If you had money to make more money with....?

An online church is a good idea....fuck dealing with actual sheep. I could pray for people for a donation. The bigger the donation the harder I pray.
I could probably make something quite professional using SquareSpace, but then I'd still have all the pesky cash hanging around

I won't believe you without an EEG map.

you never fail me....OH wait!! I just read your qoutes that Im quoted in....OK so by definition.. ALL MONEY goes to ANC!!! (GAVEL SOUND)
Born in a state of gnosis
Know I will always have to stay on my toes, yes.
This is just the way that it is, yes
But its OK, I don't mind it.
I already learned where to find it.
Bro, become a time traveler.
We are the stars' revelers.
I would contact all the dairy farmers in your area and get them to agree to a 50/50 split of worm castings.

Make them put their shit in a long row
. Then add worms

Every so often pay somone to go collect.

Or start a verticle flow thru facility

Your local government definitly has grants and programs to help farmers get going .

Especially low to no interest loans .

Make your own super soils and sell it.

Buy a dump truck, honestly youll never not have work i dont care where you live .
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Buy coastal property, rent heavy equipment .

Learn to run it in the first few days. Or get a buddy.

Clear the trees. Lay a septic system, drill a well, put a nice cabin on it all for under 100k

Sell for 700k.
Put an ad in your local whatever and sign up 30+ people that are willing to rent their 4wheelers..

Advertise on touristy places and offer local guided tours for 80$/hr exscursion.
Make them pay a 2000$ deductable on a credit card.

Air bnb experiences is a great platform. As well as advertising through local buisneses .

Pay the bike owners a flat fee. No %'s fuck that.

Buy a trailer and hire a worker for 15/hr to drive a car with a hitch and trailer for 4wheelers .
Open up a meat shop.

Youd be surprised what you can buy and sell meat for.

Contact local farmers. Make a contract and ge them to farm a few extra animals next year . So cheap.

Especially if you google how to smoke meat or make jerky and different tubular meats.
Call a contractor . Findout all of the rock quarrys .

Find out where there is a good population plus no rock quarrys around .

Go on google maps
Look for hills. And rock formations

Scout out the land . Find and dig a quarry.

Put a crusher and screener on it.

Fucking millions.