is this the middle ages?

That's because he is a coward.

i give up. you can't have any kind of discussion around here without it devolving into interpersonal wonder the world is falling the fuck apart.
<----the actual look on my face right now.....

The reason why the "whole world is falling the fuck apart" is because of the belief in authority that most people have repetitiously drilled into them.

They whine about equal rights and the first thing they do after they're done whining is insist the only way you can achieve equality, is to force a system based in inequality on every person. Which of course can't happen, since two opposing things at once like that existing on the same plane is an impossibility .

Notice how the post below minimizes the deaths of children, ("shit happens") as if it's okay when the "authority" murders them. This is a learned response from the indoctrinated person. The purpose of the indoctrination is to facilitate obedience to perceived authority for the benefit of the authority.

This is the actual look on my face right now -


The fire started at the other end of the building twit. The authorities tried to get the children out, tried to negotiate a peaceful out for everyone even after one of their own was killed. I don’t get the bullshit over this, they were following a child raping crazy self proclaimed god, and well, shit happens to folks like that :(. Am I missing something here?
The reason why the "whole world is falling the fuck apart" is because of the belief in authority that most people have repetitiously drilled into them.

They whine about equal rights and the first thing they do after they're done whining is insist the only way you can achieve equality, is to force a system based in inequality on every person. Which of course can't happen, since two opposing things at once like that existing on the same plane is an impossibility .

Notice how the post below minimizes the deaths of children, ("shit happens") as if it's okay when the "authority" murders them. This is a learned response from the indoctrinated person. The purpose of the indoctrination is to facilitate obedience to perceived authority for the benefit of the authority.

This is the actual look on my face right now -


It is ok, it not your fault. Industry needs you. Blame it on education.

Sales of prescription opioids in the United States have quadrupled since 1999.
Overdoses killed 59,000-65,000 Americans under 50 last year, making them the leading cause of death among young Americans

Why do you hate young Americans?

No really, as a society we are wiser. Says the most profitable corps. without a minimum tax rate.

Reel in a little of your self importance.
It is ok, it not your fault. Industry needs you. Blame it on education.

Sales of prescription opioids in the United States have quadrupled since 1999.
Overdoses killed 59,000-65,000 Americans under 50 last year, making them the leading cause of death among young Americans

Why do you hate young Americans?

No really, as a society we are wiser. Says the most profitable corps. without a minimum tax rate.

Reel in a little of your self importance.

I don't hate young Americans. I always hope for a better tomorrow.

Self importance ? Yet, I'm the one advocating for people to be able to run their own lives.
I don't hate young Americans. I always hope for a better tomorrow.

Self importance ? Yet, I'm the one advocating for people to be able to run their own lives.

That's McKessons, feelings too.

The corporations of the world thank you.
That's McKessons, feelings too.

The corporations of the world thank you.

Not really. I'm not a fan of corporations. They're a legal fiction, like government authority. Designed to forcibly prevent competition and freedom of choice.
In your world, It's up to me to discern. That is Taxing. see how that works?

In my world, it's up to you to run your life, and up to me to run mine. When we enter into other peoples lives it can either be a voluntary relationship or involuntary. Which do you prefer ?
I see that rather than refuting what I said, you decided to wet your pants. If you don't agree with something I said, surely you can point out the flaw in the argument? (after you change into dry clothes of course).
jesus motherfucking goddamn christ, your shit has been refuted a thousand times, in a thousand i have to make it a thousand and one?
the rest of us LIKE society
the rest of us LIKE having infrastructure
the rest of us LIKE not living in anarchy
the rest of us DON'T feel like we're being held at gun point by our own government.
that doesn't mean we're unaware sheep, yes, there are huge, glaring, unacceptable problems.....and you offer fuck all as a just keep telling us shit is happening, well we fucking know it's about coming up with one single viable solution, instead of telling us shit we're all well aware of, chicken little?
That's because democracies are known to deny people rights. It's not nice to deny other people's rights.

My choice is to live and let live. Pretty scary huh?
yeah it is scary, that an adult thinks this will work....people are fucking evil, they'll steal if no one stops them, they'll bully if no one stops them...they'll kill if no one stops them...and you expect them to behave on their own with no supervision? that's about the most simple minded, naive thing a person can believe......that people will be good on their own....SMH like the fucker in jacob's ladder