So ridiculous I can't believe it. It's blowing my cool big time.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Every night on my local news station they put forth another story about weed becoming legal. They've been absolutely giddy for the last 9 months every evening with their stories. Most of them chock a block full of non cannabis (experts lol) people telling what unholy new terror is being unleashed on society.
The amount of NON experts is astonishing. All of them horrified at how society is about to go to hell.
I'm so sick of it I'm not sure what to do.
All of a sudden all the tea toddlers are experts on weed now. Thank goodness they have seen the light. I seriously need to find some of these folks and freak out out on them. I've so had enough of this nonsense talk that turning off the tube may be the only
Anyone else experiencing this same fatigue from the bullshit storm we have going on.
I'd like to chonk all their heads together at once.
Lie after lie....fiction after fiction......bullshit upon bullshit....nonsense pilled on more nonsense.
I liked it better 10 years ago. The amount of hate I'm developing for these new expert is becoming monumental.
And fuck the cops by the way as well.
Oh ya and if you wear a no longer need a helmet on a motorcycle now. Just a law for everyone else that is. What's next kids


Well-Known Member
Every night on my local news station they put forth another story about weed becoming legal. They've been absolutely giddy for the last 9 months every evening with their stories. Most of them chock a block full of non cannabis (experts lol) people telling what unholy new terror is being unleashed on society.
The amount of NON experts is astonishing. All of them horrified at how society is about to go to hell.
I'm so sick of it I'm not sure what to do.
All of a sudden all the tea toddlers are experts on weed now. Thank goodness they have seen the light. I seriously need to find some of these folks and freak out out on them. I've so had enough of this nonsense talk that turning off the tube may be the only
Anyone else experiencing this same fatigue from the bullshit storm we have going on.
I'd like to chonk all their heads together at once.
Lie after lie....fiction after fiction......bullshit upon bullshit....nonsense pilled on more nonsense.
I liked it better 10 years ago. The amount of hate I'm developing for these new expert is becoming monumental.
And fuck the cops by the way as well.
Oh ya and if you wear a no longer need a helmet on a motorcycle now. Just a law for everyone else that is. What's next kids
I just think it's funny. Let them go on with their reefer-madness bullshit and watch them get schooled when the world doesn't end next Wednesday. The best is the comments on news sites like Global or Huff post and reading some of the clueless comments.Of course I can't help but! I send them all to to get their facts lol

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Well my cool is gone! I just watched some old bag tell us how the driving issue is gonna be out of hand. I bet she's never even smelled pot, never mind tried it. But she knows all right. she is just horrified at all the carnage it's going to cause. Fuck...hurry up and die already old bag.


Well-Known Member
I've started writing an article about some of the more ridiculous comments, discussions and laws that came out of legalization. After a lifetime of them calling us 'stoners', among other things, I am more than happy to ridicule them for their ignorance. The one that gets me is the cops crying cause they have "severe restrictions" on when they can use. Doesn't your heart just bleed for the stupid fucks?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I've started writing an article about some of the more ridiculous comments, discussions and laws that came out of legalization. After a lifetime of them calling us 'stoners', among other things, I am more than happy to ridicule them for their ignorance. The one that gets me is the cops crying cause they have "severe restrictions" on when they can use. Doesn't your heart just bleed for the stupid fucks?
I'm beyond laughing anymore. I seriously want to smack some of them. NO patience left for me.


Well-Known Member
Well my cool is gone! I just watched some old bag tell us how the driving issue is gonna be out of hand. I bet she's never even smelled pot, never mind tried it. But she knows all right. she is just horrified at all the carnage it's going to cause. Fuck...hurry up and die already old bag.
Another moron who thinks everyone is waiting until the 17th to take their first toke. The cops in BC aren't even buying the testing devices - they know they will not stand up in court. If you can walk a line, touch your nose and talk in a sentence, you won't have an issue.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I like booze once in a while. But I rarely use it. They can take their RIDE check points and ram them up their asses too. NOTHING but endless stories on my local channel on that subject as well. SCARE SCARE SCARE. That seems to be the police depts new job in Canada. Every long weekend the OPP come on the tube WARNING people that they are out on the job looking for drivers doing any number of things.
It's the way it's presented that grinds my ass. I'm just very tired of it all.


Well-Known Member
Every night on my local news station they put forth another story about weed becoming legal. They've been absolutely giddy for the last 9 months every evening with their stories. Most of them chock a block full of non cannabis (experts lol) people telling what unholy new terror is being unleashed on society.
The amount of NON experts is astonishing. All of them horrified at how society is about to go to hell.
I'm so sick of it I'm not sure what to do.
All of a sudden all the tea toddlers are experts on weed now. Thank goodness they have seen the light. I seriously need to find some of these folks and freak out out on them. I've so had enough of this nonsense talk that turning off the tube may be the only
Anyone else experiencing this same fatigue from the bullshit storm we have going on.
I'd like to chonk all their heads together at once.
Lie after lie....fiction after fiction......bullshit upon bullshit....nonsense pilled on more nonsense.
I liked it better 10 years ago. The amount of hate I'm developing for these new expert is becoming monumental.
And fuck the cops by the way as well.
Oh ya and if you wear a no longer need a helmet on a motorcycle now. Just a law for everyone else that is. What's next kids
Unplug the TV man stream all your shit for free,i.e. Kodi etc. I was paying 85$ a month for cable to force feed me my opinions, but I don't do that anymore.


Well-Known Member
I do not actively watch TV, cuts into computer time. My wife has it on a lot of the day and she was surprised that I was no longer getting upset by these ridiculous reports. I simply told her fairy tales like her soap operas and news broadcasts do not upset me anymore, they are just boring unrealistic tidbits that some people get entertainment from.
At the end of the day I realize most people do not give a shit about me, or anybody but themselves, so I am not going to let them rent space in my head with their BS.

One show that caught my interest the other day was Cannabis TV with the back room grower.