Trump gave an AMAZING speech at the UN


Well-Known Member
The earth can not support the population at the present rate of growth. Most growth occurs in nations that are going to be dead zones for human life in the next 2 decades.

So do you cull the heard or does the USA take in a lot more immigrants?

Or do you cull. Start with the biggest whiners and work your way in maybe?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
The earth can not support the population at the present rate of growth. Most growth occurs in nations that are going to be dead zones for human life in the next 2 decades.

So do you cull the heard or does the USA take in a lot more immigrants?

Or do you cull. Start with the biggest whiners and work your way in maybe?
Space Farce !
I mean Force

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the earth can support it's present population, easily, if people could cooperate with each other. if excess food grown in good conditions was shipped to the people who actually need it, no one would be hungry. but people can't cooperate. usually people who aren't hungry get to make decisions, and can afford to have "principles" because their families aren't slowly starving to death.
there are huge populations sitting in limbo, fleeing war and oppression, trying to keep their families safe. most of them have been farmers forever, but it's hard to farm while you're running for your life. we could take those people, train them to use our equipment, and they would not only be feeding themselves, they could be helping to feed us, as well. but for some reason i don't quite grasp, it's better to let these people starve. we know that anything we try to send to them in aid gets intercepted and used by who ever is in power at the moment, and never gets to the intended recipients.
why don't we just offer to take these people, and let them support themselves? are we worried they'll take jobs away from latin americans?
are we afraid of them? why? they're farmers, mechanics, shop keepers, all people willing to work to support themselves and their families.
sounds like decent neighbors to me


Well-Known Member
Know who Smedley Butler was? Boy? I know more than you think and for sure I know more than you.
Then why do you presume to call me a capitalist? I might not like the system, but how we stop it is not by enacting policies which enable it. Being against a policy just because your enememy is for it but has different reason than why it should be, is plain stupid.

Until multinationals are banned as a threat to human kind, those entities sick fucks use as shields to deploy their inhumane goals of short term pleasure, which is mostly the disease known as human sex slave trafficking, globalization is their tool.

Without globalization, it makes those evil people in world have a much harder time.

Fair trade, rather than free trade to exploit is a step in the right direction.

If something says made by local artisans or fair trade on the label, even if it costs a few bucks more, I buy that over the "cooler" Nike, etc.


Well-Known Member
Trumps condemnation of socialism in that speech would have made Ronald Reagan blush. I am endlessly surprised by the guy. I had low expectations of the reality TV president. Looks like we are getting our second supreme court justice too, plus forcing the dems to openly use dirty nasty false accusations and appear totally without scruples. (Which they are)
Congrats on your serial rapist scotus and illegitimate prez


Well-Known Member
Not as sore as all of kavanaugh’s rape victims
Yall are blatantly smearing a good man for political reasons. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Disgusting democrat tactics as usual. He will be confirmed anyway. Then yall can call him names and smear him and crack jokes until he dies at a ripe old age, because that is all democrats can do with their political opponents.


Well-Known Member
Yall are blatantly smearing a good man for political reasons. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Disgusting democrat tactics as usual. He will be confirmed anyway. Then yall can call him names and smear him and crack jokes until he dies at a ripe old age, because that is all democrats can do with their political opponents.
Sworn affidavit from Julie swetnick: kavanaugh drugged and raped me