The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

About three weeks to go, I'm simply amazed that the republicans are still on the political radar. America's political system needs reform, only two parties and primaries aren't mentioned in the constitution, with the current system the country is not just falling behind the world but flirting with suicide. You folks need constitutional reform as well, USA 2.0 would be a good idea.
Steve Kornacki Breaks Down The Latest Midterm Polling | Morning Joe | MSNBC
With just three weeks until voters head to the polls, Steve Kornacki returns to Morning Joe with polling on key races, including New York's 27th congressional district and Utah's 4th congressional district.
About three weeks to go, I'm simply amazed that the republicans are still on the political radar. America's political system needs reform, only two parties and primaries aren't mentioned in the constitution, with the current system the country is not just falling behind the world but flirting with suicide. You folks need constitutional reform as well, USA 2.0 would be a good idea.
Steve Kornacki Breaks Down The Latest Midterm Polling | Morning Joe | MSNBC
With just three weeks until voters head to the polls, Steve Kornacki returns to Morning Joe with polling on key races, including New York's 27th congressional district and Utah's 4th congressional district.

No way we open up a constitutional convention in today's political climate. Maybe after we've had a few cycles with big money banned from election campaigns. We'd need to pass an amendment to get around the right wing SCOTUS and repeal Citizen's United and other rulings that protect corporations as if they were people. Those changes and others such as permanently protecting people's right to privacy when making medical choices are possible by writing amendments. This can be done without opening up a constitutional convention where literally anything can be written into the constitution.
Canada to start legal Marijuana sales

As of midnight pot is legal in Canada, but not completely free, that will take time and constitutional challenges to the existing law along with amendments to the new law over time. I wanted to get involved in helping to free the herb in America too, but ya gotta deal with Trump before you can move anywhere but down. I figure a big blue wave in November will move legalization closer in America, though it will end up as a state by state thing, somewhat like Canada. A single clinical trial proving the benefits of THC as a prophylactic for Alzheimer's would change things overnight, research is moving forward in Canada now.

Seriously, does it really matter what the "cause" is ? whether it's entirely natural, or only 99% natural, what ever percentage we're contributing is just making it worse, and doing it faster. at the time in our worlds development that we ought to be trying to cut as much pollution as possible to counteract as much of this as we can, we're still just dumping huge amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere and oceans. then wondering why we're getting record storms, yearly. why the global climate is shifting, why dry places are flooding and rain forests are drying up. when we're slowly losing coast line world wide to rising ocean levels.
does it really make a difference who or what is to blame? isn't it time to quit ignoring a problem that's getting worse every year? isn't it time to start trying to take steps?
Pence and trump both need to open their fucking ignorant eyes and see what the fuck is going on. you can deny a bull stomping on you and goring you till you die, and you'll still be a dead puddle of stomped on shit.
Canada to start legal Marijuana sales

As of midnight pot is legal in Canada, but not completely free, that will take time and constitutional challenges to the existing law along with amendments to the new law over time. I wanted to get involved in helping to free the herb in America too, but ya gotta deal with Trump before you can move anywhere but down. I figure a big blue wave in November will move legalization closer in America, though it will end up as a state by state thing, somewhat like Canada. A single clinical trial proving the benefits of THC as a prophylactic for Alzheimer's would change things overnight, research is moving forward in Canada now.

i've seen how Canada is dealing with it.....we'll pass on any Canadian help legalizing, thanks, k

church and state are supposed to be separate. why is this shit tolerated? if this old piece of shit war monger wants to serve political messages, then his "churches'" tax exempt state should be revoked, and they should call themselves something else.
and what a message it is...."For those who are screaming blood for the Saudis — look, these people are key allies,” Robertson said. While he called the faith of the Wahabists — the hardline Islamist sect to which the Saudi Royal Family belongs — “obnoxious,” he urged viewers to remember that “we’ve got an arms deal that everybody wanted a piece of…it’ll be a lot of jobs, a lot of money come to our coffers. It’s not something you want to blow up willy-nilly.”

what a fucking man of god.....what a fucking man of peace.......what a fucking load of stinking horseshit.

church and state are supposed to be separate. why is this shit tolerated? if this old piece of shit war monger wants to serve political messages, then his "churches'" tax exempt state should be revoked, and they should call themselves something else.
and what a message it is...."For those who are screaming blood for the Saudis — look, these people are key allies,” Robertson said. While he called the faith of the Wahabists — the hardline Islamist sect to which the Saudi Royal Family belongs — “obnoxious,” he urged viewers to remember that “we’ve got an arms deal that everybody wanted a piece of…it’ll be a lot of jobs, a lot of money come to our coffers. It’s not something you want to blow up willy-nilly.”

what a fucking man of god.....what a fucking man of peace.......what a fucking load of stinking horseshit.

Cheeto Jesus has separated the sheep from the goats, this situation has made who is a charlatan and who is an actual christian crystal clear. There are not many Christians in America, it's mostly just a bunch of self deluded ignoramuses who have no clue as to what it's really all about. Ya can't get through the pearly gates carrying a heart full of hate is lesson #1.
Cheeto Jesus has separated the sheep from the goats, this situation has made who is a charlatan and who is an actual christian crystal clear. There are not many Christians in America, it's mostly just a bunch of self deluded ignoramuses who have no clue as to what it's really all about. Ya can't get through the pearly gates carrying a heart full of hate is lesson #1.

Most are "religious" and not christian, but anti-christian cult members.
One more example of an impeachable offense committed by Trump, the GOP has turned the constitution into a joke.
E-mail Revelation Puts Neat Bow On President Donald Trump FBI HQ Scandal | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Rachel Maddow reports on newly released e-mails that show how Donald Trump used his position to help his own business, and the lies told in the course of following Trump's orders.
Cheeto Jesus has separated the sheep from the goats, this situation has made who is a charlatan and who is an actual christian crystal clear. There are not many Christians in America, it's mostly just a bunch of self deluded ignoramuses who have no clue as to what it's really all about. Ya can't get through the pearly gates carrying a heart full of hate is lesson #1.

but isn't that the WASP wet dream?

he who ends with most toys wins, no matter how he got it because bible!

sociology 101

this was a very funny bit. the only thing about it that wasn't funny is the last few lines, where the possibility of a 2020 presidential election run is not ruled out....
if you want 4 more years of Hillary. that's EXACTLY what will happen.....NOTHING will motivate trump followers to get out and vote more than a chance to completely and totally humiliate Hillary a second time. and NOTHING will drive more voters away from the democratic party than Hillary running again. i WILL NOT vote for her. i know MANY people who will never vote for her. most of them despise trump, but i wouldn't trust them to vote for Hillary instead....
if she is the democratic candidate, i WILL be voting independent......and so will many other people, and that is the surest way to get 4 more years of trump......

this was a very funny bit. the only thing about it that wasn't funny is the last few lines, where the possibility of a 2020 presidential election run is not ruled out....
if you want 4 more years of Hillary. that's EXACTLY what will happen.....NOTHING will motivate trump followers to get out and vote more than a chance to completely and totally humiliate Hillary a second time. and NOTHING will drive more voters away from the democratic party than Hillary running again. i WILL NOT vote for her. i know MANY people who will never vote for her. most of them despise trump, but i wouldn't trust them to vote for Hillary instead....
if she is the democratic candidate, i WILL be voting independent......and so will many other people, and that is the surest way to get 4 more years of trump......
At least they put the fake news warning on the link.
Looks like the GOP might have to disenfranchise more than minorities, but the elderly and women as well. Will they purge female names from the voter lists because the republicans are so far under water with women?
Trump Tried To Mansplain The Midterms To Women
Donald Trump tweeted reasons why female voters are going to side with him in the midterms, despite polls indicating that 63% of women prefer Democrats compared to the 33% for Republicans.
I think the democrats lead is much higher than any of the polls indicate, but people shouldn't be complacent, just barely winning is not good enough, but it might save the country. It appears the GOP is even having trouble in Dixie and I figure on a senate surprise too, the polls are erratic and I don't think they are telling the whole tale. Early voting is way up, double, triple and quadruple last years numbers and heavy turn out favors the democrats considerably. Trump and the GOP are underwater with women and seniors, two of the biggest voting groups, not to mention the youth vote which will probably show up this year at least.
New NBC News / WSJ Poll: Turnout is going to be 'through the roof' | Meet The Press | NBC News

Democratic enthusiasm appears to be reaching historic highs for a midterm election in the latest NBC News / WSJ poll.
All the polls are about "likely" voters, but this election is probably gonna be decided by "unlikely" voters, lots of people who normally don't bother to vote will this time. Big turn outs usually favor the democrats. Trumps approval rating is 45%, it's amazing what money, stupidity, treason and racism can do for a loser like Donald. The GOP are in an alliance with the Russians to steal the election, why not when they actively subvert democratic institutions with gerrymandering and suppress the constitutional right of Americans to vote, working with the Russians to undermine democracy is not such a big step. If they have to cheat to win they are really losers and only losers could vote for them, racism driven suckers.