White Dwarf Beginners Grow

Geordie Blunt Boy

Active Member
Dear all,

I am looking for advice on how best to proceed with my first grow. Pure amatuer hour having not even seen anyone attempt this before so if I'm getting basic stuff wrong please go easy on me.

Not being one to do things by halves I've planted 20 Buddha white dwarfs, feminised. The set up is... a shed out doors with plenty of ventilation (cracks), a 400W bulb on timer at 18/6 and a propane heater keeping the temp 26 - 28C. No-one lives near so no problem with odour.

I'm watering every other day until the water comes through the bottom of my 5 litre pots and have just started (2 weeks in) adding bio grow, 4 weeks in I plan to start adding bio bloom and top max as well, all from a firm called biobizz.

The photographs are taken 14 days into the grow and I'm basically happy with how it's progressing, have just put the light up 2ft higher than it was in part because one of the plants leaves was turning over and going yellow.

Comments and advice appreciated.

PEACEOUT! :bigjoint:


Geordie Blunt Boy

Active Member
2 principle concerns are.

1) Are 5 litre pots going to be big enough in the later stages?
2) Do I have enough space for 20 plants?

I have extra space down the sides where my wife's "flowers" are currently located and I could fit in an extra row at the back.

Geordie Blunt Boy

Active Member
4 weeks in and I'm still happy. 16 of the 20 are showing the white hairs I've been so looking forward to seeing. Tallest plant stands at 34cm.

I think something is eating the leaves of one of my plants (see pic 3) and any suggestions on how to kill the bastard would be greatly appreciated. General comments and advice also welcome.


Well-Known Member
white hairs already? that is pretty early signs of preflowers, you sure they are preflowers and not part of the plant? Alot of people mix those two up.


Well-Known Member
are those an auto flowering strain? If not... I'd start flowering with that many plants. its gonna fill that shed up, and you cant raise the lights much more i bet.


Well-Known Member
oh, and if you do have that many females than start a scrog right away for sure.

Geordie Blunt Boy

Active Member
Cheers guys,

They're all female, and yes it's an auto flowering strain. Definately white hairs.

They've gone gangbusters over the past 4 days since I started adding the top max and bio bloom along with the bio grow which I've been using since week 2.

Week 5 photo's will explain a lot more.

I've shifted the wife's "flowers" out the shed for more space. As they're dwarf I'm hoping I'll have just enough space but 3 of the babies aren't looking too dwarfish at the minute.

Thanks again for the comments. Hope you enjoy the thread.


Geordie Blunt Boy

Active Member
The thing with the light is I've drilled it into the wall so it's a bit of a ball ache to lower. Also the full floor space is now being used, 110cm by 90cm, and I'm concerned if I lower it I'll not get full coverage.

Tallest plant stands at 42cm, (this strain is only meant to grow to 50-70cm but I think a few will pass 70 easy), smallest is just 13cm. If I lower is as much as I'd like for the latter I'm going to scorch the top of the former (400W bulb). I reckon I'll raise the smaller ones up on upside down plant pots so they can compete better with the tallies.

All comments, thoughts, and advice welcome.


Well-Known Member
lookin good bro. im about to start some lowrider diesel and lookin foward to it. nice turn out on all the females.


Well-Known Member
id say move the pots about so their all gettin a equal chance, but lookin sweet other that mate, fukin rite happy days for u neways

Geordie Blunt Boy

Active Member
So I just tried to set up a SCROG, ain't gonna happen, I'm running out of space but I don't think that's the solution, left it to late, one of my plants is 52cm and doesn't want to be pushed into chicken wire. Bent a load of them and am scared I'll do them damage.

Will post week 5 pictures tomorrow. Growth spurt over the past 5 days has been unreal.