What are you smoking today?

Started smoking on my foxtail plant. Don't know what it is but damn is it tacky!!!. Here's the top before n after trimming.Very light n airy.View attachment 4229340 View attachment 4229341
Figured out what this shit is! It's Dr Grinspoon, found some pics online that are identical to her, and let me tell you it is Fucking strong!!!! This top is 26.8g crispy dry. So i made it an even 28 n put it up to let it cure properly. :lol:
Last night I dug out some Random Bud #1 X TPD for my night hike. A very peppery after taste. None of the other RB x TPD's have tasted like this. But this was the plant that had fell over due to termites eating the stem, so that might have something to do with the taste. It wasn't dead when I found it, but it was badly wilted.

This morning before work smoked a little of Poly Shunk 1.5
I have not smoked leaf material since before MJ had flavors. Does leaf from a fruity tasting/smelling plant carry those plant traits in the leaves or are smell/ taste controlled by what is in the colas?
Leaves taste like chlorophyll, the smells and flavors are from different terpenes and canabinoids that are found in the plants oils. Much more oils in the buds than even sugar leaves.
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One of my Sour Moon Wrecks did that. But I gave it an overdose of top dressing. It was the only one to show ill effects, but it happened right after, so I'm pretty sure I dosed it.

Bud still smelled and tasted good, but wan't very much to it.
That's normal sativa, right?
I hope everyone is having a good turkey day..... I've been switching between cookies n chem flower topped with bruce banner live resin and a new batch of vape juice that is pretty much a mixture of stardog, bruce banner, and cookies n cream.IMG_20181121_180723436.jpg