Score or spore?: Whitehorse man alleges he bought moldy weed


Well-Known Member
Any other business would refund or replace without question and go after their supplier themselves. Forcing the customer to jump through hoops and deal with the supplier is just bad business practice. If a customer can ONLY purchase rec weed from the government store, the government store is responsible to ensure the quality of the product before sale.


Well-Known Member
of course they won't believe him.....but moldy is moldy....and when it comes to these kind of issues....
the customer is always right...regardless of what the ocs may want to think....
and if they sold it to you... they should be responsible for handling their suppliers.....
if they don't ? then a law suit would be reasonable course of action....
Since your health was put in jeopardy by a company who showed nothing but disregard
in respect to your situation.....
sue sue sue.....
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The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Some great info hidden in that story...such as this below.....

" Coleman said that of the roughly 150 to 200 batches Anandia tests each month, mold or mildew is found in 12 per cent. Those batches cannot be sold, though they can be treated with radiation and re-tested "

1: 12 percent of LP weed is moldy.

2: They throw 12% of what's grown away...that's a lot imo

3: The fuckers can simply nuke it and then sell you nuked moldy weed....nice.....fuck man.

If anyone needs more reason that that to BOYCOTT you need your head radiated.


Well-Known Member
12 PERCENT Steady loss of crop....due to conditions that...with care and quality control could be minimized
to a more reasonable 0 to 2 percent....
its like throwing another 10 percent tax on an already massively taxed " waste " product