Well-Known Member

Pay your bill on time & grow on .
I get usage on my bill all the time, and even a comparison to what my neighbourhood is using.[/QUOTE
Always pay utilities on time it's great for the credit rating. This was a separate email in between bills stating that they noticed I was using a lot more electric and it would cost $194 for the whole month at the rate I was going! When I'm not growing it's like $35-$40 Yeah Not stopping now
One thing that helps is turning off lights during peak hours 11am to 8 pmI get them every month and I'm always triple what they say the community around me runs. Sometimes they say that I've used $350 more than my neighbors and my bill would only be $400. I have a hard time believing that my neighbors are only using $50 worth of electric for a month. All my equipment combined I'm only running around 2K of power for my grow.
My flowering lights run 8 pm to 8 am. This year I know most of my extra cost was running the dehumidifier and a/c not only for my grow but my whole house as we've had and extremely hot and wet fall.One thing that helps is turning off lights during peak hours 11am to 8 pm