Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

I believe in karma, I do. I believe that if you put good out in the world, good will find it's way back to you. Same with bad, if you do bad things, bad comes back to you. About a year ago, my wife planted some strawberries around the house, me being the fun loving asshole I am, put a coiled up rubber snake out by the patch at the bottom of the hill, as usual, my wife lost interest in her hobby and never seen the snake I placed there to scare the living shit out of her, so here I am almost 13 months later, mowing the grass, I see a branch on the ground, so I get off the mower and go to pick it up. As I reached out for the branch, I see the snake and jump back letting out a yell that I can only describe as "little girl like ". I felt very foolish and probably shouldn't be telling anyone about this but, it was just too funny to keep to myself.
I believe in karma, I do. I believe that if you put good out in the world, good will find it's way back to you. Same with bad, if you do bad things, bad comes back to you. About a year ago, my wife planted some strawberries around the house, me being the fun loving asshole I am, put a coiled up rubber snake out by the patch at the bottom of the hill, as usual, my wife lost interest in her hobby and never seen the snake I placed there to scare the living shit out of her, so here I am almost 13 months later, mowing the grass, I see a branch on the ground, so I get off the mower and go to pick it up. As I reached out for the branch, I see the snake and jump back letting out a yell that I can only describe as "little girl like ". I felt very foolish and probably shouldn't be telling anyone about this but, it was just too funny to keep to myself.
That's what your ass gets!!! Pimp in distress, pimp in distress!!! Hahahahaha!!!