Trump gave an AMAZING speech at the UN


Well-Known Member
Best UN speech ever by a president!

We are getting our wealth back and its beginning to return to our shores and the globalist are completely chitting themselves over MAGA.

We are no longer the worlds piggy or their suckers. No apologizing tour like the last bowing idiot.

and how will this impact your life? what do you expect to get out of it?


Active Member
I like your jump. The reality is some people are unfit to govern. Hitler one. You see the female of early man was the controller. The "alpha" male thing came along later. The point was people who have this I'm better than you attitude has basis for reality. No doubt a tall man can out play me in basketball. Genetics. Trump Shouldn't be president. His "type" causes the general masses to have issues. Very simple. Should Charles Manson be allowed to run? How about mother teresa? Just the facts. Imagine the early times with Ivan the terrible. Now we are a global "community". No place else to go. We are all eating microplastics. Most have no idea. I'm an old man but I learned as a boy not to put your shithouse near you water supply. People are beating their chests like apes. And the world laughed at the top ape.
It's not a jump when you wrote it out. Just going off what you give us. We get it "trumps type" makes it hard on beta's. I never saw any democrats or betas's stop the production of plastics that eventually make it to the ocean. So I don't really get how you can blame plastics that we all use on one type of person.


Well-Known Member
I find anti globalists like old world China as well as other countries who shut off open borders don't really understand history. China's language is quite different due to isolasionism. Imagine a country where each "clan" has it's own rules. Like ours. Cultures are meaningless. They allow racism to flourish. Our ancestors 100,000 years ago started to understand these things. Cooperation was paramount in our evolution. But at the time survival was the most important thing. Now we have time to theorize about religion while subverting others. I think it would be an interesting study to determine genetically who is predisposed to be alpha and not allow them to breed. The Earth would appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
and that's exactly what i mean by "people are incapable of practicing husbandry on themselves"'s perfectly fine to cull animal populations when they get out of hand, but it's better to let people die of starvation, die in pain and fear in wars, to be oppressed by the winners of those wars....
Actually you are correct. That's why I stay away from some people. Just facts. Imagine planet of the apes with gorillas only. But genetically those that have that "trump" tude will rule the world if they are not controlled. Like a virus. Imagine if Hitler had been left alone. They were going too.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
They are weak and poor and disease riddled. So they fit the criteria of people you think should be done away with. And I don't think your plan would work out the way you think it would since you are lacking the inherent intelligence to decipher sarcasm.
you made the facial expression, no body "jk" sounded pretty sincere to me.....


Active Member
No I'm a retired electrical engineer. Having a great time watching the spoiled generation cry and whine. I was born with nothing and received a white bible and a suitcase for high school graduation. Put myself through school and had two kids. Worked for and retired from one if the top 5 companies. Sure.
So you worked for one the top 5 corporations and helped them get their plastics into the ocean. Yet that is trump and his supporters fault? OKAY BUDDY


Well-Known Member
It's not a jump when you wrote it out. Just going off what you give us. We get it "trumps type" makes it hard on beta's. I never saw any democrats or betas's stop the production of plastics that eventually make it to the ocean. So I don't really get how you can blame plastics that we all use on one type of person.
As I said what do you do? Maybe a medical doctor?


Well-Known Member
Trump just wanted a wall. shrubber wants to cull any person who doesn't fit his arbitrary boundaries of fitness. hmmmm
The government has been thinking about Roger's plan for 30 years.

"While traditional vaccines aim to provide protection against debilitating or life-threatening diseases, AFVs aim to prevent conception, a normal physiological process which is not a disease. The action of traditional vaccines is directed against foreign or ‘non-self’ antigens in the body, while AFVs direct their action against ‘self’ antigens. Such vaccines that aim to trigger an auto-immune response in the body necessarily interfere with its self-tolerance. Consequently, they carry the potential for inducing auto- immune disease. Furthermore, traditional vaccines use the specific “memory” of the immune system to continue to protect the body against re-infection and confer long-term/lifelong protective immunity. In contrast, AFVs are expected to offer contraceptive cover for a short, defined time period, and be reversible to allow conception. But the ‘switching off’ action of immuno- contraceptives has not yet been established, "
