What did you accomplish today?

it is called Mint.....very light green almost white

that's blue. i've had this discussion with several people over the years, i think i have some slight color "blindness...that looks sky blue to me....the grass it's sitting on is green, the seat is brown, the bike is blue.....
Managed to do all the metal cutting, drilling and countersinking without cutting off any fingers.
Still got to cut the threaded rods, but I think I can handle a grinder.
Then I need to do the wire harness, and rub on the thermal paste and install more than 120 nuts and bolts. It is a big job building these LED strip fixtures.

I have perfect colour vision, I've done the test...
It is definitely mint.
Finally got active intake ready for next set of baby monsters. The air being pulled in is from the house ducted aircon so hopefully it will do the trick as it’s going to be a looong hot summer. Today was already 36c (96F). View attachment 4222000

You might think of replacing the flexible ducting with the ridged type.
A lot less air velocity loss due to it being much smoother inside.
You might think of replacing the flexible ducting with the ridged type.
A lot less air velocity loss due to it being much smoother inside.
I will definitely look into this. Hubby is a sparky but also specialises in aircon install. I’ll be asking him why he hasn’t mentioned that there are other options for the flex.
The initial plan was to install a split system but he suggested we try this first and see how it goes.
Finally got active intake ready for next set of baby monsters. The air being pulled in is from the house ducted aircon so hopefully it will do the trick as it’s going to be a looong hot summer. Today was already 36c (96F). View attachment 4222000
Get rid of that flex, at least where it enters and go rigid with a flange to help with sealing that entry. You need to seal that entry or bugs will be an issue. All you need is to get the air in there positioning your outlet opposite and high will pull the cool air through and out. Your exhaust fan should pull your intake air and should be placed right at exit, sealed and filtered so you don't get bugs around your exhaust or when the system is off, hth.

PS sealing the room will allow you to pull from the filtered house, reducing insects and allow you to use CO2, eventually, which means you can work with higher temps.
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Speaking of gear, the first time the mail ran after the storm, I got a package. Next day UPS shows up with more. New Chill Gorilla tarp and Breeze mesh tent, as well as a lighter weight Anker battery bank. I've been using the Anker, but haven't unrolled the tarp or tent yet.

Don't tell my avatar, but I also got a pair of the 1/4 height Vermont light weight Darn Tough socks. I wore them about a week, and it looks like they are going to work out. But they are much thinner than my other Darn Tough's so I had to adjust the shock cord laces on my trail runners.
..bought a bunch of chips, snack food frozen pizzas buffalo wings burritos Coke root-beer and that type thing for munchies while we enjoy the World Series! (Already have beer :mrgreen:) I'd rather not say who I'm cheering for tho..

that's blue. i've had this discussion with several people over the years, i think i have some slight color "blindness...that looks sky blue to me....the grass it's sitting on is green, the seat is brown, the bike is blue.....

^ I'm going with robin-egg blue o_O
Oh, I unhooked the water line going into the washer, and cleaned a ton of gunk out of the filter and hose. It's working much better now. It was giving LF {long fill} error messages every few minutes since the power came back on. Also got one freezer cleaned out and plugged back in. Got about half of the food trash out of the other. Once I get it finished, I'll run it into town and put in my dumpster at work.