Manchin is going to vote for Kavanaugh


Well-Known Member
His posts are a grab bag of religious bigotry, racism, right wing slogans and misogyny. Perfect description of Republicans these days. All the way down to denying he's conservative.

But yeah, his posts do nothing to illuminate or inform.
Sure uses a lot of words. Many of them unnecessary. For example. while glancing over this page right now I noticed a paragraph which referred to "it's quite "ironic," in the Alanis Morissette sense".

Ok, a couple of things. First off, ironic had a meaning before Alanis Morriset which makes the reference seem superfluous. Second off, literally nothing in the song "Ironic" actually is ironic.

This guy really likes to hear himself talk and has an overinflated sense of his own intelligence. Are we sure it's not Tty?


Well-Known Member
Sure uses a lot of words. Many of them unnecessary. For example. while glancing over this page right now I noticed a paragraph which referred to "it's quite "ironic," in the Alanis Morissette sense".

Ok, a couple of things. First off, ironic had a meaning before Alanis Morriset which makes the reference seem superfluous. Second off, literally nothing in the song "Ironic" actually is ironic.

This guy really likes to hear himself talk and has an overinflated sense of his own intelligence. Are we sure it's not Tty?
I’m 100% on canna sylvan, I’ve run the analytics carefully


Well-Known Member
Sure uses a lot of words. Many of them unnecessary. For example. while glancing over this page right now I noticed a paragraph which referred to "it's quite "ironic," in the Alanis Morissette sense".

Ok, a couple of things. First off, ironic had a meaning before Alanis Morriset which makes the reference seem superfluous. Second off, literally nothing in the song "Ironic" actually is ironic.

This guy really likes to hear himself talk and has an overinflated sense of his own intelligence. Are we sure it's not Tty?
I just think @Buddha2525 posts here because nobody wants to listen to him in real life. He's a modern day equivalent of the manic preacher shouting on his soap box "the end is nigh, repent" on the city street corner a hundred years ago. Both him and the nut job preacher would be losers in any era too.


Well-Known Member
I just think @Buddha2525 posts here because nobody wants to listen to him in real life. He's a modern day equivalent of the manic preacher shouting on his soap box "the end is nigh, repent" on the city street corner a hundred years ago. Both him and the nut job preacher would be losers in any era too.
What, you want a cookie?



Well-Known Member
She does know how you are registered. That was my point, to the pointless posts about political tests.
A new law in Colorado allows anyone to vote in either the Democratic or the Republican primary. I'm registered Independent and can choose which primary to vote in. If I attempt to vote in both, my votes are negated.


Well-Known Member
A new law in Colorado allows anyone to vote in either the Democratic or the Republican primary. I'm registered Independent and can choose which primary to vote in. If I attempt to vote in both, my votes are negated.

But when, excuse me, if you had voted, they mark down which ballot you choose.


Well-Known Member
I don't blame you for not even pretending to have cogent points anymore considering your past results. Stick to groundless, childish insults. It's all you've got.
You and your ilk here would have us vote for Joe Manchin because 'at least he's not a Republican!'

Then you carefully ignore the obvious consequences.

Then you claim to have any credibility in political matters?

I have repeatedly posted the truth. You're snowed by platitudes.

Weak sauce makes coward stew, tasty only to useful idiots.
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Well-Known Member
You and your I'll here would have us vote for Joe Manchin because 'at least he's not a Republican!'

Then you carefully ignore the obvious consequences.

Then you claim to have any credibility in political matters?

I have the truth. You're snowed by platitudes.

Weak sauce makes coward stew, tasty only to useful idiots.
Sorry to hear you are back on meff.

Seek help. Please.


Well-Known Member
You and your ilk here would have us vote for Joe Manchin because 'at least he's not a Republican!'

Then you carefully ignore the obvious consequences.

Then you claim to have any credibility in political matters?

I have repeatedly posted the truth. You're snowed by platitudes.

Weak sauce makes coward stew, tasty only to useful idiots.
Only people who live in West Virginia can choose to vote for Manchin. I hope they do because the Republican is a rabid Trumper. Why do you want West Virginia to vote for a Trumper?
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Well-Known Member
I knew you were a Manchin supporter.
I live in Oregon. I support Wyden and Merkely. I have an interest in who wins in West Virginia, however.

I expect Wyden and Merkely to work with Manchin where we have common interested if that's who West Virginia voters select. I expect them to mostly oppose the Republican if Manchin is not voted into office.

Manchin supports unions, strengthening the ACA, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. His opponent opposes all of them. That said, it's entirely up to the people of West Virginia to support one or the other. Any fool can see that Democrats are better off with Manchin than the Republican in the senate.

That is, unless you don't want the ACA shored up and want to privatize Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. I guess you are secure enough so that you wouldn't be affected by what Republicans want to do.


Well-Known Member
I live in Oregon. I support Wyden and Merkely. I have an interest in who wins in West Virginia, however.

I expect Wyden and Merkely to work with Manchin where we have common interested if that's who West Virginia voters select. I expect them to mostly oppose the Republican if Manchin is not voted into office.

Manchin supports unions, strengthening the ACA, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. His opponent opposes all of them. That said, it's entirely up to the people of West Virginia to support one or the other. Any fool can see that Democrats are better off with Manchin than the Republican in the senate.

That is, unless you don't want the ACA shored up and want to privatize Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. I guess you are secure enough so that you wouldn't be affected by what Republicans want to do.
Manchin supports unions like Trump supports Palestinians; with lip service and precious little else.


Well-Known Member
Kavanaugh confirmed. Trump-troll activity down 89% (or maybe @rollitup just assured his place in heaven). Resting for the midterms.

Calm before the storm.

And now, a musical interlude.

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