is this the middle ages?

You're right the Sandy Hook parents weren't firing guns at the FBI. Which is sort of a non sequitur.

In both cases though, one of the causative factors for the result, was government policy.

First the very schools in Sandy Hook themselves are funded via a gun. That teaches "society" that some bullying is okay. So if the parents didn't pay (whether they agreed to or not ) it is likely guns would have been fired at them if they protested that school funding policy to the final conclusion.

Also, I assume it was government policy in the Sandy Hook schools to disallow people to be armed, so the people killed were not being allowed to defend themselves were they ?

In the Waco case, I understand they first started busting Koresh balls over some kind of gun issue.

Even more ironic, people exempt heinous systemic government violence while at the same time being rightfully concerned about other violent acts by "regular people".

So, why was what I said "dickish" ? Was it inaccurate ?
You blast democracy every chance you get. What's your choice, city boy? Tell me "Every man for himself " and I'll ask what your man is going to choose.
Civilization is a thin and fragile veneer over the human condition.

Edit: I hadn't read the post that stated similar to this. If textbook history is accurate we've been literal savages for over 95% of our species existence. That we are where we are is actually pretty amazing and I think people don't realize how easy it would be for us to revert back.

agreed. segregation and lynchings in my lifetime are evidence of this..and then there's the beheadings of recent.
it was dickish to the parents of sandy hook students, and the students themselves, comparing them to branch davidians....people who are sending their kids to public school should be able to expect them to be safe while they're there....religious extremist who ignore the law while building arsenals....should expect to use those arsenals eventually.....not even close to the same situation.
wtf do you mean "First the very schools in Sandy Hook themselves are funded via a gun"....are you going off on another societal tangent? sandyhook schools are funded like every other school in the country...with public funds allocated by the local government. i don't want to hear about how we're all held at gunpoint by our own government....just stop with that horseshit for fucks sake. we've all heard it, not one single one of us agree with you, and we never will. why waste the effort to convert people who don't want to be converted?
wouldn't it be a better use of your time to hoard m.r.e.s, gallon jugs of water, and ammunition for the gun you shouldn't be allowed to own?
for when the government comes to take all our guns and put us in chains?
Ya I’m pretty sure your rebuttal is directed towards the ped, Ive got him on ignore because he does not have a coherent solution to all that he spouts is wrong that actually pertains to the real world. Slave yada yada, guns yada yada, imbecile who reads a lot but doesn’t think much. Good luck lol.
I hope the people responsible for these murders are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. maybe we need to bring back public executions for cases like this so that these people will understand the consequences of their actions.the internet is not anonymous. anyone posting on it could be tracked down. we need to rid society of these animals who think this kind of stuff is fun.
I hope the people responsible for these murders are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. maybe we need to bring back public executions for cases like this so that these people will understand the consequences of their actions.the internet is not anonymous. anyone posting on it could be tracked down. we need to rid society of these animals who think this kind of stuff is fun.
i don't know why Martinez accused them of kidnapping children. i'm not sure why his two friends worked to incite a riot. the two men were farmers who were in town to buy material to finish building a well. they weren't under arrest, they were being protected, apparently after this Martinez tried to accuse them as they were walking around town, and a crowd started to form. i don't know why that protection ended. i don't really understand how one guy with a facebook account turned a whole town into murderers in a few minutes, with no proof, and no authority....
NEWS FLASH! Chuck Grassley is giving up as chairman of the senate Judiciary committee. The Sessions twins are gone, now Grassley. Drumpf sez he is moving on pot. Prohibition may crumble soon.

Will you please rephrase this so that it makes a little bit of sense? Less Ebonics and more phonics??
I remember this. I specifically remember that tank driving into the building and that is when the FBI and ATF burned that place down.
The fire started at the other end of the building twit. The authorities tried to get the children out, tried to negotiate a peaceful out for everyone even after one of their own was killed. I don’t get the bullshit over this, they were following a child raping crazy self proclaimed god, and well, shit happens to folks like that :(. Am I missing something here?
it was dickish to the parents of sandy hook students, and the students themselves, comparing them to branch davidians....people who are sending their kids to public school should be able to expect them to be safe while they're there....religious extremist who ignore the law while building arsenals....should expect to use those arsenals eventually.....not even close to the same situation.
wtf do you mean "First the very schools in Sandy Hook themselves are funded via a gun"....are you going off on another societal tangent? sandyhook schools are funded like every other school in the country...with public funds allocated by the local government. i don't want to hear about how we're all held at gunpoint by our own government....just stop with that horseshit for fucks sake. we've all heard it, not one single one of us agree with you, and we never will. why waste the effort to convert people who don't want to be converted?
wouldn't it be a better use of your time to hoard m.r.e.s, gallon jugs of water, and ammunition for the gun you shouldn't be allowed to own?
for when the government comes to take all our guns and put us in chains?

I see that rather than refuting what I said, you decided to wet your pants. If you don't agree with something I said, surely you can point out the flaw in the argument? (after you change into dry clothes of course).
You blast democracy every chance you get. What's your choice, city boy? Tell me "Every man for himself " and I'll ask what your man is going to choose.

That's because democracies are known to deny people rights. It's not nice to deny other people's rights.

My choice is to live and let live. Pretty scary huh?