honest genetics


Well-Known Member
No thread for honest genetics, they have some pretty dope strains i figured i'd make a thread for em.
some strains he's made -a strain called Chocolate frosting, it's a cross between NorCal Dos-Si-Dos x Mint Chocolate Chip. he's got some pretty fire stuff, i'll link some pictures below
Chocolate Frosted Sherbert - ( Chocolate Frosting x Sunset Sherbert )
Purple Frosting - ( Chocolate frosting x Purple Punch )
Hawaiian sunrise - ( Samoas x Sunset Sherbert )
Blue Hurricane - ( Purple Punch x Sunset Sherbert )
G6 - ( Cookie Jar x Chocolate Frosting ) Cookie jar is ( GSC x White Fire Alien OG)
Last, but not least Scarlett Johansson - ( Cookie Jar x Purple Punch ) Cookie jar Info is above.
Some pretty fire strains here, i'd love to see honest get noticed a bit more. his pages have been getting deleted off instagram constantly, his gmail to purchase these novelty seeds from is HonestHerbal420@gmail.com.
current ig is honest__genetics
if you've grown any strains by honest, feel free to post some pictures.
Hows his pricing? That dosi cut looks nice. I have dosi 22 crossed to sour butter thay pretty frosted n stacked. Nice cookie dough nose with rancid sour cookie on taste.
Nice. Not much info out there on this cat/these beans. I don't track drama but the only thing I could find included that factor. Maybe he pissed off one of the orignators of cannabis out there now by using one of "their" strains? Dunno...but have some Scarlett's up and running and we will see where they go. Still eyeing a few others but have yet to nab them. (Ima go broke buying seeds...LOL)

Thanks for the thread/pics.
Nice. Not much info out there on this cat/these beans. I don't track drama but the only thing I could find included that factor. Maybe he pissed off one of the orignators of cannabis out there now by using one of "their" strains? Dunno...but have some Scarlett's up and running and we will see where they go. Still eyeing a few others but have yet to nab them. (Ima go broke buying seeds...LOL)

Thanks for the thread/pics.

I’ve been making boutique seed drops since 2014. I was the first breeder to make authentic Sunset Sherbert fems in May 2016 and then made them again in 2017. I also acquired Purple Punch prehype and made crosses with it before anyone knew what it was in 2016. Blue Hurricane which is Purple Punch x Sunset Sherbert(reversed) and was first released in May 2016. I focus on making strains that are ahead of their time and making mostly limited strains. However I did make my second Purple Punch fem drop a bit wider of a release.
You’re gonna love the Scarlett Johansson, no one else has the mother of that plant besides me, and my Cookie Jar crosses have proven to be major crowd pleasers and are indeed always among my favorite crosses. I have several unreleased crosses with Cookie Jar along with a few limited releases. There’s even a couple newer CJ crosses I’m calling Gal Gadot aka Wonder Woman and JLaw aka Mocking Jay.... we’ll see, I might end up releasing one of them.
And yeah, I have a problem getting deleted on Instagram, it’s a hazard of the business right now being a seed breeder who starts getting too well known and especially if the work you do is too good. There are people heavily invested in trying to damage my business and stake in the seed market, and those people have resorted to making fake Instagram pages to report me from to get me deleted. At this point I have a lawyer arbitrating with Instagram on my behalf to report my issues and get my former pages back. I’d especially like my two bigger pages back LOL
Hows his pricing? That dosi cut looks nice. I have dosi 22 crossed to sour butter thay pretty frosted n stacked. Nice cookie dough nose with rancid sour cookie on taste.
i got the CFS for $80, 12 came in a pack and it came with about 20 purple frosting. / note that these purple frosting were freebies, so they might not be giving them out anymore.

Nice. Not much info out there on this cat/these beans. I don't track drama but the only thing I could find included that factor. Maybe he pissed off one of the orignators of cannabis out there now by using one of "their" strains? Dunno...but have some Scarlett's up and running and we will see where they go. Still eyeing a few others but have yet to nab them. (Ima go broke buying seeds...LOL)

Thanks for the thread/pics.
i'd love to see some pictures of the scarletts on this thread, spread the info. i was so skeptical about buying his seeds, since there weren't many things about him at all, yet his pricing was fair and had some bomb genetics.

I’ve been making boutique seed drops since 2014. I was the first breeder to make authentic Sunset Sherbert fems in May 2016 and then made them again in 2017. I also acquired Purple Punch prehype and made crosses with it before anyone knew what it was in 2016. Blue Hurricane which is Purple Punch x Sunset Sherbert(reversed) and was first released in May 2016. I focus on making strains that are ahead of their time and making mostly limited strains. However I did make my second Purple Punch fem drop a bit wider of a release.
You’re gonna love the Scarlett Johansson, no one else has the mother of that plant besides me, and my Cookie Jar crosses have proven to be major crowd pleasers and are indeed always among my favorite crosses. I have several unreleased crosses with Cookie Jar along with a few limited releases. There’s even a couple newer CJ crosses I’m calling Gal Gadot aka Wonder Woman and JLaw aka Mocking Jay.... we’ll see, I might end up releasing one of them.
And yeah, I have a problem getting deleted on Instagram, it’s a hazard of the business right now being a seed breeder who starts getting too well known and especially if the work you do is too good. There are people heavily invested in trying to damage my business and stake in the seed market, and those people have resorted to making fake Instagram pages to report me from to get me deleted. At this point I have a lawyer arbitrating with Instagram on my behalf to report my issues and get my former pages back. I’d especially like my two bigger pages back LOL
great to see you here on roll it up! welcome.
Hey thanks for starting the page for me. I didn’t even know people still used Rollitup anymore until Whytewidow on here emailed me lol. Anyways thanks for being supportive of my brand. Here’s a little summary about me for the people who find this thread...
I’ve been a cannabis grower since 2002(guerilla style back then lol), I remember making my first seeds in 2006 for the hopes of carrying on good weed that I was growing or finding bagseeds with in fire herb. At that time the majority of cannabis on the market cane from really shitty genetics and so when I got something special I started trying to preserve it via Fem Seeds. In 2008 I made the move to SoCal and started acquiring the elite clones of the day, that was when my breeding started to really excel. I still made tons of herm garbage back then along with the occasional something great, but mostly I feel I was just learning at that time. I started buying seeds again heavily around 2011 which I had not done since 2008 because I felt like there was more that needed exploring. As a result I have a pretty nice collection of seeds of that era through today along with some stuff from before that time that was easier to find back then. Anyways it wasn’t until maybe 2012 that I started to figure things out more and started making more connections as to what traits in males led to hermaphroditism in the progeny. I also made the connection that spraying silver was more of an art than a science for reversing a female properly. You can spray the heck out of a plant if all you care about is the pollen, however silver acts like a poison on the plant along with denying the female hormone. Think about it like as if you took small doses of cyanide, not enough to kill you on the spot though. Silver is essentially the same idea as that, it won’t kill the plant in small doses but it certainly will destroy the DNA at a molecular level if overdone. That is why today there’s a trend amongst newer breeders and even a few older ones who simply haven’t made that connection and as a result their fem lines see exaggerated mutant, hermaphrodite, and other negative traits you don’t want in your progeny. That all said I want to go on the record that there is no such thing as a fully stable cannabis line at this time. We as breeders are working against millions of years of inbreeding of a plant that was bred in nature for absolute survival. Many landraces of cannabis express themselves as Monoecious rather than Dioecious which means they always have both male and female parts, it would actually appear that all cannabis is rooted to a Monoecious heritage when you go far enough back in time. That said the Dioecious varieties that we grow and love today are still rooted in those older gene pools and so when females in nature were not exposed to pollen the females naturally began to “stress out” and create their own pollen. It is only via landraces where the male and female gene pools were kept in proper populations that we see cannabis we refer to as “stable”. However stable cannabis is still a slight misnomer, if you run 1000 seeds of any strain you will always find herms. The idea for people like me who have had the years around cannabis to recognize the traits that make hermaphroditism common is too ween them out as best we can. A major focus on my brand has always been overall stability. Whereas some people are releasing strains where if you ran 100 you’d find 25 herms, my focus is trying to limit the occurrences to under 10% so that you won’t have to deal with the issue often or hopefully at all. I can proudly say most of my drops have tested around 4-7% unstable on extremely wide runs. Considering how absolutely imperfect cannabis genetics are at this time I’m quite proud of those numbers. I started making drops in 2014 via freebies through Greenline Seed Company. It was a year and a half later I put out the next drop and that was the first time I charged money and had real packaging. I’ve always stayed loyal to Greenline since he absolutely did help my brand launch and he also helped me acquire a few clones that have been really instrumental in my breeding program. I do recognize that some people have had an issue with him in the past. Almost every complaint I’ve heard with him has been related to the speed of delivery. Originally he was fast fast. And then he got invested in 5 other businesses as time went on and his customer service definitely dropped off, and he for awhile only sent order out a couple times a month or maybe even just once. I recognize that those problems turned a lot of people against him. However that’s a big part of why he chooses to charge only minimal upcharges on breeders seeds. He knows he’s not going to get the order out the next day and that you’ll have a slight lag, right now he runs a lot of other businesses and only dedicates a day a week to the Seedbank from what he tells me. Every person who has ever brought a seed order complaint with GL to me later told me they were 100% taken care of.
Anyways that him, and I am me. We are indeed separate people and I’m not entirely sure where the confusion on that started. I think it has something to do with a misinformation post that Relentless made a long time ago where he claimed we were the same guy(even though he personally knew that wasn’t true). I have been at several events where GL was also present, there are literally thousands of people in this industry who can clarify we are not the same person LOL
Just thought I’d put that out there for anyone who finds this thread.
My latest reg release is among my most special ever and they are limited to 30 packs per strain being released. They were made with a male that I’ve taken out to F3 over the last four years. The candy Skittle terps are unreal!! Far exceeding Zkittlez terps which I indeed also crossed with my Sin City Kush F3 male.
I offer my seeds directly.
Early next year I will unveil my brand new packaging and logo along with my new fems, which I have not released new fems in almost two years now so be ready for some new new heat from Honest Genetics here soon! I also have a website in the works.
I tend to take my time on things, I like to make sure my selections are right.
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Hey thanks for starting the page for me. I didn’t even know people still used Rollitup anymore until Whytewidow on here emailed me lol. Anyways thanks for being supportive of my brand. Here’s a little summary about me for the people who find this thread...
I’ve been a cannabis grower since 2002(guerilla style back then lol), I remember making my first seeds in 2006 for the hopes of carrying on good weed that I was growing or finding bagseeds with in fire herb. At that time the majority of cannabis on the market cane from really shitty genetics and so when I got something special I started trying to preserve it via Fem Seeds. In 2008 I made the move to SoCal and started acquiring the elite clones of the day, that was when my breeding started to really excel. I still made tons of herm garbage back then along with the occasional something great, but mostly I feel I was just learning at that time. I started buying seeds again heavily around 2011 which I had not done since 2008 because I felt like there was more that needed exploring. As a result I have a pretty nice collection of seeds of that era through today along with some stuff from before that time that was easier to find back then. Anyways it wasn’t until maybe 2012 that I started to figure things out more and started making more connections as to what traits in males led to hermaphroditism in the progeny. I also made the connection that spraying silver was more of an art than a science for reversing a female properly. You can spray the heck out of a plant if all you care about is the pollen, however silver acts like a poison on the plant along with denying the female hormone. Think about it like as if you took small doses of cyanide, not enough to kill you on the spot though. Silver is essentially the same idea as that, it won’t kill the plant in small doses but it certainly will destroy the DNA at a molecular level if overdone. That is why today there’s a trend amongst newer breeders and even a few older ones who simply haven’t made that connection and as a result their fem lines see exaggerated mutant, hermaphrodite, and other negative traits you don’t want in your progeny. That all said I want to go on the record that there is no such thing as a fully stable cannabis line at this time. We as breeders are working against millions of years of inbreeding of a plant that was bred in nature for absolute survival. Many landraces of cannabis express themselves as Monoecious rather than Dioecious which means they always have both male and female parts, it would actually appear that all cannabis is rooted to a Monoecious heritage when you go far enough back in time. That said the Dioecious varieties that we grow and love today are still rooted in those older gene pools and so when females in nature were not exposed to pollen the females naturally began to “stress out” and create their own pollen. It is only via landraces where the male and female gene pools were kept in proper populations that we see cannabis we refer to as “stable”. However stable cannabis is still a slight misnomer, if you run 1000 seeds of any strain you will always find herms. The idea for people like me who have had the years around cannabis to recognize the traits that make hermaphroditism common is too ween them out as best we can. A major focus on my brand has always been overall stability. Whereas some people are releasing strains where if you ran 100 you’d find 25 herms, my focus is trying to limit the occurrences to under 10% so that you won’t have to deal with the issue often or hopefully at all. I can proudly say most of my drops have tested around 4-7% unstable on extremely wide runs. Considering how absolutely imperfect cannabis genetics are at this time I’m quite proud of those numbers. I started making drops in 2014 via freebies through Greenline Seed Company. It was a year and a half later I put out the next drop and that was the first time I charged money and had real packaging. I’ve always stayed loyal to Greenline since he absolutely did help my brand launch and he also helped me acquire a few clones that have been really instrumental in my breeding program. I do recognize that some people have had an issue with him in the past. Almost every complaint I’ve heard with him has been related to the speed of delivery. Originally he was fast fast. And then he got invested in 5 other businesses as time went on and his customer service definitely dropped off, and he for awhile only sent order out a couple times a month or maybe even just once. I recognize that those problems turned a lot of people against him. However that’s a big part of why he chooses to charge only minimal upcharges on breeders seeds. He knows he’s not going to get the order out the next day and that you’ll have a slight lag, right now he runs a lot of other businesses and only dedicates a day a week to the Seedbank from what he tells me. Every person who has ever brought a seed order complaint with GL to me later told me they were 100% taken care of.
Anyways that him, and I am me. We are indeed separate people and I’m not entirely sure where the confusion on that started. I think it has something to do with a misinformation post that Relentless made a long time ago where he claimed we were the same guy(even though he personally knew that wasn’t true). I have been at several events where GL was also present, there are literally thousands of people in this industry who can clarify we are not the same person LOL
Just thought I’d put that out there for anyone who finds this thread.
My latest reg release is among my most special ever and they are limited to 30 packs per strain being released. They were made with a male that I’ve taken out to F3 over the last four years. The candy Skittle terps are unreal!! Far exceeding Zkittlez terps which I indeed also crossed with my Sin City Kush F3 male.
I offer my seeds directly.
Early next year I will unveil my brand new packaging and logo along with my new fems, which I have not released new fems in almost two years now so be ready for some new new heat from Honest Genetics here soon! I also have a website in the works.
I tend to take my time on things, I like to make sure my selections are right.
I've never heard of you, but damn those are some nice looking plants above. I'll definitely keep you in mind, thanks for stopping in and saying hi.
I was def interested in some these. But not at the price point I was quoted. Someone I've never heard of. No grow pics, no info. Just cant pay that for something that's unheard of. Especially with no test grows or anything. Get some more pics of the work out. And that price will be a little more understandable. But 100-150 for something and someone new. Is a bit high. Not digging at all. Good luck.
I was def interested in some these. But not at the price point I was quoted. Someone I've never heard of. No grow pics, no info. Just cant pay that for something that's unheard of. Especially with no test grows or anything. Get some more pics of the work out. And that price will be a little more understandable. But 100-150 for something and someone new. Is a bit high. Not digging at all. Good luck.
I don’t think you read through my email back to you at all based on what you’re saying here. And I am far from new, I predate most brands on the market today. And no pictures? No descriptions? I sent you incredibly detailed descriptions for each and every strain, and you never once emailed asking for a picture of anything. And most of my strains are $75, only a few are $100, and only one strain was $150 and was limited to 13 packs total being released. That’s the best price point in the entire business for quality gear. Don’t come on here misinforming people or trying to misrepresent the things I told you, you never emailed one single additional question, and you clearly didn’t read the email. I even include freebies on purchases which are clearly written in both emails I sent you. Try reading before writing next time, and maybe do some research on me before calling me “new”, that was a beyond ridiculous statement
The one constant I've seen in my 30 years of involvement with growing this plant is drama. Jah knows that the critics will always show...and somebody will always try to steal your fire or stab you in the back. All you can do is let your work speak for itself. Glad WW tipped you to the thread. He's right...but it's not so much about price points for me...'cus if I get 14 seeds (like I did in this pack) ....even for $150 (I paid 1/2 that) and I can't make that jive on the backside...10 fold....sumpins wrong and it ain't the cost of the beans. But yeah....on pics and info....yes.....more is always better. I only found ONE pic of SJ out there on a Google search. That's crazy. Put the pics up....and ignore the experts when they tell you your cut isn't "the real one" LOL.

I'm one to take chances on folks from the sidelines (not a knock...I just never saw/heard of your gear before) when I think the lineages could play out well. I saw the Scarlett's and couldn't figure out why they were still sitting there @ $75 a pack...so said WTF and gave em a try. Hopefully the fat pack will be a good sign of things to come. If these are 2 years old they didn't show it. They popped faster than anything else in a pop of 20.

I have a few more a few weeks ahead of these that are just now hitting 12/12. Kind of a look-see over a variety of new-to-me fems/S-1's from a variety of chuckers to see who might be tossing down something worthy (stable) of a stint in the OD garden this Summer. These will hit the bloom tent in a week or so. Hopin' for good things. Will update when there's something to show of note.DSC_3089.JPG
The one constant I've seen in my 30 years of involvement with growing this plant is drama. Jah knows that the critics will always show...and somebody will always try to steal your fire or stab you in the back. All you can do is let your work speak for itself. Glad WW tipped you to the thread. He's right...but it's not so much about price points for me...'cus if I get 14 seeds (like I did in this pack) ....even for $150 (I paid 1/2 that) and I can't make that jive on the backside...10 fold....sumpins wrong and it ain't the cost of the beans. But yeah....on pics and info....yes.....more is always better. I only found ONE pic of SJ out there on a Google search. That's crazy. Put the pics up....and ignore the experts when they tell you your cut isn't "the real one" LOL.

I'm one to take chances on folks from the sidelines (not a knock...I just never saw/heard of your gear before) when I think the lineages could play out well. I saw the Scarlett's and couldn't figure out why they were still sitting there @ $75 a pack...so said WTF and gave em a try. Hopefully the fat pack will be a good sign of things to come. If these are 2 years old they didn't show it. They popped faster than anything else in a pop of 20.

I have a few more a few weeks ahead of these that are just now hitting 12/12. Kind of a look-see over a variety of new-to-me fems/S-1's from a variety of chuckers to see who might be tossing down something worthy (stable) of a stint in the OD garden this Summer. These will hit the bloom tent in a week or so. Hopin' for good things. Will update when there's something to show of note.View attachment 4237384
Oh those seeds are most definitely nearing two years old now and I retest them every couple months for vitality and they are still exploding like wildfire after hitting water. I breed using a strictly vegan probiotic diet and it leads to extremely healthy seeds. Besides that I know how to desiccate them correctly and I know how to properly store my seed stocks for viability.
With regards to photo availability on IG I think you guys are forgetting that my 70k follower page has been deleted twice now. My 8k page that I primarily used for my actual flower/oil business was deleted. I had another page get up to 2k and then that got deleted. And even another page that hit got deleted before hitting 500. It’s more than just following the terms of IG that’s getting me hit, rival breeders are upset by how popular my brand has gotten and their way of dealing with me is quite immature. It doesn’t help that people are pretty much terrible at using the #HonestGenetics on their posts, that does make it harder for people to find existing photos too. I plan on making it clear on the new packaging that I want people to hashtag their posts. But people there are literally thousands of photos of my gear that have been posted to Instagram over the years. I realize my pages being hit makes them harder to find, and I also realize it doesn’t help that some of my best growers have been deleted multiple times on IG as well. However I think the logic that I’m newer has to do with my refusal to stock seedbanks. I still do throw Greenline drops occasionally because he’s an old friend but I’ve had really bad experiences dealing with other seedbanks and have thusly cut them all off and refused to take on others. I have been contacted by 75% of the bigger seedbanks out there asking me for a drop, I have said NO. That’s a personal choice, I prefer people just come directly to me if they want my gear so that I can verify it’s authenticity and that it was stored correctly. Also my price point can be best that way. It’s a win for everyone.
So just bear with me people while I once again build an IG page from the ground up.
I do have a lawyer working on getting my old pages restored as well. If you are unaware of this, allow me to enlighten you, IG claims posting cannabis is breaking their terms because it is federally illegal. They do not offer a Human Resources department and respond only via a computer system they installed. If you want to deal with a human at IG you literally must hire a lawyer. The appeals process is a mess, it took over 100 appeals to get my biggest page back and then it was hit again 5 days later. So now I have to resort to legal means to be restored and hopefully acquire a Blue Checkmark. Instagram has deleted thousands of Cannabis pages since this summer especially, it is a mess right now
I don’t think you read through my email back to you at all based on what you’re saying here. And I am far from new, I predate most brands on the market today. And no pictures? No descriptions? I sent you incredibly detailed descriptions for each and every strain, and you never once emailed asking for a picture of anything. And most of my strains are $75, only a few are $100, and only one strain was $150 and was limited to 13 packs total being released. That’s the best price point in the entire business for quality gear. Don’t come on here misinforming people or trying to misrepresent the things I told you, you never emailed one single additional question, and you clearly didn’t read the email. I even include freebies on purchases which are clearly written in both emails I sent you. Try reading before writing next time, and maybe do some research on me before calling me “new”, that was a beyond ridiculous statement
Don't get on here your first day and blow it with your attitude..... first of all your email was all jumbled and and illegible. Secondly I can say I had an IG deleted at 200k would know any different. Nope you wouldn't so saying that is irrelevant. I've been on the forums since the internet began. And been on IG since people started using it for herb. And I've never heard of you. And the attitude you carry on here will either help or hurt you. And so far, no Bueno. I didnt knock you or talk shit. And even said that, but yet you start getting agitated over s statement. And ones that's true at that. No one has ever heard of you. I would've bought some but ima pass now. There's just as good and some better for a lower price point. And better attitude. And I only got 1 email from you. So I'm not misleading or misrepresenting anything. But you sure showed how you engage with potential customers. So thanks for that. You have yourself a great thanksgiving.
Don't get on here your first day and blow it with your attitude..... first of all your email was all jumbled and and illegible. Secondly I can say I had an IG deleted at 200k would know any different. Nope you wouldn't so saying that is irrelevant. I've been on the forums since the internet began. And been on IG since people started using it for herb. And I've never heard of you. And the attitude you carry on here will either help or hurt you. And so far, no Bueno. I didnt knock you or talk shit. And even said that, but yet you start getting agitated over s statement. And ones that's true at that. No one has ever heard of you. I would've bought some but ima pass now. There's just as good and some better for a lower price point. And better attitude. And I only got 1 email from you. So I'm not misleading or misrepresenting anything. But you sure showed how you engage with potential customers. So thanks for that. You have yourself a great thanksgiving.
I’m great at dealing with customers who actually take the time to talk to me or ask questions. The moment you tried to tell a version on my life story that didn’t happen without even asking a single question was the moment I didn’t want or need your business. Straight up
I’m great at dealing with customers who actually take the time to talk to me or ask questions. The moment you tried to tell a version on my life story that didn’t happen without even asking a single question was the moment I didn’t want or need your business. Straight up

Well that's good bc I don't want gear in my tents..... Great way to start your thread on here. You remind me of someone that's been on here before. Under a different name. You're so big and all the banks want you. But you've never ever heard of riu until today. I find that hard to believe. You have yourself a blessed day.
I’m great at dealing with customers who actually take the time to talk to me or ask questions. The moment you tried to tell a version on my life story that didn’t happen without even asking a single question was the moment I didn’t want or need your business. Straight up

And I told what your email said. Prices were from 100-150 so I'm glad I misrepresented the price. So what's the real price then since I told something completely different than your email
Well that's good bc I don't want gear in my tents..... Great way to start your thread on here. You remind me of someone that's been on here before. Under a different name. You're so big and all the banks want you. But you've never ever heard of riu until today. I find that hard to believe. You have yourself a blessed day.
In my circle we refer to this as Trollitup, not RIU. And it’s people like you that give the site its bad name, hence me never taking a moment to get on here. Before IG I was on Overgrow, and since that was pre 2012 when I changed my name to Honest Herbal that was indeed a different name. Let’s be real buddy you hit me up asking for seeds because you liked the photos, talked smack, and then had it thrown back in your face. I’m not desperate for business and I certainly don’t want yours ✌
And I told what your email said. Prices were from 100-150 so I'm glad I misrepresented the price. So what's the real price then since I told something completely different than your email
Almost every strain listed is $75, only six strains are $100 and all of those are limited to 30 packs, the only strain for $150 was limited to 13 packs total. I sent you an email both with and without the descriptions. It’s clearly written and is far from illegible, every single strain has its own asterisk(*)