New to 20X30 grow room. Need advise.

Looks great. Why are light so high above canopy? Just purchased 2 of these for a 4x8 tent. looking forward to setting up
Maybe its just the angle..IDK. They are about 22-30 inches above, and I get good light readings there. (550-750 upol). These things are quite powerful.
Great information guys and gals! Time is going to be a crunch, so I better stay away from builds. The construction/remodel starts next week, with plumbers, framers, electricians,etc. and I cant wait to get this up and running! I am sure there will be trial and error, and I really appreciate you guys help and input! Hopefully we will be germinating in about 3 weeks. This will be a good jump start to market going into Winter, as i believe as the rules stand we'll be able to go outdoor in May. I have a lot more space outside! I dont know about your State, but this one has no grow limit, no qualifications on conditions for patients, the fees are low compared to other States, and the competition is going to be strong at first. I may do a construction/grow journal. Thanks again!
Must be in my state. Lol.
It doesn't matter that much. What does matter is not to have the fresh air next to the exhaust.

Have you thought about electricity?
Most electric company have peak hours which are more expensive. Try to avoid having lights on during this time.
Do Industrial properties get charged for peak hour consumption? A. Friend told me no. But honestly i have no idea.
Industrial electric rates in okla are 5.09 cents per kwh. I used a calculator and with 32000 watts 3 5ton ac a 2 hp chiller and veg lights fans ect figured at 1200$ month. Does that seem right for that much power?
Industrial electric rates in okla are 5.09 cents per kwh. I used a calculator and with 32000 watts 3 5ton ac a 2 hp chiller and veg lights fans ect figured at 1200$ month. Does that seem right for that much power?
Highest bill I saw was $678 for 31 full days at 18/6, and that includes a 2000 sq ft residence. I think that was back in November. We did a 60 day veg. IDK about rates during peak hours, but we run lights through the night. And yes, Oklahoma rocks!
A-A-Ron, can you tell me a little about the construction of your room? Looks like a 10ft ceiling? Mostly I'm curious about how you build the ceiling. I assume it's just a box with a flat top and there is no pitch from truss'? So the ceiling is built pretty much just like the walls? If so, with a 20ft unsupported span, what's it like walking on top?
A-A-Ron, can you tell me a little about the construction of your room? Looks like a 10ft ceiling? Mostly I'm curious about how you build the ceiling. I assume it's just a box with a flat top and there is no pitch from truss'? So the ceiling is built pretty much just like the walls? If so, with a 20ft unsupported span, what's it like walking on top?

Going from memory here.... The ceiling is 9 ft tall. The joists are 2x12 spanned across the 20 ft section at 16 inches apart, and filled to the tops of the 2x12's with spray foam insulation. Then there is a massive dual 2x16x30 that runs the span of the 30 ft section. I told the guy I needed it to support 500 lbs without a problem. I think he though I said 5000 lbs LOL!.. it's a bit overbuilt, but that's ok I suppose. You can see that he metal strapped the dual 2x16x30 to the metal trusses of the building. I don't even know where he found a pair of 2x16x30's. The room is inside of an insulated building already, so you can imagine how efficient it is. The exterior walls are 2x6 stud with spray foam as well. Whenever you're in there, you can't hear a good thunderstorm moving through. The processing room just outside of the grow room also is 2x6 stud with spray foam. If the market ever goes (when the market goes) to hell in a hand basket, this is going to make one hell of a man cave.IMG_4984.jpegIMG_4985.jpegIMG_4986.jpeg
Right on, thanks bud! I'm thinking of putting together something like this, but on a smaller scale. I've built a shed with trusses before, but wasn't sure how you deal with just a box when it comes to the roof. Good to know I can get away with a long span as long as I don't put much/any extra weight up there, but at the size I'm thinking, that's probably not going to be an issue. Your 20x30 works out just perfect for 2ft aisles and three 4ft trays, then 2ft on the end, 20ft of tray and 8ft of work space. Tinkering around in ACAD, I quickly realized that designing a grow within the desired space is much more difficult than designing a room around the desired grow. Your setup is so spot on.
Right on, thanks bud! I'm thinking of putting together something like this, but on a smaller scale. I've built a shed with trusses before, but wasn't sure how you deal with just a box when it comes to the roof. Good to know I can get away with a long span as long as I don't put much/any extra weight up there, but at the size I'm thinking, that's probably not going to be an issue. Your 20x30 works out just perfect for 2ft aisles and three 4ft trays, then 2ft on the end, 20ft of tray and 8ft of work space. Tinkering around in ACAD, I quickly realized that designing a grow within the desired space is much more difficult than designing a room around the desired grow. Your setup is so spot on.

Thanks man!,, it was a lot of planning and a little trial and error before we got things dialed in. First the intake was not enough, then the exhaust wasn’t enough, but we eventually got things sorted.
This is absolutey incredible! This is one hell of a setup!! Very well done. Wondering if you track the consistency of the rooms temp and humidity levels? I’m not sure if I’m overthinking my setup and chasing my tale. Between my split AC run cycle and venting for humidity I’m having a fluctuation of 5’F and 5% RH and this cycles every few minutes. Would you think this is ok or going to stress the plant. Appreciate your feedback as you clearly have it figured out.