Marijuana Freak Out

Killa Man

Well-Known Member
The most that has happened to me was not being able to find the light switch on my lamp... lol .... I swear to frickin Gawd it was there but I couldn't feel it.. and I was in a pitch dark room. I turned the lamp on millions of times so I knew exactly where the switch was.. Some force beyond physicality was fckin with me... Because the switch just appeared there after feeling for it for a little while.. It also could have been the fact I was blitzed outta my dome... I had a slight panic attack after I finally got the light on.. I was just sitting there on my bed thinking existentialistic thoughts... The existentialism is what used to bring on occasional panic attacks in the past...I think too much when I'm really high [as with most peeps] and sometimes I can't handle my own thoughts... After having a few panic attacks, I taught myself to control my thoughts enough to the point it could be an almost spiritual experience for me rather than a dark, existentialistic experience.

You never know what was going through your friend's mind when he freaked... Maybe you could ask him... and if he is a newbie smoker, then don't let him smoke so much in one sitting next time...

haha you post some of the funniest and most outlandish stuff...i like it tho...but yeh anyway...i get panic attack every now and then...sometimes when im really high my neck will crack and ill start panicking thinking its some kind of brain time i smoked some sour deisel in a blunt while riding in his car once,..he went to get some more blunts in the store after smoking 3 already, when he came back to the car i handed him 600$ for no reason and told him i wasnt a snitch..he kept the money obviously...i remember thinking he was gonna take me some where to get robbed...lesson is, dont smoke over 2 blunts with a lot of money on you...currency gets confusing when youre really high


Well-Known Member
should of told the kid to calm down and take another hit haha but that sounded pretty crazy, i bet those new smoker are never gonna smoke again haha


New Member
Three times: a few days ago some friends and I rolled up 5 blunts and smoked them. By the time I hit the last one the last time, I was feeling horrible. I was REALLY hungry and felt like throwing up. I couldn't talk or move, I had to stay still for an hour or so. It was awful

Another time I got up too fast and my blood pressure went down really quickly. I started staring at the ground for a few secs and my vision blurred. I almost passed out.

The last one is when I starred into the mirror for a few minutes. It was CRAZY. I thought I was trapped in the mirror. I saw my reflection as another person, a mean person, who wanted to do me harm LOL... kinda like the movie Mirrors. In the end my vision blurred again and I almost passed out.


Well-Known Member
Last night, in one of the most unexpected crazy events of my life, a person had a horrible "episode" in a smoking session. The guy who had the incident was probably the most "normal" and calm guy there. I don't know if he was a "seasoned" smoker, but I've smoked with him a few times before and we just got high - nothing weird. Last night however:

We were using a nice big Glass-on-glass bong, and there were 6 of us, with 2 of the people smoking for their first time pretty much. After about 3 bowls of really good kryp, one of the newbies couldn't clear the bong and passed it with about half the bong filled with smoke. The next guy takes it, milks the cherried bowl till the bong is white and rips a huge hit. We finish the bowl and he says "Shit did I smoke all the weed? I'm sorry guys... but it was still a really good hit don't get me wrong." So we're all cool, just hanging out in the living room talking.

Suddenly, the guy who took the big hit just flings his glass of ice all over the room and looks around at us like "what's up?" and everyone has this look on their faces like "okaaaay?" Then he calmly says "I think I'm freaking out." We all just laugh at him dismissably because hell, we're all high and stoned out of our mind. Then he's like "No I'm really freaking out. I'm not alright" then he proceeds to kick and punch the air and the table and he starts flayling around the room, almost breaking a lot of stuff in the process. He does a backflip over the couch and runs into walls and hits his head on a coffee table, etc.

At first, I thought he was just joking around, and making a really unfunny joke but I started to think part way through it that is was some sort of seizure. I wasn't really sure. He was wigging out and all of us tried to pin him down on the ground so he didn't break anything or hurt himself and he wouldn't calm down. It took him maybe 5 minutes to be able to say anything, and when he finally did start talking it wasn't really coherent. He started asking "where did this go?" "Are you sure it wasn't over here? Right HERE?"

We all kept telling him he was alright and in a safe place. We kept trying to reassure him that nothing was wrong and that we all just needed to calm down and everything would be fine. We finally got him to relax on the couch and the 2 newbie smokers were starting to freak out too thinking the weed was laced. It wasn't and everyone was fine but the 2 guys kept worrying that those "effects of marijuana" commercials were non-fiction. After this, I'm starting to think so too because it was the most surreal thing I've ever experienced with weed.

Has anyone else either experienced a REALLY CRAZY freakout like this, or been with someone who has?
What are some other "freaking weird" experiences you've all had?


Oh man... I was laughing soooo hard my face hurts now.:clap:

Ahhhhhhh......anyways, yeah your friend probably has some underlying issues and delta 9 THC is a psychadelic and they tend to not mix well with people who have underlying schizophrenia, dementia, etc.


Well-Known Member
my friend picked up northern lights one day, he packed it in my bong and let me get the first rip. well I ripped so hard that I smoked the entire bowl pack in one hit and inhaled all of it. then I remember blowing out the smoke and sitting back looking around the room, my vision was so messed up and I couldn't comprehend what was happening around me.
They call that good ol' fashion lack of oxygen to the brain.

Not :leaf:


Well-Known Member
i would of got the bic razor out and shaved 1 of his eyebrows off, and filledf his hands with shaving foam, then tickled his nose ha ha j/k


New Member
haha you post some of the funniest and most outlandish stuff...i like it tho...but yeh anyway...i get panic attack every now and then...sometimes when im really high my neck will crack and ill start panicking thinking its some kind of brain time i smoked some sour deisel in a blunt while riding in his car once,..he went to get some more blunts in the store after smoking 3 already, when he came back to the car i handed him 600$ for no reason and told him i wasnt a snitch..he kept the money obviously...i remember thinking he was gonna take me some where to get robbed...lesson is, dont smoke over 2 blunts with a lot of money on you...currency gets confusing when youre really high
I've done something similar .. But it was only 50 dollars lol .. I was tryin to buy a sack for 20 and I realized later that night that I handed the kid a 50 instead of a 20 ..:o

by his i mean my friend...i sounded like a chick in that post
lmao !! :leaf::leaf:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Maybe he really has something wrong.But more than likely, he just did it for attention.I've seen folks try that shit before, and let me tell you...99 percent of them are attention hogs.I'm a no nonsense kinda gal, and I will never smoke with anyone who does that shit EVER again.Buzzkiller.Here's a test, if you insist on smoking with him again.If he does it again,light a match and toss it his way.If he jumps and tries to get out of the way, you caught him.
Last night, in one of the most unexpected crazy events of my life, a person had a horrible "episode" in a smoking session. The guy who had the incident was probably the most "normal" and calm guy there. I don't know if he was a "seasoned" smoker, but I've smoked with him a few times before and we just got high - nothing weird. Last night however:

We were using a nice big Glass-on-glass bong, and there were 6 of us, with 2 of the people smoking for their first time pretty much. After about 3 bowls of really good kryp, one of the newbies couldn't clear the bong and passed it with about half the bong filled with smoke. The next guy takes it, milks the cherried bowl till the bong is white and rips a huge hit. We finish the bowl and he says "Shit did I smoke all the weed? I'm sorry guys... but it was still a really good hit don't get me wrong." So we're all cool, just hanging out in the living room talking.

Suddenly, the guy who took the big hit just flings his glass of ice all over the room and looks around at us like "what's up?" and everyone has this look on their faces like "okaaaay?" Then he calmly says "I think I'm freaking out." We all just laugh at him dismissably because hell, we're all high and stoned out of our mind. Then he's like "No I'm really freaking out. I'm not alright" then he proceeds to kick and punch the air and the table and he starts flayling around the room, almost breaking a lot of stuff in the process. He does a backflip over the couch and runs into walls and hits his head on a coffee table, etc.

At first, I thought he was just joking around, and making a really unfunny joke but I started to think part way through it that is was some sort of seizure. I wasn't really sure. He was wigging out and all of us tried to pin him down on the ground so he didn't break anything or hurt himself and he wouldn't calm down. It took him maybe 5 minutes to be able to say anything, and when he finally did start talking it wasn't really coherent. He started asking "where did this go?" "Are you sure it wasn't over here? Right HERE?"

We all kept telling him he was alright and in a safe place. We kept trying to reassure him that nothing was wrong and that we all just needed to calm down and everything would be fine. We finally got him to relax on the couch and the 2 newbie smokers were starting to freak out too thinking the weed was laced. It wasn't and everyone was fine but the 2 guys kept worrying that those "effects of marijuana" commercials were non-fiction. After this, I'm starting to think so too because it was the most surreal thing I've ever experienced with weed.

Has anyone else either experienced a REALLY CRAZY freakout like this, or been with someone who has?
What are some other "freaking weird" experiences you've all had?


New Member
I would say that's a logical explanation Stoney, but he puked and everything...

I've seen people wig out after getting stoned to a point where they're not used to... But not like this guy...

I think he just had some problems to begin with... Weed isn't for everyone.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Where in the OP did it say he puked?I missed that.
I would say that's a logical explanation Stoney, but he puked and everything...

I've seen people wig out after getting stoned to a point where their not used to... But not like this guy...

I think he just had some problems to begin with... Weed isn't for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Maybe he really has something wrong.But more than likely, he just did it for attention.I've seen folks try that shit before, and let me tell you...99 percent of them are attention hogs.I'm a no nonsense kinda gal, and I will never smoke with anyone who does that shit EVER again.Buzzkiller.Here's a test, if you insist on smoking with him again.If he does it again,light a match and toss it his way.If he jumps and tries to get out of the way, you caught him.
and if ya catch the fuker out have a cup of petrol handy

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
LOl....I don't really want to hurt him...the match will go out, but he WILL jerk, anyway...and if it was a bonafide freak out, well, you can tell him he was hallucinating!
and if ya catch the fuker out have a cup of petrol handy


Well-Known Member
One time i was smoking with my older cousin he was like 35 and i was like 19 or 20 and I rolled a regular sized joint like a .5g or so of some outdoor afgani. and we got in the car and start driving... we sparked the joint and smoked almost all of it and then when i tried to pass the roach to him he was like "no man, im good" I was like ok... and I hit it a few times and tossed it...

The next thing i knew he was like dude pull over im about to have a seizure... and i was like WTF holy shit! so i pull over and he opens the car and gets out and lays down in the grass on the side of the road and says "make sure i don't hurt my self" and then rolls under and starts stiffening up and jerking and shit, he turned ghostly pale and fucking freaked me out. I thought he was dying!!! then like 1min passed and he got up and was like "sorry about that!" Then to beat it all.... I looked down and he had pissed in his pants.

So i dont know if weed can give you a seizure but some ppl just cant handle the herb...


New Member
I just see this as a believable story ... Contrary to what many people believe, herb does have the ability to fck with your mind like that under the right conditions...

and like I said before, ya never know what was going on in his head. He could have been thinking the same kinda things I do when I'm by myself, and since there was a bunch of people laughing at him and all, he could have felt like he was losing it.


Well-Known Member
I just see this as a believable story ... Contrary to what many people believe, herb does have the ability to fck with your mind like that under the right conditions...

and like I said before, ya never know what was going on in his head. He could have been thinking the same kinda things I do when I'm by myself, and since there was a bunch of people laughing at him and all, he could have felt like he was losing it.
I agree with her...^


Well-Known Member
I agree with you agreing with her, man im so baked i agree with fukin everyone and everything :p