Well-Known Member
anybody notice something strange?
Obama osama
biden BIn laDEN
Obama osama
biden BIn laDEN
That looks like Sarah Palin's special needs kid, come back to visit us from the future! I think he borrowed the shirt from his older sister though.
there is nothing immediate about it nor is it anything new. the love affair of the american people with free stuff is long standing and has been undermining our work ethic from the very beginning. obama is merely the latest and most extreme version of the politician that caters to the avarice and indolence of the american people.really don't know where the fuck people get the idea that if obama gets elected then America immediately becomes socialist
If you are insinuating anything, the picture explains your mentality.
Compassion is the poor man's excuse to steal from the rich.I believe Obama has stressed, many times, personal responsibility. In other words, do not count on others for help. Of course, he is also a compassionate man, and a Christian, and seeing people die needlessly on our streets is anathema to either the compassionate or the Christians who walk the walk, not just talk the talk.
Nobody's asking for 'free stuff'. What people are deeply unhappy about is the fact that they're making less money now than they were eight years ago. They're unhappy that the Republicans so mismanaged our economy that the life savings of many, many people have evaporated this past year. They're unhappy seeing someone aspiring for the highest office in the land inciting bigotry and hatred toward a fellow citizen. They're unhappy seeing a candidate select someone so extremist in her views. They're unhappy that the world itself is shuddering under the weight of untold tons of garbage and pollution, but no one in power seems to care. They're unhappy with the knowledge that, perhaps for the first time, the next generation is quite likely to have a much worse life than the current one. They're unhappy that over the last eight years, the poor have gotten poorer, the middle-class has edged closer to being the 'new poor', and only the richest among us have gained.
I'm a proud Democrat. I am not looking for handouts. I burned the last rebate check and if they send me another, I'll burn that too. I won't accept Social Security when I can, because I don't need it. I served this country in time of conflict, earned my combat patch, and have only given to this country, never taken. I don't use emergency rooms, I don't want or need food stamps or welfare (but I'm glad they exist for the truly needy).
The oil barons and war-mongers have run this country into the ground for eight years, and they'd like four more, and yet more after that. I say: enough. The country can withstand these failed policies no more. On November 4th, the good old boys network of rich oil company pawns are going to be OUT of power. If we'd thrown out the bums in 2000, we would likely be looking forward to a much brighter future than the dismal one which we will have to leave to the next generation now.
And if saving us from Bush's failed policies entails some emergency socialism, that doesn't make me happy, and it didn't have to be this way. I hold Bush and his party accountable for the mess in which we find ourselves now. If he wasn't a pussy, he'd accept responsibility for where we are. But he hasn't got the guts of the gentleman who once coined the phrase, 'The buck stops here."