Greenpoint seeds!!


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit off course posting this in the GPS thread. Just thought I'd bring this up since his seeds were sold here not to long back. Rusty/CVS has his own site up and running now. Just picked up a couple packs of his S1, Pure Chem91 and Electric Larry Land 50% off and free shipping, free seeds too.
Makes me wonder if it was pricing that caused the split with gps, I see he is not doing the $45 price point on cheap thrills and pure la affie that he had originally said would be the pricing on the new lines and had them listed on gps for.
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Well-Known Member
Makes me wonder if it was pricing that caused the split with gps, I see he is not doing the $45 price point on cheap thrills and pure la affie that he had originally said would be the pricong on the new lines and had them listed on gps for.
that's what that initial release was priced. I don't remember him saying it was gonna be that forever, nor do I remember him saying they would continue being released. I remember him stating he was trying to get some good genetics for people to play with out there on the cheap. And I got the affie at that cheap price. They had been that cheap at the other places, some up to 50, but now out of stock. Pretty sure the post office thing is why he split, it was shortly thereafter. jmho.


Well-Known Member
that's what that initial release was priced. I don't remember him saying it was gonna be that forever, nor do I remember him saying they would continue being released. I remember him stating he was trying to get some good genetics for people to play with out there on the cheap. And I got the affie at that cheap price. They had been that cheap at the other places, some up to 50, but now out of stock. Pretty sure the post office thing is why he split, it was shortly thereafter. jmho.
You are correct, he did not mention future pricing changes or longevity, he had posted on the gps forums, but that appears to be gone now.
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Well-Known Member
CSI and now Rusty at CVS moving to direct sales.

The obvious explanation is they prefer to cut out the middle man and keep profit for themselves.
@Gu~ showed them how to do it.
Expect to see more breeders do the same thing.

Take advantage of that 50% discount, that won't be typical.
more breeders are doing it, especially direct by email. Oni, some others. Its good to see em do their own thing, but the banks with many to choose from is hard to beat. Although nothing better than dealing directly with the breeder. I like both ways.


Well-Known Member
I think breeders going direct is a good thing. But, I do think some of these breeders may be underestimating how much work goes into running a seed bank. It seems like a giant pain in the butthole. Maintaining a website, handling transactions, advertising, shipping...I wouldn’t wanna do that job. Hopefully they anticipate hiring an employee or two and can find an affordable but competent web developer. I think that’s a big reason why GPS and nuggets has been such a shit show. A competent dev should be able to get that under control pretty easily. But competent devs tend to make a lot more than I imagine they can afford.


Well-Known Member
I saw this news too. It’s pretty crazy. They also recommend that you check local laws for anywhere you’re traveling to with weed. Are they indicating that flying from a legal state to another legal state would be fine? Cuz as soon as you cross state lines it’s a federal offense. But if all airport TSA in legal states don’t care, then it should be fine.

TSA still cares....LAPD at the airport does not...


Well-Known Member
you do the shoe, empty your pocket thing on the departure, not the arrival. Once you are out of LA, you are on your own, but there are ways. I went to Vegas by myself once back in the day and won't say how, but I flew with one big kill bud in the carry on in a certain stash place. I'd say if you got on, and had it stashed good after going to the bathroom or something, getting off the plane inconspicuosly, and dancing a jig outside the arrival airport, lol


Well-Known Member
you do the shoe, empty your pocket thing on the departure, not the arrival. Once you are out of LA, you are on your own, but there are ways. I went to Vegas by myself once back in the day and won't say how, but I flew with one big kill bud in the carry on in a certain stash place. I'd say if you got on, and had it stashed good after going to the bathroom or something, getting off the plane inconspicuosly, and dancing a jig outside the arrival airport, lol
I flew from Arizona to my home state and back. Over xmas break one time. I was living and working in Arizona. And flew to Pittsburgh international. With 3 zips. In my luggage. Took it home. Smoked a ton of kill during the 2 weeks I was at home. Gave some away. Then flew back empty and then went back to work. Just know you need deodorant so you dont stink right. But who says you need the whole stick. Maybe half or a little less. But you nvr know what scent you wanna wear so you take several different kinds. And the deodorant is very strong smelling. Stronger than the herb. That was vacuum sealed. I mean that may work if you tried. Maybe. Jus sayin.


Well-Known Member
you do the shoe, empty your pocket thing on the departure, not the arrival. Once you are out of LA, you are on your own, but there are ways. I went to Vegas by myself once back in the day and won't say how, but I flew with one big kill bud in the carry on in a certain stash place. I'd say if you got on, and had it stashed good after going to the bathroom or something, getting off the plane inconspicuosly, and dancing a jig outside the arrival airport, lol
Same deal as post 9/11 but pre rec.

I feel ya


Well-Known Member
I flew from Arizona to my home state and back. Over xmas break one time. I was living and working in Arizona. And flew to Pittsburgh international. With 3 zips. In my luggage. Took it home. Smoked a ton of kill during the 2 weeks I was at home. Gave some away. Then flew back empty and then went back to work. Just know you need deodorant so you dont stink right. But who says you need the whole stick. Maybe half or a little less. But you nvr know what scent you wanna wear so you take several different kinds. And the deodorant is very strong smelling. Stronger than the herb. That was vacuum sealed. I mean that may work if you tried. Maybe. Jus sayin.
We used hair products.. same idea.. usually about a quarter a bottle.. wasnt tryin 2 catch no major problems


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit off course posting this in the GPS thread. Just thought I'd bring this up since his seeds were sold here not to long back. Rusty/CVS has his own site up and running now. Just picked up a couple packs of his S1, Pure Chem91 and Electric Larry Land 50% off and free shipping, free seeds too.
I grabbed the 91(cash order), goofed up and didn't put the dang code in, so I emailed and mentioned it and got several emails, nothing about the discount. One said my order was already shipped and another said "feel free to knock off $5 for the shipping" He has free shipping so idk, kinda weird. $5 off is for shipping your payment in.
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Well-Known Member
I flew from Arizona to my home state and back. Over xmas break one time. I was living and working in Arizona. And flew to Pittsburgh international. With 3 zips. In my luggage. Took it home. Smoked a ton of kill during the 2 weeks I was at home. Gave some away. Then flew back empty and then went back to work. Just know you need deodorant so you dont stink right. But who says you need the whole stick. Maybe half or a little less. But you nvr know what scent you wanna wear so you take several different kinds. And the deodorant is very strong smelling. Stronger than the herb. That was vacuum sealed. I mean that may work if you tried. Maybe. Jus sayin.
FOAF says a half empty deodorant container comes apart at the bottom in the empty space of the container and the bottom can be replaced, then sealed. For small amounts only he says.


Well-Known Member
Mine look exactly the same... weird .. yea trash... fake seeds though ? Say what?
I let this GPS "Mimosa" S-1 go since she was already in the middle/back of the garden when I found out about the fake seeds. At the time she was just starting to bud and was showing female traits. I watched her closely...really closely all Summer. No herms. However...her 9 ft tall sister never budded....and got the chop.

At this point...I'll chop her up and run her through the bubble bags. There's not much frost....but some. Could be the TRIPweed.....could be the HeadacheBud. I figured with the in house experts we have here at ID'ing clones/plants off the Net via pictures it should be a snap to figure out who she is. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Western Wizard
56 Day Pheno
Lemony Gassy with a hint of cookies
High is a solid Hybrid. Nice uplifting happy sativa effects but melts you away into the couch if you smoke too much. Had my fair share of issues figuring her out so next run I will hopefully crush her.

Also popped my pack of Sky Dweller to find something nice.
8/10 doing fine, 2 look shitty like they are damping off.
1 has this interesting mutation right from the beginning, hopefully turns out nice.



Well-Known Member
Never had any issues with Greenpoint gear. But I was dissapointed in the quality of my Purple Punch and Mimosa Fems. Figured it happens when you run seeds.
Thankyou for contacting the auxillary branch of GPS customer service, your concerns about the origin of your seeds seem warranted, contact @~Gu or the actual company for a resolution.