What about my statement: "I have taken the time to become informed & know the poison that is used & that the government has deemed acceptable & perfectly safe...so was Thalidomide.", could you possibly deem that I was o.k. with any of it? Your reading skills seem to be lacking a bit...perhaps they are getting jumbled with your own beliefs and not what you are reading.
If you want to get the message across that LP's, etc. are bad, then you need to replace the talk with positive info. Don't tell people something is bad, just tell them what is good about it. Don't say:" Don't go there!", instead say:"This is where you need to go or this is what you need to do...then you change the focus from complaining to actually helping people who are unaware. You may be able to help more people if you keep sharing the info that is good & positive. Sometimes, people stop listening when it sounds like complaining.
I actually agree with everything you said. It's the method you use I think, that needs tweaking.