This is a pic in the mountains near where I live.
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24 now went on a world tour when i was 21 to 23. worked in canada to pay for some of it and the rest i look pretty young, if thats you in the pictures. all these places look beautiful, and i can't wait to see them in person one day. how do you get to? is that your job?
24 now went on a world tour when i was 21 to 23. worked in canada to pay for some of it and the rest i saved.
Let's do it!i am super fortunate that everything in my life at the time worked out so i was able to, and doing alone was such a blessing an amazing physical, emotional and spiritual jurney.
Everest and kilaminjaro is one of my big goals now befor all the snow melts.
Here is my back yard today, not too exciting yet.take a picture out of your back door. all of you.