What Will The Donald J Trump Presidential Library Look Like?


Active Member
Why? Because I don't agree with your bullshit. I could easily say you sound like the next Oswald. Get over it dude. You lost.


Well-Known Member
I think all you freaks who would have rather had Hillary as our president over Trump need to lay off the bong a little bit. Because she was the other choice and I'll take Trump over her any day of the week.
Interesting. Please tell us how Donald Trump has made your life better. Please be specific.


Well-Known Member
You asked for my reason and I gave it to you. I don't give a fuck about Mexicans On the border. That scares people that's good for business too. I don't give a fuck about Stormy Daniels sucking the presidents cock. I don't give a flying fuck if the Democrats and the Republicans all kill each other. I only care about me and my family that's it. And we're all doing real good right now. Obviously you're never going to understand what I'm talkin about. You strike me as the person that just wants to be a conflict. It's a big country and not everybody thinks the way you think. It's almost like you're a Republican and I'm a Democrat. But I think it's just more of I'm a grown up and you're a child. Agree to disagree. Later dude. I'm sure you'll chirp in about something to try to get the last word but I really don't give a shit. I'm not going to comment on this post anymore I'm better than it. Did you like how the Democrats came out after the shooting over the weekend and said this all could be changed with the midterm elections? Do they really believe they could have stopped this shooting? Do you really think they give a rat's ass about any of the people that were murdered? I think they're just using it as a platform to gain votes. When you start pushing politics during a tragedy such as Saturday you might be the biggest pieces of shit on the planet.
I think the biggest pieces of shit on the planet are the ones who voted for a guy that called nazis very fine people


Well-Known Member
It'll be a beautiful library, a great library!

It'll be the first presidential library with a Diet Coke fountain and more picture books than wordy books.... and wait till you see to covfefe section!!!

It'll be a beautiful library, a great library! It'll be the best library! Better than all previous Presidential libraries combined!


Well-Known Member
You asked for my reason and I gave it to you. I don't give a fuck about Mexicans On the border. That scares people that's good for business too. I don't give a fuck about Stormy Daniels sucking the presidents cock. I don't give a flying fuck if the Democrats and the Republicans all kill each other. I only care about me and my family that's it. And we're all doing real good right now. Obviously you're never going to understand what I'm talkin about. You strike me as the person that just wants to be a conflict. It's a big country and not everybody thinks the way you think. It's almost like you're a Republican and I'm a Democrat. But I think it's just more of I'm a grown up and you're a child. Agree to disagree. Later dude. I'm sure you'll chirp in about something to try to get the last word but I really don't give a shit. I'm not going to comment on this post anymore I'm better than it. Did you like how the Democrats came out after the shooting over the weekend and said this all could be changed with the midterm elections? Do they really believe they could have stopped this shooting? Do you really think they give a rat's ass about any of the people that were murdered? I think they're just using it as a platform to gain votes. When you start pushing politics during a tragedy such as Saturday you might be the biggest pieces of shit on the planet.
You could have saved a lot of time by just admitting Trump has done nothing concrete for you but cut your taxes by $8 per paycheck while giving his rich friends millions at our expense.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
does it seem normal that anyone shreds every document they touch before they walk away from it?
that seems to me like a thing a person with a lot to hide would do, consciously or unconsciously.....
he's been told that those documents need to go into the archives, but he ignores tradition and the rules, plus he just can't be bothered to break a habit. so three old guys get paid 65k a year, each, to tape shit back together that trump tears apart? till they get fired for some capricious reason that's never even explained to them? so whose taping documents back together now?