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Anybody know how to stop dreaming? Ever since I stopped smoking my dreams are getting more vivid and I don't like it. Never dreamed when I smoked, now I can barely take a nap without having one.
I feel your pain. I am the same. I've had nightmares since I can remember.(4 years old, possibly coinciding with my parents' divorce, but idk) I don't dream at all until I quit smoking. 10 days to 2 weeks without weed and the nightmares flood in.
"that salsa we made" So that's what we're calling the O face now?

"tortilla chips" Great safe word, mind if I borrow it (the word, not your wife)? :wink:

shit go for it, the word, not the wife...lol

actually we made pico de guyo last night, used some of the fan leaves in it as well, and little space tomatoes ;), we were sitting on the porch while it was raining, before i knew it all the chips were gone and half the guyo...guess someone had the munchies....;)
some dreams are just visions, some past, some presant, and some future. Just be warry of them, but alway remember to pay attention to the now cause simply that is the most important.....
Or running enough but that's an unpopular opinion
or riding enough... at least that's what my Dr says...... i ordered my Christmas present today...Schwinn Trike(:

I'm already looking at a 1000w etrike conversion kit.....please don't tell my dr.;)

Lol. With a 20ah battery, you can go for hours and really not pedal at all. Ebikes are the best way to start biking again. I rode one for a couple of years, and in the process I got really fit and bought a normal bike for more exercise. I still break out the electric bikes when I'm going over 20 miles distance or so...
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