Drooping leaves during sunset and night

This is an old post, but.

I've got a case of brown algae / root shit that I'm dealing with now.

Watch time-lapse videos of grows. They do relax to some degree at night but I think a root-issue (like algae) will make it more pronounced. Like an early warning indicator perhaps.
it sounds like a possible root problem. like watchhowldoit said[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] on watering. also if you can take it out of the pot and check your roots. make sure no bugs are eating them[/FONT]
I use a beneficial microbe brew from earthworm castings and so forth.

I stopped using it briefly out of laziness and shortly thereafter i noticed droopage at night...i put up with it...then i had one start doing it during the day a little bit and that stirred my energies enough to brew up another batch and sure as chutes they sprung back to life at night within a couple days...

This is in DWC so you get a zone thats like a petri dish for bad microbes and i imagine this would be true - to a degree - in soil as well.

Either way, i would imagine theres a fungus in the roots or maybe even gnats chowing on fungus thats chowing on roots.

Microbe tea WILL eliminate those possibilities and do a lot of other good in the process.

Im sure your question is long since answered, but incase someone else is looking into this situation of nocturnal flaccidity...wormpoo tea is a very likely fix.

Also!! Dont believe that its not a problem...a lot of people have posted that they are of the opinion that its perfectly normal and while it may be usual for them, its not the posture of a perfectly healthy plant. It dosent look healthy as soon as you see it...because its not...even if they perk back up during the day.
. What is this tea? How do I make it?
Some drooping during the dark is normal in some strains. And at 1/4 gal of water per 3 gal pot, it sounds more like underwatering. You need to water each pot until you get some runoff. Overwatering is not caused by watering to frequently but by watering to often......

that last line does not make sense "Too Frequently vs Too Often". That is the same thing. Kinda like saying Your nose bleed is not caused by picking your nose, but by sticking your finder in your nose. I think what you meant was OVERWATERING is not caused by the volume of water, but by too frequent watering
There is no deficiency, over or underwatering if this happens at dusk. Root growth takes over, at night collected energy is sent to the roots. Very noticeable growing in ground. Pots and artificial light make it much less obvious. My 2 cents.


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Whenever the sun starts setting and it turns night my plants leaves droop. During the day they are nice and up and moving towards the sun but when the sun goes down they droop. The bigger plants with the bigger leaves droop more than the smaller ones. It also seems to happen more the day that I watered. If I water in the morning, that same night it will be more droopy than normal but regardless of if I watered or not they still droop. I use 1 gallon to water 4 plants. So each plant gets 1/4 gallon of watering every 3-4 days. They are in 3 gallon pots so I dont think im overwatering. Is this normal for plants to droop at night or is there something wrong?
Grandpa why do the plants droop at night? If at night they droop they are asleep, now if one or two are not drooping we call those re re's ya keep an eye on those ones =_
Grandpa why do the plants droop at night? If at night they droop they are asleep, now if one or two are not drooping we call those re re's ya keep an eye on those ones =_
They are called perennials actually, close tho grandpa. They're not worth watching closely. If you earth grown annuals don't do this you need better soil.


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Whenever the sun starts setting and it turns night my plants leaves droop. During the day they are nice and up and moving towards the sun but when the sun goes down they droop. The bigger plants with the bigger leaves droop more than the smaller ones. It also seems to happen more the day that I watered. If I water in the morning, that same night it will be more droopy than normal but regardless of if I watered or not they still droop. I use 1 gallon to water 4 plants. So each plant gets 1/4 gallon of watering every 3-4 days. They are in 3 gallon pots so I dont think im overwatering. Is this normal for plants to droop at night or is there something wrong?
Sorry to thread bump but I read this whole thread and was curious what fixed it if any of the information in this thread helped or not? Or if something else was causing it? I only ask because my plant has been doing it for a couple days now. Tonight it started with 3 hours of light on time left.
Sorry to thread bump but I read this whole thread and was curious what fixed it if any of the information in this thread helped or not? Or if something else was causing it? I only ask because my plant has been doing it for a couple days now. Tonight it started with 3 hours of light on time left.
A lot of people experience this. I think it's pretty normal, I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe someone else can give a more scientific reason, rather than "they know when its time to sleep". Good luck on your grow!
Move along...nothing to see here...but sleeping plants. The photo period of the sun sets a rhythm for the plant. The same sort of rhythm it sets for you and I. When the day nears its end and the sun begins to set, we as people begin to grow tired, put our feet up, unwind, relax, prepare for bed, etc. Plants operate the same way. You're fine...
A lot of people experience this. I think it's pretty normal, I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe someone else can give a more scientific reason, rather than "they know when its time to sleep". Good luck on your grow!
I appreciate the help. I started to worry because there was still4- 6 hours of light on time and she was basically laying down. Like full upside down U laying down. Thanks again!
Move along...nothing to see here...but sleeping plants. The photo period of the sun sets a rhythm for the plant. The same sort of rhythm it sets for you and I. When the day nears its end and the sun begins to set, we as people begin to grow tired, put our feet up, unwind, relax, prepare for bed, etc. Plants operate the same way. You're fine...
I hope this is the case because when it happens it looks like she's dying. Tops point to the floor not up.
Nvm, that sounds a bit extreme. I would start a separate thread.
Ok. I'll probably do that. This is my plant right now. Looks normal right? I have a grow journal for this plant maybe ill take pics tonight when she wilts and do some show and ask? She's got moisture in the soil. So I know she's not dry dry.


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Ok. I'll probably do that. This is my plant right now. Looks normal right? I have a grow journal for this plant maybe ill take pics tonight when she wilts and do some show and ask? She's got moisture in the soil. So I know she's not dry dry.
Hm well she looks quite happy and doesn’t show any problems from what I can see. I bet the drooping is fine. Just take a picture at her ‘droopiest’ and post a thread. Better safe than sorry!
Hm well she looks quite happy and doesn’t show any problems from what I can see. I bet the drooping is fine. Just take a picture at her ‘droopiest’ and post a thread. Better safe than sorry!
She didn't droop last night. I'm confused about it but if she's not dropping then I have no problems or questions lol I guess I will see if she droops tonight.
I have some strains that droop at night and others that don't... or I wonder if drainage has any effect on the drooping? Some strains droop a hour or two before bedtime. Oh well, it's all fun!
Simple google search will show the answer.
The leaves standing up to reach the sun is actually caused by air pressure differential in plant photosynthesis. Co2 going in O2 coming out of the leaves. If the leaves are "up" they are transpiring well. If they droop they are not. So... if the sun goes down then photosynthesis isnt happening and the leaves will droop.

Some strains more than others. I had some romulan plants that seemed to die at night. Looked like peeps standing with their arms tight to their sides. Turned out that their giant leaves were to heavy for long thin stems to hold up. But when the lights came on fuckers stood right up hands in the air like kids at a concert.

Anyway... you get my point. Google is your friend. If youre going to grow then it is best to acquire a little general growing knowledge...