Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

I agree. I enjoy hearing people’s opinions and being able to form mine. I fully support freedom of speech.

Except when you don't like what it says apparently. First of all, you completely miss-characterized my posts. It seems like you are personally angry about me supporting pro-cannabis politicians. Secondly, the post right above yours doesn't have a political statement at all. Third, I have never told anybody how to vote. Fourth, I ignored most of what you said because its seems an anger based reaction. Fifth, you do not get to determine what is and is not posted in the thread. That is up to the moderators. You are not an arbiter of what qualifies and what does not as appropriate. Finally, you claim to "support free speech" but then just talk about how only specific statements should be allowed. That is the exact definition of censorship.

I encourage you to take some deep breaths and try to relax. Use the scroll button to scroll past my statements if you must. Walk away from the computer if needed. You are not a mind reader, you do not know my intentions, nor do you know who I am. You can believe I am engaged in some type of conspiracy or trying to mislead people if you want to, that would be wrong but you are allowed to do that. I don't appreciate the personal attacks though. I am pretty sure that is the type of stuff that is not allowed by the rules of the forum.

I am a cannabis advocate for both legal and medical usage. Please just ignore what I say if you don't like it. I am not sorry you disagree with me. I am sorry you seem to resort to personal attacks. This is an extremely important election and I need my medicine to have a happy and content life. I am going to share information in order to help others make an informed decision when they go to vote.

If you are unable to see the link between this, I don't know what to else to say other then once again, just ignore it. I challenge you to find me personally attacking anybody that disagrees with me. Guess what, you won't. I might point out that it doesn't make much sense for people with medical cards to support candidates that are literally on record saying word for word that they "are not fans of medical marijuana" and have literally attempted to veto the MMJ program twice.

It might be inconvenient for you to acknowledge this, I am not sure. But I think I am adding to the discussion, so I am going to continue to exercise my 1st amendment right to do so. You support this, so it shouldn't be a problem. By the way, this is a private internet forum. Our speech isn't exactly protected the same way it is in public.

Also, I think you are missing the part where I say that I am a Mental Health Professional and also have lots of experience working with the state when it comes to mental health issues, state programs, paperwork etc etc. I have even setup videos that attempt to help other people. I am not ashamed of this.

Frankly, the only people that have been "negative" seem to be people that respond to me in a nasty way. I don't personally attack people at all. I don't need to do that because I provide proof backing up my statements. Plus, I don't do that anyways. I'd rather discuss facts. Not attack ads seen on TV.

I completed my application about 40 days ago. Getting closer! I also want to thank those who have shared kind words. That means a lot to me.
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Those that have applied via 3rd party places I have a question:

Are you guys being given a login or a way to access the IL patient portal? You can upload forms and complete the entire application process electronically on your own. This is especially useful for those of us that have QIs on record and have had our doctors fill out paperwork during routine visits. Here is the link:

Renewals can be done via this website as well as completing paperwork. Essentially, I am trying to make sure that you will be able to do the renewal on your own, rather then be tied to the place that did your paperwork for you. This is all just occurring to me. I would hate to see people having to go back to wherever you went to help with the paperwork rather then be able to just do a renewal by themselves.
Verizon store is better at least they show you what your buying I didn’t get to see my flower till the drive home lol

Terp profile is so important when picking out a product, especially flower. We should be able to smell the product. I have had flower that looks great but doesn't smell that good and it almost always turns out to be garbage. On the other hand, I have had flower that doesn't look that good but smells great and it rarely lets me down.

Here is a short video kinda addressing this:

Terp profile is so important when picking out a product, especially flower. We should be able to smell the product. I have had flower that looks great but doesn't smell that good and it almost always turns out to be garbage. On the other hand, I have had flower that doesn't look that good but smells great and it rarely lets me down.

Here is a short video kinda addressing this:

Depending on the grower the terp profile is on the outside packaging. Progressive treatment solutions, revolution do for sure, I'll have to look at others
Depending on the grower the terp profile is on the outside packaging. Progressive treatment solutions, revolution do for sure, I'll have to look at others

Ohhh, I see. So its packaging.... I spent a lot of time talking to somebody that worked for Revolution at the "Yes We Cann" event in Chicago and was impressed with how much they knew about Cannabis in general. Some of the other reps, well they seemed to be there more so because they were attractive and didn't really know what they were talking about.
I might point out that it doesn't make much sense for people with medical cards to support candidates that are literally on record saying word for word that they "are not fans of medical marijuana" and have literally attempted to veto the MMJ program twice.
see here's the thing though, bro, you're telling me that because I smoke pot I must be a democrat or vote democrat? What if pot is literally the only thing I agree with a candidate on? I vote for them just because, pot? No.. sorry but you're wrong on that one.. pot isn't the only reason you are pushing jb, now is it? And for the record I'm not voting for either of those two, didn't vote for either of the crooks in the presidential election either.
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To everyone talking politics can we please stay on topic to this thread. I understand that when talking about MMJ in IL, politics are unavoidable but I think that conversation would be best had in another thread. We all know there is a bigger problem than just the office that is processing the documentation, but the main scope of this thread is to help people track the wait time for their MMJ card. I would be happy to join in on the political conversation, but not on this thread.

Back to the matter at hand
State received documentation per USPS certified mail 8/17/18
Check has not been cashed as of 10/22/18

I really want to know what is taking so long. but I do not want to slow the process by calling or emailing because most people have said they receive a generic response that is no help. I had spinal surgery last week so pain management has been increasingly difficult. and opioids make me so sick. They received my paperwork 67 days ago and have not even looked at it. Has anyone had any luck with contacting the state proactively to find out if there is an issue with the paperwork? If so how long should I wait before contacting to confirm all documentation has been completed correctly?

I know people have been waiting longer and I do not mean to sound like I should be moved ahead of anyone. I am just voicing some of my frustrations with this stupid process, I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir.
Ohhh, I see. So its packaging.... I spent a lot of time talking to somebody that worked for Revolution at the "Yes We Cann" event in Chicago and was impressed with how much they knew about Cannabis in general. Some of the other reps, well they seemed to be there more so because they were attractive and didn't really know what they were talking about.
Yeah not all grows list terp profile but I know for sure revolution does. They are near the top of my favs for sure. I read an article in high times, I think t was, about revolution and their grows and their philosophy and was very impressed. Their blackberry kush and gorilla glue #4 are fantastic and their edibles are top notch, but the edibles sell out pretty quick by me. The whole cannabis landscape in Illinois is fascinating and I learn something new everytime I go to the dispensary. Don't be afraid to ask questions and hang out if they aren't busy.
To everyone talking politics can we please stay on topic to this thread. I understand that when talking about MMJ in IL, politics are unavoidable but I think that conversation would be best had in another thread. We all know there is a bigger problem than just the office that is processing the documentation, but the main scope of this thread is to help people track the wait time for their MMJ card. I would be happy to join in on the political conversation, but not on this thread.

Back to the matter at hand
State received documentation per USPS certified mail 8/17/18
Check has not been cashed as of 10/22/18

I really want to know what is taking so long. but I do not want to slow the process by calling or emailing because most people have said they receive a generic response that is no help. I had spinal surgery last week so pain management has been increasingly difficult. and opioids make me so sick. They received my paperwork 67 days ago and have not even looked at it. Has anyone had any luck with contacting the state proactively to find out if there is an issue with the paperwork? If so how long should I wait before contacting to confirm all documentation has been completed correctly?

I know people have been waiting longer and I do not mean to sound like I should be moved ahead of anyone. I am just voicing some of my frustrations with this stupid process, I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir.
To everyone talking politics can we please stay on topic to this thread. I understand that when talking about MMJ in IL, politics are unavoidable but I think that conversation would be best had in another thread. We all know there is a bigger problem than just the office that is processing the documentation, but the main scope of this thread is to help people track the wait time for their MMJ card. I would be happy to join in on the political conversation, but not on this thread.

Back to the matter at hand
State received documentation per USPS certified mail 8/17/18
Check has not been cashed as of 10/22/18

I really want to know what is taking so long. but I do not want to slow the process by calling or emailing because most people have said they receive a generic response that is no help. I had spinal surgery last week so pain management has been increasingly difficult. and opioids make me so sick. They received my paperwork 67 days ago and have not even looked at it. Has anyone had any luck with contacting the state proactively to find out if there is an issue with the paperwork? If so how long should I wait before contacting to confirm all documentation has been completed correctly?

I know people have been waiting longer and I do not mean to sound like I should be moved ahead of anyone. I am just voicing some of my frustrations with this stupid process, I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir.

Sorry but the truth of the matter is you just have to wait. It pisses me off that those that have already got their cards encourage folks that haven't, to call the state. There are ten state workers as of last week that are responsible to process the massive influx of applications. Calling them just to find out where in the process your paperwork is just delays others that have been waiting much longer. I, unfortunately, applied back when finger print and background checks were mandatory and that adds to the wait time! I am at 84 days since the state received my paperwork. I know i am close and just have to wait.

It doesn't help when you know it's any day now and the USPS informed delivery doesn't give you any images of what is in the mail like this yesterday:

There are 7 mailpieces for which we do not currently have images that are included in Yesterday's mail.

As far as the political banter goes:
I hear and see enough of the mud-slinging from candidates on both sides. I do not need to read about in this forum.
see here's the thing though, bro, you're telling me that because I smoke pot I must be a democrat or vote democrat? What if pot is literally the only thing I agree with a candidate on? I vote for them just because, pot? No.. sorry but you're wrong on that one.. pot isn't the only reason you are pushing jb, now is it? And for the record I'm not voting for either of those two, didn't vote for either of the crooks in the presidential election either.

I couldn't agree with you more!
State received documentation per USPS certified mail 8/17/18
Check was finally cashed at 68 days 10/23/18

I got a bit excited when I saw the check was cashed. Although it does not mean it is on the way at least I know it is being worked on and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
State received documentation per USPS certified mail 8/17/18
Check was finally cashed at 68 days 10/23/18

I got a bit excited when I saw the check was cashed. Although it does not mean it is on the way at least I know it is being worked on and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
You will definitely be getting your card sooner than later. I received this email from the state of Illinois when I asked how backlogged they were in regards to processing applications (see attached picture). They are currently processing applications received in the month of August. I imagine that once they get to applications that were received on the 28th that the process will speed up dramatically. All applications received past the 28th did not require a background check/fingerprint which should decrease wait time.

I hope this info helps people. I have been lurking for a while in this forum.

I submitted my paperwork online on 9/26, the state received the application the moment I submitted. I have not heard anything other than what was mentioned in the email that I attached a picture ofProcess.PNG

I went through IEC as well!

Here is my timeline:

1st digital visit/diagnosis: 9/11
2nd visit (in office): 9/13
3rd visit (digital) 9/20

Received an email with payment and saying application was submitted on 9/20.

I am thinking my countdown starts from 9/20. I emailed IDPH on 10/1 and they received my application, which is good news. I have seen some people say their wait was down to 75 days. Which would be nice, now that there is no fineger print or background check, so hopefully the wait time has dropped! Patiently waiting now, hopefully will be in the beginning of December for me!!
You and I are on the same track! Time is going by quickly though.
You and I are on the same track! Time is going by quickly though.

It has been going by fast! Already been 35 days! If timelines are correct, we should be getting it early December!

I have been looking around for recipes to use RSO! I have tried making CannaButter a few times and suck, so I’m either going to make edibles with RSO or buy a butter infuser!
You will definitely be getting your card sooner than later. I received this email from the state of Illinois when I asked how backlogged they were in regards to processing applications (see attached picture). They are currently processing applications received in the month of August. I imagine that once they get to applications that were received on the 28th that the process will speed up dramatically. All applications received past the 28th did not require a background check/fingerprint which should decrease wait time.

I hope this info helps people. I have been lurking for a while in this forum.

I submitted my paperwork online on 9/26, the state received the application the moment I submitted. I have not heard anything other than what was mentioned in the email that I attached a picture ofView attachment 4221040

I sent in by mail 8/24. I’ll let you know as soon as I receive my card. I haven’t called or emailed. Just patiently waiting going through benzo withdrawal and being sick as hell but nothing I can do about it.
Is anybody else having troubles getting in to USPS informed delivery? Today I got the notice at 8:30 AM that I had mail coming so I try to log in to see what it is. It just sits there and eventually gives an error. The other day I get in and it says that images are not available. Day 85 since the state got my paperwork so it's nice to know that I am going to get mail but what good is it if you can't tell if it's junk mail or what you have been patiently waiting for? Nice idea but I wish it worked!
Mail came before the USPS Informed Delivery site could be accessed. Ten pieces of mail but not what I am waiting for! Better luck tomorrow hopefully.