Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I think everyone wanked to blue lagoon never seen porkys n wow eat that’s impressive kids these days don’t even no I remember spending hours watching the fashion Chanel hoping for a wardrobe malfunction


Well-Known Member
OK let me tell you what happened. I came into this forum and I got the impression that I could just talk without having to censor myself. My attitude is exactly that, to put up information and people can do with it what they will. For example you've probably seen the famous defoliation thread that goes for over 400 pages. The guys puts up his information and backs it up with pictures, that however does not stop have the people slagging him off calling him a fucking idiot and so on. I think it's brilliant, and there's lots of people who have turned me on to things that other people slag off. Why?

I'm really fucked off with bullies. So I just put some information up and when I do I do know what the fuck I'm talking about. But if someone thinks it's bullshit, that's fine but you have to at least give some reasoning. You see it's real easy for me to say "fuck this shit" but why should I allow one or two people to fuck up the forum because they are insecure cunts.

So I put up with the shit and played it with a straight bat for a while then it just became like how the inter webs used to be 20 years ago when all it was was people taking personal ownership of a public board as if they own it and crucifying any new comer. The only mistake I made and it was a mistake and I have learned my lesson is that if I had my time back again, I'd have put the fuckwads, on my ignore list immediately. I was wrong not to do that, and I'm sorry that because I did not do that, that this shit had to happen. But before you come to a conclusion that I'm in the wrong here you may wish to get a second opinion, ask someone neutral like Venus for example.

The pointless and mindless abuse that I've not only had to put up with but that had buried some of the useful information I've posted is annoying. I talk to the underdog, I've grown large football sized head in hydro over 20 years ago, but that is not my interest any longer. I never even heard of auto flowers till a few months ago so it's a new world for me.

However particularly because the laws are so fucked up in this country, I know there are thousands of people who would love to grow one or two plants for themselves. And they are the people I write for, so if they stumble upon stuff they will get the information they need. I understand that there's a group here who consider themselves "master growers" and that anyone who is not growing some massive set up is an unworthy pratt. But really that's all bullshit. It got bad because I gave a good rap on a particular model viparspectra, and for the price for a small time grower it has many advantages, but I could not get a word in sideways, it was instant fucking dumping.

But that is not the worst of it, the worst of it is that anything they said, they would not back up, they would not give any reasoning. You see I can relate to people who don't know stuff. I used to grow when a son t agro was the ultimate lamp, and LED are all new to me, I didn't know if I was making a mistake with this particular vipar. I came close to getting a platinum P450, which would have cost me more than twice the price. Or even the electric sky. But in the end I took a chance on the vipar, not the earlier models that are very ordinary but the later ones which are quite well designed.

Now then they were unable to contend with a contrary opinion. They were unable to debate the issue debating for them is simply hurling abuse. And I will say at this point I'm only talking about a few people.

But if you want to know what *really* pressed their buttons and what all this shit is *really* about it's not about lights at all it's about someone posting an image of a bunch of infantilised women with shaved cunts, and coincidentally my particular expertise is in the area of sexual philosophy and believe it or not but even though I'm on here trash talking I have a body of knowledge that is going to undo the abuse of women. An entire generation of women are being turned into infantilised idiots. And I'm not going to stand here and do nothing because I've never been one to run away from pig ignorant bullies.

What you are seeing is far from the whole picture. That's as much as I wish to say at the moment other than why are you pointing the finger at me? As if.
What a precious little snowflake you are Pinocchio

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I think everyone wanked to blue lagoon never seen porkys n wow eat that’s impressive kids these days don’t even no I remember spending hours watching the fashion Chanel hoping for a wardrobe malfunction
My grandpa came in and give me a fair wack around the back of the head cos he walked in while porkys was on and they had the scene where pee wee is perving on the girls in the shower

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Spring experiment for early bud is 50/50 at the moment
Cheap thrills threw buds but just as quick is trying to reveg if she gets back into her groove quick she may be left to go full term
The lvtk is flowering hard hope she doesn't reveg tho id like to see her finish for one big bud ;)
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Well-Known Member