First Time Hydro Water Culture Grow


Well-Known Member
hey aliex
how did you grow go, havent talked to you in a minute,
do you have any picturres?
yeah its been a little while, it went okay i got about 3 oz from both of my plants....

i have a couple, but i can't really send them right now.. i'll send them to you later but if i don't mail me cuz i might


Well-Known Member
Hey Alie why don't you post some of your pics right here I don't mind.
Here is some new pics of Von Dross's White hairs and Pictures where I super-cropped and pinched. Oh and I have been applying low stress training to reduce the over height of the plant. Seems to be going pretty well, rez has been refilled and new nutrients and molasses.

-Shots of Von Eerie, Not sure what this one is yet, kinda looks like pollen sacks forming but could be newly forming buds. This one is a few days behind Von Dross so maybe I have two females.

Peace Love Mates
-Mister Nice GUY



Well-Known Member
sorry it took so long guys!! i couldn't find my camera so i had to use my phone =(

thats the super lemon haze, and its only like a week and a couple days old.