SURPRISE: Schuylaar Is An Anchor-Baby!!!


Well-Known Member
i feel so good now that i've outed you know there are a FEW TYPES of the aforementioned?

the game: guess the details surrounding my's NOT what you THINK:wink:

this is Birth Right debate..
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Well-Known Member
if you just ask intelligent questions you'll be able to figure it out..HINT: an anchor baby during this time did something other than give citizenship to her parents who were already born here and had birth right.

by having a baby born..c'mon this'll be fun.


Well-Known Member
if you just ask intelligent questions you'll be able to figure it out..HINT: an anchor baby during this time did something other than give citizenship to her parents who were already born here and had birth right.

by having a baby born..c'mon this'll be fun.
Is it because what your Pappy used to call you after a night of drinking with your Ma.