PPM of my tap water


The ppm of my tap water is 227. Is that bad for growing in soil? i had a conversation with a friend and he said that anything over 200 ppm tap water shouldn't be used for growing. Is there any truth to this statement?



Well-Known Member
The ppm of my tap water is 227. Is that bad for growing in soil? i had a conversation with a friend and he said that anything over 200 ppm tap water shouldn't be used for growing. Is there any truth to this statement?

Get the water report online. It will break down what makes up that 200. If it's mostly calcium go for it.


Well-Known Member
The only water I've ever seen kill cannabis came from a patient's tap at an EC of 1.6. It didn't actually kill them. It just tortured them.


Active Member
I drink it, cook with it. Water my garden with it, never any issues. All my animals drink it as well. Tastes better then any bottled water I have ever had. Ph on it averages about 6.6 to 6.8.