Trump takes sides with a murderer

Should Saudi Arabia be punished

  • No, they said they were sorry and we need their oil

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Yes, all arms sales to that POS country should be cancelled, at least.

    Votes: 11 84.6%

  • Total voters

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
jesus dude, i'm not talking about last Tuesday, i'm talking about a time between the first and second world war....when political activism was at an insane level, when people thought communism was either the way to save the world or doom it, when Nazism and Bolshevism was growing and try to spread across the world.....and you're telling me that EVERY German based social group in America was trying to save Jews and kill Hitler?'s just patently fucking wrong......i'm telling you at least half of them were doing the exact opposite...
don't try to tell me i think every German is a closet Nazi now....i doubt there are hardly any, except for mentally disturbed people.
and don't try to tell me that a government as in love with indoctrination and propaganda as Hitlers was didn't have a whole Corps. of infiltrators and subversives in other countries


Well-Known Member
I am very German. My generation lost this sort of oversensitivity... despite the fact that some of our progenitors were bund members. They didn't know how it would end. We do. I can raise a stein without any guilt other than that which we all bear.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I don't really think a real argument exists here between you.
i don't either, i think he's missing my point, and i'm probably missing his....there were a lot of Germans who hated hitler and nazism, and worked against him. i agree totally. probably the large majority of them. and i don't think every "social group" at the time were nazi sympathizer, or collaborators..but i do think a significant portion was too good a cover to ignore


Well-Known Member
I don't really think a real argument exists here between you.
Then you're reading impaired.

He stated:

what i am trying to tell you is that as many "social" groups at that point in time, if not more, were working for them, as against them.
That is patently false.

All told, only around 10% of all Germans were ever Nazi's. Of those, only around 4% actually "drank the Cool Aid" so to speak.

The overwhelming number of Germans didn't particularly care one way or the other. They weren't plotting for or against anybody. Most didn't see what the big deal was because there weren't that many Jews in Germany to begin with. (There were, all told, only about 500,000 Jews in all of Germany at the time, or about .75% of the entire population.)

To hear Roger tell it, there were clandestine meetings every other house plotting to kill Jews and promote Adolf Hitler's agenda and helping hunt down and snuff out Jews.

That is complete, total and pure bullshit.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Then you're reading impaired.

He stated:

That is patently false.

All told, only around 10% of all Germans were ever Nazi's. Of those, only around 4% actually "drank the Cool Aid" so to speak.

The overwhelming number of Germans didn't particularly care one way or the other. They weren't plotting for or against anybody. Most didn't see what the big deal was because there weren't that many Jews in Germany to begin with. (There were, all told, only about 500,000 Jews in all of Germany at the time, or about .75% of the entire population.)

To hear Roger tell it, there were clandestine meetings every other house plotting to kill Jews and promote Adolf Hitler's agenda and helping hunt down and snuff out Jews.

That is complete, total and pure bullshit.
well, that is not what i meant to imply. it seemed to me that you were saying there were NO Germans plotting to kill jew and advance Hitlers agenda...which is also total and pure bullshit.....first of all, how many "German Social" groups were there in the 1930s in America?....not a lot, i'm thinking, so if i expect half to be somehow complicit, that's half of not a lot, not "every other house"....
there were surely people working both for and against nazism, and Germans who were still "German" enough to have strong feelings about the situation in Europe were motivated to get involved...and just like all people, some were on the side of right, and others weren't.
many of those groups could have had the best of intentions, and been hosting the very people they were trying to fight against. what better place to hide an operative than the middle of his enemies?


Well-Known Member
Then you're reading impaired.

He stated:

That is patently false.

All told, only around 10% of all Germans were ever Nazi's. Of those, only around 4% actually "drank the Cool Aid" so to speak.

The overwhelming number of Germans didn't particularly care one way or the other. They weren't plotting for or against anybody. Most didn't see what the big deal was because there weren't that many Jews in Germany to begin with. (There were, all told, only about 500,000 Jews in all of Germany at the time, or about .75% of the entire population.)

To hear Roger tell it, there were clandestine meetings every other house plotting to kill Jews and promote Adolf Hitler's agenda and helping hunt down and snuff out Jews.

That is complete, total and pure bullshit.
I think you might be pushing what he said to extremes. Either way, this conversation has ventured into waters that we cannot plumb from here. After the rise of Hitler and reassertion of the German state, the conflict in the hearts of all Germans between their old versus adopted Homeland is difficult to quantify. When war came, the vast majoirty, and I mean vast, knew where their loyalties stood.

Again, I don't think there is really much disagreement between the two of you. Speaking German to German, I suspect you are being a bit too sensitive.
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Well-Known Member
Additionally, there were many ways to assist the German war effort and the aims of the German state. Supporting American neutrality was one of the biggest. It is quite understandable that most Germans were against entry to the war and were involved in America First movements as a way of doing that.
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Well-Known Member

is there a nazi test? those men in white shirts and leather straps (the motorcycle cops) standing in the aisle were there to make certain no one leaves.

what kind of reference was charlottesville? the 700 who showed in your town? do we really need to split hairs?

RIU overlords allow you to agree with me once per year..happy holidays!:hug:
You aren't very smart.


Well-Known Member
I agree. There is nothing funny about it. I think we will get more like him after he is gone. The Republicans have seen a way forward and they are not likely to abandon it. I also fear that there are many on the left just as stupid and crazy to follow this sort of cult of personality model. The damage he is doing to the judiciary will last a generation.
They won't stop until they get what they want; Fascism. After all, it's good for business.