In your dream world, black people cannot shop at the same stores as whites
How is that equality rather than blatant racism?
Well thank you for asking, Poopy Pants.
You seem confused and in need of some assistance with meanings and relevance of some words. Your confusion is likely caused by your high level of indoctrination and your dull mind. Allow me to help you out...
When you talk about "equality" and rights in the same scenario, you think equality is an outcome that can be legislated.
Except it's not. It's a circumstance where no person has greater rights than another (that's where the equal part comes in) and how they exercise their equal right is up to each individual, as long as they don't negate another persons rights.
Now that we've cleared up your silly idea of what "equality" is, let's move onto the rest of the mess you excreted.
Refusing to associate with a person may be motivated by racism. How does that give any other person any right to force a racist to use his body and property to serve them? Forced servitude is slavery. Your argument is asinine, since you claim to be arguing for "equal rights" , but the evidence says you are arguing for forced servitude / slavery.
It's so easy to win. Well, for me it is.