In your statement you voiced h .atred in the form of disgust for white people who aren't racist. I don't know why you deny it now. Maybe because you were called out for it. I repost your own words below because you will just lie and deny it if I don't.
#1 Buddha2525 said:
White people suck at oppression and too many of have already bowed to self loathing.
yes, I know you say black people are poor because they are shiftless and lazy. You keep repeating it but I got the message.
#2 Too funny that you claim black people like to live in poverty. What a jerk.
You like to twist words or become a syntax and grammar Nazi when that's not what they meant. I'm trying to cut down on TLDR so what I say isn't comming across how I meant apparently.
#1. You claim white privledge is the cause of oppression. If that is true, they must suck at oppression because they're the only race who give other races rights just to get screwed over afterwards. In Haiti an South Africa after giving back control, the black populations murdered them in gratitude, rather than work side by side.
No one should feel remorse for what their ancestor did and they themselves had no part of
That's what I meant by self loathing whites. Which is why I'm glad not to be a white.
Exibit A.
I don't see Haitians showing a similar gesture for killing 100% of the French white population of 200 years ago. Nor do I see arabs doing similar who were the first to start the African slave trade.
#2 I claim no such thing. Their view is getting ahead means losing community. To blacks their community means more than whites.
Black doctors and lawyers are encouraged to practice in under served areas. Many scholarships for blacks actually require them to work in under served areas as well for a certain amount of time. After their time is served, if they choose a rich neighborhood they are accused of being an Uncle Tom and guilt tripped into serving in their own yard.
No one should feel that way, white or black guilt is wrong. So be proud of who you were born, because you had no choice and can't change it either.
Whites and Asians will work for whomever and not get called on it for betraying their people. And neither should blacks put up with those accusations from their community either.