This shit is fucking amazing...


Junior Creatologist
Ok, check this shit out right here...

Greenhouse Seed co. has released a new method of distributing feminized seeds. They have developed a Colored coating to put on their fem seeds, so that you can differentiate between your strains, n it looks like cereal or some cool shit like that, lol.

But that aint the best part....

They are now garunteeing their fem seeds to be 100% female 100% germ rate and 100% hermie free when you buy these new femz. The reason why, is because of this new coating. They had scientists do a shitload of testing, and have come up with this coating, which is comprised of Root Stimulator, and some type of Female Sexing Hormone. They spray all of their fem seeds with this colored spray, and they sell them just like that with the garuntee. They say that if for some reason your seeds dont germ or you get a hermie or a male, they will send you your entire order again for free. I was just readin about this shit in the new HIGHTIMES, and went to the site to confirm it, and its completely accurate.

Ill take some pics of the seeds, cuz they dont really have good shots of them on the website. HIGHTIMES has awesome pics of the seeds, plus a pic of one of the colored seeds germing. Its fuckin awesome lookin, lol.

Anybody that garuntees everything that greenhouse is garunteeing, is worth looking into - and i will be ordering seeds from them within the next weel. probably cheese femz n sharks breath femz, but no matter what i order its gonna be these color coated ones cuz they look cool, and their garunteed.

Check the shit out on the website, and ill post some pics up here in a little bit for you guys to check out...

hope this was informative and helpful.


Well-Known Member
That's old news man, they have been around for months. It seems like nothing but a gimmick to me, if you want good germ rates then keep a fresh stock of seeds


Junior Creatologist
yeh i understand it seems like a gimmick but i mean, anything to increase your chance of a big healthy fuckin female, right? im down to send a hundie to see what the deal is with them, lol thats all i know.

Im bout to post the article plus couple pics here for you guys. gimme a couple minutes to load everything up.


Junior Creatologist
k im not sure how in-focus the article is, but i have all of it here. just lemme know if you wanna read it n ill try to take some more pics of it for you guys.

i hope everyone gets sometin outta this, cuz i sure as shit did. Im gonna try n grab a tennie of a hormone controlled colored strain this week sometime. Ill do a report whenever i grow them :D


Junior Creatologist
huh? dude u dont need a PO box or nothin. I understand the want to be stealth for your own protection, but to be honest, all u need to do is use someone elses name, and you cant get in trouble for shit. Even if customs grabs your seeds, theyll just send you a letter sayin "hey, we intercepted your shit cuz it had seeds in it. We still have everything else that was in the package, so if u want it, come n get it" , n thats it. No DEA will come knockin at your door, no trouble with the law, no nothin.

Go for it man, order your seeds if thats all thats stoppin u dude :D


Junior Creatologist
Thats cool as shit. Captain crunch crunch berries though? hmmm

i mean, honestly it would bring a whole new level to stealth packageing. It dont look like seeds at all. When i 1st saw the article, i was like, why the fuck do they got trix cereal as a feature article in HIGHTIMES???? n i read for a second, n my jaw dropped. Sorry to everyone that already knew about this shit, but its new to me, hence the excitement.


Junior Creatologist
yeh, thanks for the rep man. N i subscribe to the times as of three months ago ever since i got into this shit. Its full of useful info man, n the ads they got in there for easy equipment, and seedbanks is nuts. Even though some people report bad experiences with some of the banks that hightimes endorse, i would have to say that its cool to try any of them out, as they all ship internationally, and if you keep your orders small, theres no emotional attachment to your money if something should happen to your seeds. But like i said, if its endorsed by hightimes, i would have to say at least try it.... ill do a thread listing all the hightimes endorsed seedbanks sometime in the next day or so,

N ill also make a thread listing off the Top 10 strains of 2008, as decided by growers nationwide, as well as internationally. ill actually do that right now.


Active Member
Any there any places online they're starting to sell these color-coded mix packs? Seems like the best bang for your buck.


Nevermind. Wonder if they sell to the US?

EDIT #2: Nope. It's not on their country list. Damn, we got to find a reseller who does.

Hawaiian Snow
Super Silver Haze
Lemon Skunk
White Rino
Big Bang

....all in one pack, and feminized/color-coded to boot at $50USD. Hope we find a reseller who ships to the US by January, definitely gonna go this route next time I grow.