Wages for American workers are declining under trump

When 60 percent of a population has less than 1000 dollars net in savings there's a problem. It's been growing like that for years it's not the country my mom and dad grew up in. They've created a class of the permanent working poor, even homeless people have jobs and that ain't right. I dont like Trump not even a little bit but I ain't blaming it on him, I'm blaming it
right to work states, decline of unions, corporate greed, wages not keeping up with inflation, and trickle down economics.
When 60 percent of a population has less than 1000 dollars net in savings there's a problem. It's been growing like that for years it's not the country my mom and dad grew up in. They've created a class of the permanent working poor, even homeless people have jobs and that ain't right. I dont like Trump not even a little bit but I ain't blaming it on him, I'm blaming it
right to work states, decline of unions, corporate greed, wages not keeping up with inflation, and trickle down economics.
I'm blaming it on Republicans.
!RIU your Eliza bot is broken and replying in random quotes, again. Please update and train its dictionary file better. Thanks.
When obama was president, wages were rising faster than inflation.

Under trump, wages are falling. Americans have less buying power

We are all poorer under trump, financially and otherwise
Here in Alberta the minimum wage just went up to $15/hr,

I was making $16/hr as a lab tech back in '90. Is a broom pusher worth 15?

I'm very conflicted.
Here in Alberta the minimum wage just went up to $15/hr,

I was making $16/hr as a lab tech back in '90. Is a broom pusher worth 15?

I'm very conflicted.

What they don't get, does a lab tech make $40.92/hr the adjusted inflation rate? If not you take 1 - ( current lab tech wage/hr divide ÷ $40.92) that will give you how much the lab tech is under paid.

What would be fair is if the employer had to multiply ($15/$13.60) * current wage/hr. Which would otherwise make those who make $15/hr shorted $1.55/hr.

Looking at your Alberta labor site it looks like you already do something similar. But here in America we don't.

Which all that happens is the poor schmuck who was already making the current minimum wage gets an effective paycut of 18.7%, goods and services go up by an effective 18.7% and until tax rates are updated an effective 18.7% increase there too.

Anyone making slightly over minimum wage, is pretty much getting fucked. The poor it rewards most won't last long once grocers and landlords increase their costs. The only ones who win are the lobbyists and government coffers.

Unless you put into place rent, goods, and services price control, along with across the board x% wage increase up to somewhat close to middle class wages, minimum wage doesn't work.