Computer nerds please read

Ninja, Shroud, Dr. Disrespect, Kabby, WCRighttrigger, ThumblessGaGa, Flex Zone, Wanted, and many other males and the hundrededs Of females (model types) streamers wouldn’t be making money off it if they didn’t try. And everyone after Ninja is PUBG players (Each game has its own big streamer e.g. Zombies there is JD Dalek, Codename Pizza, and Glitching Queen who all made it on YouTube) and they get paid for it. I’m pretty sure with twitch it’s 5$ per follower for every follower after 5000 followers. A lot of people make enough money playing/streaming, just few make it rich & famous. If I didn’t love what I did I wouldn’t do it. Maybe that’ll be what they love doing (get them into graphic design or computer science) plus you could use it to motivate them to get their studies done.

competitive players
Streamers (twitch, mixer, YouTube)
Walkthrough makers
Glitch finders
Tournament groups (MLG, KSI, Etc.)
Beta Testers
Game Reviews

A lot you can do and it’s a steadily growing field.

What if ninja didn’t get to become ninja, dude can’t even stream with a female gamer without gossip of him sleeping with her, married to a model, makes estimated 750,000$ a month playing video games. Hangs out with Juice Wrld. Living the dream on his dream job it can happen.
Ninja, Shroud, Dr. Disrespect, Kabby, WCRighttrigger, ThumblessGaGa, Flex Zone, Wanted, and many other males and the hundrededs Of females (model types) streamers wouldn’t be making money off it if they didn’t try. And everyone after Ninja is PUBG players (Each game has its own big streamer e.g. Zombies there is JD Dalek, Codename Pizza, and Glitching Queen who all made it on YouTube) and they get paid for it. I’m pretty sure with twitch it’s 5$ per follower for every follower after 5000 followers. A lot of people make enough money playing/streaming, just few make it rich & famous. If I didn’t love what I did I wouldn’t do it. Maybe that’ll be what they love doing (get them into graphic design or computer science) plus you could use it to motivate them to get their studies done.

competitive players
Streamers (twitch, mixer, YouTube)
Walkthrough makers
Glitch finders
Tournament groups (MLG, KSI, Etc.)
Beta Testers
Game Reviews

A lot you can do and it’s a steadily growing field.

What if ninja didn’t get to become ninja, dude can’t even stream with a female gamer without gossip of him sleeping with her, married to a model, makes estimated 750,000$ a month playing video games. Hangs out with Juice Wrld. Living the dream on his dream job it can happen.
i read an article about that ninja dude... hes making a lot of money doing what he does. but he had a job and still worked until he didnt have time for a normal job anymore. he didnt just base his whole life off video games until he knew hed make a living a doing it.

also...... its good to have a real career. noone is going to want to watch an older guy/girl play video games
What if ninja didn’t get to become ninja, dude can’t even stream with a female gamer without gossip of him sleeping with her, married to a model, makes estimated 750,000$ a month playing video games. Hangs out with Juice Wrld. Living the dream on his dream job it can happen.

So can winning the lottery or getting struck by lightening more than once but let's get realistic here.

P.S. Is MrStickyScissors your dad? You seem to be trying awfully hard to convince him to buy his son all this stuff.
I myself accept only games like . Other types of computer games are just a waste of time. Well, if you have nothing to do at all, it's a nice idea to play but otherwise why not to spend time in a more useful manner?
Spend money on a car, and make him earn enough to buy/build his own setup himself, if he really wants it. That would be a win-win, and would teach him the value of money and a job.. he'll probably drop the computer idea before he can even afford it, and start chasing tail instead...
playing games, yes okay. streaming, no. there's little to no way he'd be able to make it unless he's a god at the game.
get him a good gaming computer, shitty headset that has a microphone on it, mouse keyboard all that jazz and call it a night.
kids shouldn't be streaming or on social media in general, if you ask me. it's a way of self validation, and only gets into your psyche, and harms you. why do you think rates of depression, anxiety, and all that have raised immensly in the past few years.
followers, likes, shares are nothing but self validation. it's been scientifically proven, that when people get likes, follows etc on social media, dopamine gets released into their brain.
so logically, don't let your kid go down this path of streaming, it'll only hurt him in the long run, even if he makes it to be big.
let him play his games, and stick to that. there's too much that comes with streaming, you'd have to get a god like router/modem so that you're able to use the internet while he's streaming, possibly even change internet providers.
now because i know some cuck is gonna come in here and say "what if he does make it???"
the odds of that happening are 1 and a million, at least. it's not worth the waste of money, time, or mental space.

Ninja, Shroud, Dr. Disrespect, Kabby, WCRighttrigger, ThumblessGaGa, Flex Zone, Wanted, and many other males and the hundrededs Of females (model types) streamers wouldn’t be making money off it if they didn’t try. And everyone after Ninja is PUBG players (Each game has its own big streamer e.g. Zombies there is JD Dalek, Codename Pizza, and Glitching Queen who all made it on YouTube) and they get paid for it. I’m pretty sure with twitch it’s 5$ per follower for every follower after 5000 followers. A lot of people make enough money playing/streaming, just few make it rich & famous. If I didn’t love what I did I wouldn’t do it. Maybe that’ll be what they love doing (get them into graphic design or computer science) plus you could use it to motivate them to get their studies done.

competitive players
Streamers (twitch, mixer, YouTube)
Walkthrough makers
Glitch finders
Tournament groups (MLG, KSI, Etc.)
Beta Testers
Game Reviews

A lot you can do and it’s a steadily growing field.

What if ninja didn’t get to become ninja, dude can’t even stream with a female gamer without gossip of him sleeping with her, married to a model, makes estimated 750,000$ a month playing video games. Hangs out with Juice Wrld. Living the dream on his dream job it can happen.
i felt like i needed to respond to this. it's not $5 per follower, that'd be outragous. it's $2.50 per subscriber, and someone else has to pay $5 to subscribe. you don't even get this feature until you're a bigger streamer.
let's not forget that every single person you mentioned had previous things going on. ninja was great at pubg, shroud was great at csgo, disrespect rages and is just fucking hilarious, i could go on all day, but you need something that people will watch.
there's plenty of glitch fingers
no tournys in fortnite, the players playing currently are the beta testers, and the people that make reviews on the game have already established themselves, and aren't going anywhere.
to stream you MUST have something UNIQUE about you that other people will take interest to. if not you're wasting your time mental space and money.

i'd personally NEVER let my kid stream if i had one, because of the whole self validation thing in its self, that should be enough reason for you to not let him.
buy a couple of disc golf drivers, a putter to share, and drag his ass out to the frisbee golf'll both get some sun, some fresh air, a little exercise, and you'll be playing a fun game together...and i've hooked up a couple of times when a group of young ladies play through.....
playing games on the pc is fun, but it's never gotten me laid....
buy a couple of disc golf drivers, a putter to share, and drag his ass out to the frisbee golf'll both get some sun, some fresh air, a little exercise, and you'll be playing a fun game together...and i've hooked up a couple of times when a group of young ladies play through.....
playing games on the pc is fun, but it's never gotten me laid....
i don't think a 10-15 year olds objective is to get laid lol
buy a couple of disc golf drivers, a putter to share, and drag his ass out to the frisbee golf'll both get some sun, some fresh air, a little exercise, and you'll be playing a fun game together...and i've hooked up a couple of times when a group of young ladies play through.....
playing games on the pc is fun, but it's never gotten me laid....
I have noticed
Not a lot of women play Frisbee Golf
I wonder why?
really? that's not how i remember it....maybe not at ten, but by 13 i not only had "discovered" women....i was actively trying to get somewhere...usually frustrated....
I agree at 12 my dick was becoming my friend at 13 I could not get enough
Thank God I had a boat load of older sisters who always had their friends sleep over and they were all at least 2 yrs older so they were in heat.
buy a couple of disc golf drivers, a putter to share, and drag his ass out to the frisbee golf'll both get some sun, some fresh air, a little exercise, and you'll be playing a fun game together...and i've hooked up a couple of times when a group of young ladies play through.....
playing games on the pc is fun, but it's never gotten me laid....

Girl: "Can we play through?"
Roger: "Sure, but I'll need to bone you first though... My dick is a 14 | 6 | +6 | -9, so It'll be a fast and hard 6 with a slight curve to the right and a sharp left at the tip..."
Girl: "Perfect!"

See, it's that easy folks! ;)
if you're his son, and still asking him for money, arent you a lil young to be on this website?
Don’t limit me man. I’m a peacock and you gotta let me fly.

i don't think a 10-15 year olds objective is to get laid lol
I feel like you were an odd child...

I agree with the opening your kid up to the worlds opinion could be a bad idea if they’re insecure they could be open to cyber bullying. Like I said buy him the system, if he can hang with the sweats he can move from there.
Don’t limit me man. I’m a peacock and you gotta let me fly.

I feel like you were an odd child...

I agree with the opening your kid up to the worlds opinion could be a bad idea if they’re insecure they could be open to cyber bullying. Like I said buy him the system, if he can hang with the sweats he can move from there.
you bet i was an odd child haha. i wasn't talking about cyber bullying, i don't think cyber bullying is real, if i'm being honest. there's a fancy block button on almost any game/site you go to now adays.
soo are you actually his kid or not? o_O
you bet i was an odd child haha. i wasn't talking about cyber bullying, i don't think cyber bullying is real, if i'm being honest. there's a fancy block button on almost any game/site you go to now adays.
soo are you actually his kid or not? o_O
Hahah no bud, I’m a MMJ Caregiver with a few grow journals on here already.

I have noticed
Not a lot of women play Frisbee Golf
I wonder why?
Dude... females love frisbee golf.