some fantastic Hazes and the like that will grow big and go fast enough to finish.
I just started 3 good kushes 2 days ago and their heads are just poking out of the soil [is kush good for a monster?] so by the time i put them outside in march/april, they should be good. and i live in GA so i have a long season [its oct. 10th today and its still 65-85*F here.]

If you want big plants you're really gonna wanna start them inside, for at least a couple months (why not 6) You're gonna want to use clones or femmed seeds or at very least have identified some preflowers, putting alot of love into growing an unwelcome male is always a downer.
i read somewhere a while back [although i can't find it again or i havent tried it] that when the plant is at 6-8 nodes, you can put it in 12/12 for about 2-3 weeks so you can determine sex, then put it back into 18/6 and re-veg it.... is this true?

kinda scatterbrained, sorry :bigjoint:


Active Member
try the fish thing, put some fish down a couple of feet in the hole, native american style
if you do this outdoors... you will attract critters which will dig up your precious plant. if you do this indoors... it will stink to high hell. good idea in theory... bad idea in practice


Well-Known Member
I just started 3 good kushes 2 days ago and their heads are just poking out of the soil [is kush good for a monster?]
Not especially. "true" kushes are Pure Indica, which means short squat plants. Good yield, and you could probably still grow em real big, but if you and i share the same idea of "monsters" then they're not really your ideal choice for huge plants. Having said that, grow em out, you might be suprised.
so by the time i put them outside in march/april, they should be good. and i live in GA so i have a long season [its oct. 10th today and its still 65-85*F here.]
Good to hear, i'd kill for a long growing season!!!

i read somewhere a while back [although i can't find it again or i havent tried it] that when the plant is at 6-8 nodes, you can put it in 12/12 for about 2-3 weeks so you can determine sex, then put it back into 18/6 and re-veg it.... is this true?
You can. However I wouldnt recommend it, as this can stress your ladies into going hermie, and thats never fun.

kinda scatterbrained, sorry :bigjoint:
I'd love to see some pictures if you have.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to see some pictures if you have.
they just poked their heads out of the soil last night/this morning, but they only have cotyledons and very tiny little leaves. but today when i opened up the box, a little "stream" of what looked like smoke came out [it could have been white paint, because did a little touch up job yesterday], and the tops of 2 of them looked a little brown/burnt. it was at 95* but i fixed that. i'll put some up tomorrow when they get a little bigger.


Well-Known Member
I wanna hear from FDD, but i'm trying to compile a list of how to grow a monster. so far i have a few things: alot of nitrogen, big hole/pot, supercropping, topping/fimming, pruning, etc.

how do YOU grow your monster? :peace:

Where I'm from; very north continental u.s. the beginning seems right to being in mid spring (may 15 - 20 ). Proceed to my grow where it is tucked nicely away in weeden. A lot of amish folk live around my town (population 5,000) and have lumber mills and what have you so I go to the local Amish lumber yards and grab scrape maple ply scrap about one - two feet high 4 foot long and about one inch thick. I manufacture my own raised bed with these boards. After making these boxes leave the bottom s open, and make sure you take all of the sod out of the ground underneath the box perfectly so the box can kind of sit in the ground maybe 1 or 2 inches nice and snug. Now proceed to put about 15 feet diameter of small hole chicken wire around the grow circle with the raised bed perfectly in the middle. This will keep away all kinds of small animal pests that will eat your beautiful ganj goddesses. Its kind of funny that animals enjoy a plant that is illegal in the u.s., but back on track. Fill your raised bed with any good mixture of soil mixes. sometimes I use barn scrappings and 2 or 3 year old manure that has turned into pure black dirt basically. use pete moss earthworm castings and guano properly according to dose based on how much dirt you have. Now most people I know that grow don't do this but I do, that is to start your plants right after new years inside and get them about 4 foot tall and sexed (if mommas, clones no worrry) I take them from inside and bring them out around may 15 - 20 and transplant them into my raised beds. Throughout the year I make special trips once a weekend to feed my ganja goddesses a well dose cocktail of P and K and sugars to help ripen all those swolen glands she will acheive not too long down the road. Throughout the year make sure you pay attention to drought and rain forecasts, don't worry too much if there is a small drought if there is a mediocre to severe drought obviously worry, but since all the sod was removed and your raised bed is actually connected well into the earths very own the roots will grow deep. especially of when you transplant your goddesses make sure to dig halfway to the wholeway to the earth.. put your goddesses in and fill them right back up so the roots are already there. Now this has worked great for me and a few older guys that taught me how to boogie it. If anyone has any input or wants to ask me any questions about this please don't hesitate because ya never just know what could happen.


sorry I pinched the skunk and forgot to explain the rest this is the edit to finish what i began.

Through the beginning of spring and through the summer ledge your plants which means bend them over and tie them down so they run parrallel with the ground. as the later months and budding starts to occur this is going to be reversed, the buds will get heavey and the plants will want to fall and lay on the ground. You can't let this happen, if you are in the woods find some branches that have a nice crutch in them and stick them in the ground every foot or so until your whole plant is resting nicely in the middle of all those v's and never touches the ground that will consume it. As your plant grows normal branches that would be smaller buds on the bottom of your plant if you grew it normal will actually turn into huge giant headies, just as big as a normal headie, but the difference is now since you have done this with the plant you have multiplied the main headie count by however long and how many branches your goddess has. now I dare someone to try this as soon as possible because once you see what happens you will never forget why you started growing in the first place. Thanks and excuse my broken story for I got blazed and went into a daze and forgot what i stated for a bout a day and about a day later I remembered I had to complete this. Peace


Well-Known Member
Where I'm from; very north continental u.s. the beginning seems right to being in mid spring (may 15 - 20 ). Proceed to my grow where it is tucked nicely away in weeden. A lot of amish folk live around my town (population 5,000) and have lumber mills and what have you so I go to the local Amish lumber yards and grab scrape maple ply scrap about one - two feet high 4 foot long and about one inch thick. I manufacture my own raised bed with these boards. After making these boxes leave the bottom s open, and make sure you take all of the sod out of the ground underneath the box perfectly so the box can kind of sit in the ground maybe 1 or 2 inches nice and snug. Now proceed to put about 15 feet diameter of small hole chicken wire around the grow circle with the raised bed perfectly in the middle. This will keep away all kinds of small animal pests that will eat your beautiful ganj goddesses. Its kind of funny that animals enjoy a plant that is illegal in the u.s., but back on track. Fill your raised bed with any good mixture of soil mixes. sometimes I use barn scrappings and 2 or 3 year old manure that has turned into pure black dirt basically. use pete moss earthworm castings and guano properly according to dose based on how much dirt you have. Now most people I know that grow don't do this but I do, that is to start your plants right after new years inside and get them about 4 foot tall and sexed (if mommas, clones no worrry) I take them from inside and bring them out around may 15 - 20 and transplant them into my raised beds. Throughout the year I make special trips once a weekend to feed my ganja goddesses a well dose cocktail of P and K and sugars to help ripen all those swolen glands she will acheive not too long down the road. Throughout the year make sure you pay attention to drought and rain forecasts, don't worry too much if there is a small drought if there is a mediocre to severe drought obviously worry, but since all the sod was removed and your raised bed is actually connected well into the earths very own the roots will grow deep. especially of when you transplant your goddesses make sure to dig halfway to the wholeway to the earth.. put your goddesses in and fill them right back up so the roots are already there. Now this has worked great for me and a few older guys that taught me how to boogie it. If anyone has any input or wants to ask me any questions about this please don't hesitate because ya never just know what could happen.


sorry I pinched the skunk and forgot to explain the rest this is the edit to finish what i began.

Through the beginning of spring and through the summer ledge your plants which means bend them over and tie them down so they run parrallel with the ground. as the later months and budding starts to occur this is going to be reversed, the buds will get heavey and the plants will want to fall and lay on the ground. You can't let this happen, if you are in the woods find some branches that have a nice crutch in them and stick them in the ground every foot or so until your whole plant is resting nicely in the middle of all those v's and never touches the ground that will consume it. As your plant grows normal branches that would be smaller buds on the bottom of your plant if you grew it normal will actually turn into huge giant headies, just as big as a normal headie, but the difference is now since you have done this with the plant you have multiplied the main headie count by however long and how many branches your goddess has. now I dare someone to try this as soon as possible because once you see what happens you will never forget why you started growing in the first place. Thanks and excuse my broken story for I got blazed and went into a daze and forgot what i stated for a bout a day and about a day later I remembered I had to complete this. Peace
Wow! Thats a helluva first post.

wtf l0L

Active Member
fish thing works ive done it b4 we do it all the time in australia even with dead kangaroos theres a guy here on riu that has done it with previous monsters, its in grow diaries somewhere.