Bull Investigation --- 'Sham'

Very true. One of those pesky facts that will contribute to thier future downfall.
“They only associate with like minded people” cried the old white racist who smashes the ignore button the second his inane worldview of alternative facts is challenged in the slightest
Citing how Schumer immediately turned over the documents for a full and unhindered investigation is not making the point you think it is

You may be genuinely mentally retarded. Good thing you were smart enough to inherit a farm
Seize his farm give it back to the PEOPLE!
Sexual harassment and rape are documented? If not then it must not have happened. Ford certainly has zip to make such a claim then. Oh wait, America saw right through the sham. Deplorables are a wise bunch indeed.
“They only associate with like minded people” cried the old white racist who smashes the ignore button the second his inane worldview of alternative facts is challenged in the slightest
He didn't write that. I wrote that. You can't even follow along for 2 posts. BLUE WAVE!
Sexual harassment and rape are documented? If not then it must not have happened. Ford certainly has zip to make such a claim then. Oh wait, America saw right through the sham. Deplorables are a wise bunch indeed.
Americans are on the side of dr ford though. Kavanaugh is the most hated nominee in scotus history

These are facts and you have trouble acknowledging them
And I'm pretty sure Feinstein still has the used Ford for sale. From what I hear not many interested so far. It's very unreliable.
The guy who thinks obama was president during hurricane Katrina refuses to acknowledge that his party ran a senator who, as a 32 year old lawyer, lurked around child custody hearings to pick up 13 year old girls, take them out to the woods, get them drunk, and rape them

But it’s the lefties who are in denial
Just want to say thanks for the 2016, 2018 and 2020 victories.
You and your type helped us more than we could have ever helped ourselves, and for that you personally deserve our thanks.
I hope they come well prepared. Oh wait, not going to happen. The left has failed at even making us a remotely Socialist nation.
The fact that you even entertain the notion of your farm being dieted from you demonstrates just how deluded you are

Even as an old privileged racist white male, you still view yourself as the victim who must defend everything he earned (see: inherited)


Just want to say thanks for the 2016, 2018 and 2020 victories.
You and your type helped us more than we could have ever helped ourselves, and for that you personally deserve our thanks.
I think trumps election owes more to racist retards like you, who blamed the black guy for the hurricane Katrina bungling, rather than educated people like myself who embrace reality over retarded conspiracy theories and racist propaganda