Yes, I'm on a tight budget


Okay guys, I've been everywhere, all over. I'm hoping I can get some encouragement. I have already read numerous replies on other forums telling me I should just go out and buy some nutes... I can't. I dont have it. What what I do have is aerated composted manure tea. Can anyone school a fella on how to feed my plants with it? I mean, any sound advice on how much and how often would be great. I was going to use it just like I would any other liquid nute and give it tea until I get runoff every other watering, and spring water for the others. Any suggestions?
I can't give you any advice in this area, but I can advise if that if you spent the time there are volumes of material on this forum that will help you. A whole section, I believe, is dedicated to these types of plant feedings.

If you can find space in your budget then Green Leafs Mega Crop sounds like a very popular but low cost al purpose powder nutrient.

Good luck and your budget shouldn't be an obstacle if you can dedicate some time instead to learning.
Hey, myself and a good friend are doing a super budget grow. I'm using nutes I had from a year ago, but he had thrown all his out, and is growing with his own URINE!!! And it works!!!
It's kinda weird and i'm not planning on smoking it, as its his wee, haha, but he is using a 1:10 ratio of urine to water (he uses distilled water) with soil, and they're where they should be with no problems or deficiencies. Have a google.... :D Might be of use to you.
I can't give you any advice in this area, but I can advise if that if you spent the time there are volumes of material on this forum that will help you. A whole section, I believe, is dedicated to these types of plant feedings.

If you can find space in your budget then Green Leafs Mega Crop sounds like a very popular but low cost al purpose powder nutrient.

Good luck and your budget shouldn't be an obstacle if you can dedicate some time instead to learning.
they even offer a free sample, just pay shipping
Know anyone with rabbits? One of the best animal manures. More nitrogen and phosphorus than others and can be used anyway possible teas, compost or just straight in the dirt as its a cold fertilizer and will not burn plants. Banana peels are also a good soure of phosphorus and potassium
Maybe you should look on craigslist or whatever you local equivalent is, they often have free section with gardening supplies. I wouldn't piss or shit on my own plants, that's just me. I feel like if you asked people they would probably just give you nutes.
  • Thanks for all the feed back guys, I have done AlOT of reading. I haven't had trouble finding excellent, cheap fertilizers. I just cant find anything but opinions about how to feed them. Honestly I'm probably being overly concerned but my plants dont seem to have done anything in the last week ( at least they hadn't at the time of my original post) and athomegrowing was right I was given some nutes by a fellow who had moved on to Full Organic making his own super soil and such. My babies are doing what they are supposed to now. At least I think they are So thanks guys, everyone, even those peoples who implied that I was dumb and suggesting still that I "find room in my budget" I needed that. So thanks.
  • Thanks for all the feed back guys, I have done AlOT of reading. I haven't had trouble finding excellent, cheap fertilizers. I just cant find anything but opinions about how to feed them. Honestly I'm probably being overly concerned but my plants dont seem to have done anything in the last week ( at least they hadn't at the time of my original post) and athomegrowing was right I was given some nutes by a fellow who had moved on to Full Organic making his own super soil and such. My babies are doing what they are supposed to now. At least I think they are So thanks guys, everyone, even those peoples who implied that I was dumb and suggesting still that I "find room in my budget" I needed that. So thanks.
Nice... I ordered Bu's Brew Compost Tea Bags on amazon. You drop the teabag in a bucket and let it steep 24 hours. I find this to be a good balance between cost and usability. Maybe in the future see if something like that fits your needs. The best solutions are the most simple, and usually don't deal with human excrement. :lol:;)
Nice... I ordered Bu's Brew Compost Tea Bags on amazon. You drop the teabag in a bucket and let it steep 24 hours. I find this to be a good balance between cost and usability. Maybe in the future see if something like that fits your needs. The best solutions are the most simple, and usually don't deal with human excrement. :lol:;)
Yea lol, I definitely wasn't using any human offal. The tea I made was made with composted cow manure and aerated. Those tea bags sound very cool though. I am going to look into them. What I really want to do is mix up some super soil and try that
Yea lol, I definitely wasn't using any human offal. The tea I made was made with composted cow manure and aerated. Those tea bags sound very cool though. I am going to look into them. What I really want to do is mix up some super soil and try that
Can be expensive. May want to buy soil amendment packs, they are cost effective and have all the goodies.
Hey, myself and a good friend are doing a super budget grow. I'm using nutes I had from a year ago, but he had thrown all his out, and is growing with his own URINE!!! And it works!!!
It's kinda weird and i'm not planning on smoking it, as its his wee, haha, but he is using a 1:10 ratio of urine to water (he uses distilled water) with soil, and they're where they should be with no problems or deficiencies. Have a google.... :D Might be of use to you.
How does this happen.
I find the sketchiest part of a budget grow is most are using bag seed, now not all bag seed is a bad thing, but being bag seed you know the seeds aren't there on purpose, could be a stray Male, but often it's from hermi plants, so now you have spent all your money to build a budget grow area with usually sub par conditions and now you are putting all your eggs into a basket that started with a hole in it