Trump takes sides with a murderer

Should Saudi Arabia be punished

  • No, they said they were sorry and we need their oil

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Yes, all arms sales to that POS country should be cancelled, at least.

    Votes: 11 84.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Trump said today that he wouldn’t let the murder of U.S-based columnist Jamal Khashoggi jeopardize U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia, citing the potential impact on oil prices US jobs, and Iranian influence in the Middle East.

In a statement made today headlined “America First!” Trump said he would stand by Saudi Arabia regardless of whether Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered Khashoggi’s death. That, he argued, outweighs the “horrible crime” perpetrated against Khashoggi, a writer for the Washington Post and a critic of the crown prince.

“If we broke with them, I think your oil prices would go through the roof,” Trump told reporters later Tuesday as he left the White House to spend Thanksgiving in Florida. He added that given the U.S. interests at stake, “It’s a very simple equation for me.”

Trump said the U.S. “intends to remain a steadfast partner of Saudi Arabia to ensure the interests of our country, Israel (what a shocker!) and all other partners in the region (like who?). It is our paramount goal to fully eliminate the threat of terrorism throughout the world!”

Trump suggested he would oppose efforts by Congress to impose additional punishment on the kingdom after his administration sanctioned 17 individuals alleged to have participated in the murder.

“I understand there are members of Congress who, for political or other reasons, would like to go in a different direction -- and they are free to do so,” he said. “I will consider whatever ideas are presented to me, but only if they are consistent with the absolute security and safety of America.” (Fuck integrity)

Democratic members of Congress responded with swift derision. Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon said Trump “makes clear that he does not care who ordered the brutal murder” and showed “subservience to the leaders of an authoritarian and murderous monarchy.” Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire said “Trump’s habit of siding with murderous foreign dictators over American intelligence professionals is a stain on our democracy.” (Ya think?)

Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky also was critical. “The President indicates that Saudi Arabia is the lesser two evils compared to Iran and so the US won’t punish Saudi Arabia for the brutal killing and dismemberment of a dissident journalist in their consulate. I disagree,” Paul said in a tweet.

Several news organizations including the Washington Post and New York Times reported last week that the CIA concluded the crown prince ordered Khashoggi’s murder at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last month, contradicting the kingdom’s claim he wasn’t involved. CIA officials have high confidence in their conclusion, which is based on multiple sources of intelligence, the Post reported.
Trump told reporters the CIA has “nothing definitive” to prove the crown prince ordered the murder.

So, according to you, the CIA can't be counted on? Is that what you think?
No, it's all about the money and Israel, right, Donny boy? That's what your thinking.
Fuck the rule of Law, Morality and Justice. Actually, you have shown throughout your fucking miserable existence that you could give a fuck about any of those pesky things.
Don't worry about being an enabler for every murdering autocrat/dictator in the world, that will be emboldened now to also kill dissenters just like Saudi Arabia did, apparently without real consequences, at least from the US. As a matter of fact, it seems that it would help to get on Trump's good side as long as they kill journalists

What a immoral piece of shit


Well-Known Member
Trump said today that he wouldn’t let the murder of U.S-based columnist Jamal Khashoggi jeopardize U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia, citing the potential impact on oil prices US jobs, and Iranian influence in the Middle East.

In a statement made today headlined “America First!” Trump said he would stand by Saudi Arabia regardless of whether Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered Khashoggi’s death. That, he argued, outweighs the “horrible crime” perpetrated against Khashoggi, a writer for the Washington Post and a critic of the crown prince.

“If we broke with them, I think your oil prices would go through the roof,” Trump told reporters later Tuesday as he left the White House to spend Thanksgiving in Florida. He added that given the U.S. interests at stake, “It’s a very simple equation for me.”

Trump said the U.S. “intends to remain a steadfast partner of Saudi Arabia to ensure the interests of our country, Israel (what a shocker!) and all other partners in the region (like who?). It is our paramount goal to fully eliminate the threat of terrorism throughout the world!”

Trump suggested he would oppose efforts by Congress to impose additional punishment on the kingdom after his administration sanctioned 17 individuals alleged to have participated in the murder.

“I understand there are members of Congress who, for political or other reasons, would like to go in a different direction -- and they are free to do so,” he said. “I will consider whatever ideas are presented to me, but only if they are consistent with the absolute security and safety of America.” (Fuck integrity)

Democratic members of Congress responded with swift derision. Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon said Trump “makes clear that he does not care who ordered the brutal murder” and showed “subservience to the leaders of an authoritarian and murderous monarchy.” Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire said “Trump’s habit of siding with murderous foreign dictators over American intelligence professionals is a stain on our democracy.” (Ya think?)

Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky also was critical. “The President indicates that Saudi Arabia is the lesser two evils compared to Iran and so the US won’t punish Saudi Arabia for the brutal killing and dismemberment of a dissident journalist in their consulate. I disagree,” Paul said in a tweet.

Several news organizations including the Washington Post and New York Times reported last week that the CIA concluded the crown prince ordered Khashoggi’s murder at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last month, contradicting the kingdom’s claim he wasn’t involved. CIA officials have high confidence in their conclusion, which is based on multiple sources of intelligence, the Post reported.
Trump told reporters the CIA has “nothing definitive” to prove the crown prince ordered the murder.

So, according to you, the CIA can't be counted on? Is that what you think?
No, it's all about the money and Israel, right, Donny boy? That's what your thinking.
Fuck the rule of Law, Morality and Justice. Actually, you have shown throughout your fucking miserable existence that you could give a fuck about any of those pesky things.
Don't worry about being an enabler for every murdering autocrat/dictator in the world, that will be emboldened now to also kill dissenters just like Saudi Arabia did, apparently without real consequences, at least from the US. As a matter of fact, it seems that it would help to get on Trump's good side as long as they kill journalists

What a immoral piece of shit
Have you noticed that gas prices are directly affected by the Kashoggi affair? They started to drop right after the whole thing happened. Whenever the heat gets turned up, the Saudis open the tap and they drop some more.


Well-Known Member
Trump only cares about what is best for business. He'll let murder slide long as it brings in some profit/provides a bargain price on something.


Well-Known Member
Have you noticed that gas prices are directly affected by the Kashoggi affair? They started to drop right after the whole thing happened. Whenever the heat gets turned up, the Saudis open the tap and they drop some more.
i disagree. we don't even need saudi oil..price break because of kashoggi is a myth..we had an increase for Labor Day and this is the correction- people just say fvck it and stop buying gas- they get the message real quick. just buy what you need don't fill up your tank. in this area i've noticed others doing same by whats on the pump..$5 or $10 is the new normal..then guess what happens- surplus we've driven the price down ourselves.

just like ivanka and her chinese crap..first it was nordies then she had to dissolve her company-see? it works..the wheels of justice turn slowly but they still turn.

but one of the sauds mohammed atta came to my town to poison our water system- they are no friend of ours and never were..they're transactional acquintances.

we cannot go into the water department now to pay bill etc..all fenced in and barbed wired..we must leave payments in an outside mail box next to their property and if you get too near, a cop will descend upon you from wherever he was hiding..

all in all boycotting works..
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Well-Known Member
i disagree. we don't even need saudi oil..price break because of kashoggi is a myth..we had an increase for Labor Day and this is the correction- people just say fvck it and stop buying gas- they get the message real quick. just buy what you need don't fill up your tank. in this area i've noticed others doing same by whats on the pump..$5 or $10 is the new normal..then guess what happens- surplus we've driven the price down ourselves.

just like ivanka and her chinese crap..first it was nordies then she had to dissolve her company-see? it works..the wheels of justice turn slowly but they still turn.

but one of the sauds mohammed atta came to my town to poison our water system- they are no friend of ours and never were..they're transactional acquintances.

we cannot go into the water department now to pay bill etc..all fenced in and barbed wired..we must leave payments in an outside mail box next to their property and if you get too near, a cop will descend upon you from wherever he was hiding..

all in all boycotting works..

There's so much wrong with your "logic" it is hard to figure out where to start. Again, what you notice magically becomes what is happening - that's because you are a narcissist. You are almost 60 years old for fuck sake, figure that out.

As far as you only being able to put ten bucks in your tank (at least until your lawsuit is won) and you noticing others doing the same... nobody is getting any message. Filling your tank versus getting a whole tank has zero effect on gas prices. It is laughable that you think you have created a surplus.

Finally, comparing oil with Ivanka's clothes is insane. The two goods could not have less in common. Nearly any comparison one could make between them is invalid.

Yikes. Just yikes. You really need to become a Trumper.
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Well-Known Member
Remember when trumptards were crying because the clinton foundation took a donation from Saudi Arabia and used it to save lives of children
Only put $5 in your tank. This will bring them to their knees. Just $5, you don't need anymore. At least until Schuylaar's multimillion dollar suit against her employer for discriminating against incompetence is won.


Well-Known Member

There's so much wrong with your "logic" it is hard to figure out where to start. Again, what you notice magically becomes what is happening - that's because you are a narcissist. You are almost 60 years old for fuck sake, figure that out.

As far as you only being able to put ten bucks in your tank (at least until your lawsuit is won) and you noticing others doing the same... nobody is getting any message. Filling your tank versus getting a whole tank has zero effect on gas prices. It is laughable that you think you have created a surplus.

Finally, comparing oil with Ivanka's clothes is insane. The two goods could not have less in common. Nearly any comparison one could make between them is invalid.

Yikes. Just yikes. You really need to become a Trumper.
then why did the princess have to CLOSE NOT SELL her company?..:lol:

disagree with me all you want..real or imagined- boycotting takes moral compass and internal fortitude to say 'pass'.

be a dear and lookup 'whisper campaign' can be applied to ANYTHING and have quite the consequences.
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Well-Known Member
Only put $5 in your tank. This will bring them to their knees. Just $5, you don't need anymore. At least until Schuylaar's multimillion dollar suit against her employer for discriminating against incompetence is won.
only a stupid person puts in more knowing the price will be lower in the morning.


Well-Known Member
only a stupid person puts in more knowing the price will be lower in the morning.
Only a person who's time is worthless would make an extra trip to a gas station to save twenty cents.

If you know it is GOING lower, you should PUT all you money into short oil futures. As long AS you whisper to enough PEOPLE, you are guaranteed to be a zillionaire.
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Well-Known Member
then why did the princess have to CLOSE NOT SELL her company?..:lol:

disagree with me all you want..real or imagined- boycotting takes moral compass and internal fortitude to say 'pass'.

be a dear and lookup 'whisper campaign' can be applied to ANYTHING and have quite the consequences.
Have you CONSIDERED a good television evangelist? You might LIKE Peter Popoff. He can help you WITH YOUR lawsuit I betcha.
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Well-Known Member
Only a person who's time is worthless would make an extra trip to a gas station to save twenty cents.

If you know it is GOING lower, you should PUT all you money into short oil futures. As long AS you whisper to enough PEOPLE, you are guaranteed to be a zillionaire.
extra trip?:lol:

they're on every corner and in between..sofla is just one big run-on city.

that fact that i noticed two years ago my companies AR's weren't sustainable from customers who receive nothing but cash in me laughed at and ridiculed..and at the end of the day, i called it like it was- sadly correct.

unfortunately, i cannot do this for lottery or stock market.
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Well-Known Member
extra trip?:lol:

they're on every corner and in between..sofla is just one big run-on city.

that fact that i noticed two years ago my companies AR's weren't sustainable from customers who receive nothing but cash in me laughed at and ridiculed..and at the end of the day, i called it like it was- sadly correct.

unfortunately, i cannot do this for lottery or stock market.
I am thinking that you should be used to being laughed at by now. Still, it is impressive that you can remember individual occurrences.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Someday we will laugh when we look back at Trumps failed regime
when? when we're done undoing the decades of damage he's doing on a daily basis? when all the children he's separated from their families are reunited with their families? when the hand picked trumptards in all the positions he's filled are finally dead and gone? when every single thing he ever said or done are derided for the idiocy that they actually are? when the rest of the world starts to take us seriously again?
i'm never going to think about donald fucking trump, and laugh..........
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Well-Known Member
when? when we're done undoing the decades of damage he's doing on a daily basis? when all the children he's separated from their families are reunited with their families? when the hand picked trumptards in all the positions he's filled are finally dead and gone? when ever single thing he ever said or done are derided for the idiocy that they actually are? when the rest of the world starts to take us seriously again?
i'm never going to think about donald fucking trump, and laugh..........
I agree. There is nothing funny about it. I think we will get more like him after he is gone. The Republicans have seen a way forward and they are not likely to abandon it. I also fear that there are many on the left just as stupid and crazy to follow this sort of cult of personality model. The damage he is doing to the judiciary will last a generation.


Well-Known Member
I agree. There is nothing funny about it. I think we will get more like him after he is gone. The Republicans have seen a way forward and they are not likely to abandon it. I also fear that there are many on the left just as stupid and crazy to follow this sort of cult of personality model. The damage he is doing to the judiciary will last a generation.
trump has given them the okay now to lash out and assault those you don't agree- which in turn will make us (those assaulted) money because the police still follow the rule of law.

note to old folks: where can my attorney send case filings and interrogatories to your trump appointed attorney? know, the one he said he'd pay for 'if you knock 'em out'?

this is where telling the truth as part of your moral compass pays off- your story doesn't change unlike the person who assaulted you, which changed over and over and over.

remember hate crimes are +17% in trump's first year..wonder how 2018 will turn out with a massacre basically every week?
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