Active Member
I agree. I enjoy hearing people’s opinions and being able to form mine. I fully support freedom of speech.
Except when you don't like what it says apparently. First of all, you completely miss-characterized my posts. It seems like you are personally angry about me supporting pro-cannabis politicians. Secondly, the post right above yours doesn't have a political statement at all. Third, I have never told anybody how to vote. Fourth, I ignored most of what you said because its seems an anger based reaction. Fifth, you do not get to determine what is and is not posted in the thread. That is up to the moderators. You are not an arbiter of what qualifies and what does not as appropriate. Finally, you claim to "support free speech" but then just talk about how only specific statements should be allowed. That is the exact definition of censorship.
I encourage you to take some deep breaths and try to relax. Use the scroll button to scroll past my statements if you must. Walk away from the computer if needed. You are not a mind reader, you do not know my intentions, nor do you know who I am. You can believe I am engaged in some type of conspiracy or trying to mislead people if you want to, that would be wrong but you are allowed to do that. I don't appreciate the personal attacks though. I am pretty sure that is the type of stuff that is not allowed by the rules of the forum.
I am a cannabis advocate for both legal and medical usage. Please just ignore what I say if you don't like it. I am not sorry you disagree with me. I am sorry you seem to resort to personal attacks. This is an extremely important election and I need my medicine to have a happy and content life. I am going to share information in order to help others make an informed decision when they go to vote.
If you are unable to see the link between this, I don't know what to else to say other then once again, just ignore it. I challenge you to find me personally attacking anybody that disagrees with me. Guess what, you won't. I might point out that it doesn't make much sense for people with medical cards to support candidates that are literally on record saying word for word that they "are not fans of medical marijuana" and have literally attempted to veto the MMJ program twice.
It might be inconvenient for you to acknowledge this, I am not sure. But I think I am adding to the discussion, so I am going to continue to exercise my 1st amendment right to do so. You support this, so it shouldn't be a problem. By the way, this is a private internet forum. Our speech isn't exactly protected the same way it is in public.
Also, I think you are missing the part where I say that I am a Mental Health Professional and also have lots of experience working with the state when it comes to mental health issues, state programs, paperwork etc etc. I have even setup videos that attempt to help other people. I am not ashamed of this.
Frankly, the only people that have been "negative" seem to be people that respond to me in a nasty way. I don't personally attack people at all. I don't need to do that because I provide proof backing up my statements. Plus, I don't do that anyways. I'd rather discuss facts. Not attack ads seen on TV.
I completed my application about 40 days ago. Getting closer! I also want to thank those who have shared kind words. That means a lot to me.
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