Heisenbeans Genetics

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I'm going to start using recharge in my hempies. Could you please let me know how you choose to apply it?

.5 - 1ml per gal. As much as everyday or once a week. Apply it seperately from your feed if it's not inconvienient. 2-4oz's per solo cup seedling/clone 4-6oz's for bigger veg/flower plants. Poured on the crown of the rootball. Works well in hempys.
I would go through that bottle in one spraying lol.
Because you have so many to spray? I remember you saying the pistols/stigmas were receding, do you start spraying at flip? When I spray at or a lil before flip and I soak them good i never see them. The first time I sprayed they were seed plants and sprayed heavy, Hell I was starting to wonder if i didn't really have a male! Lol
.5 - 1ml per gal. As much as everyday or once a week. Apply it seperately from your feed if it's not inconvienient. 2-4oz's per solo cup seedling/clone 4-6oz's for bigger veg/flower plants. Poured on the crown of the rootball. Works well in hempys.
Sweet!! Thanks. Looking forward to using this. It seems to be universally loved. I don't think I've seen a product on Amazon that's been reviewed so positively.
Damn go on vacation and come back this thread is moving. Just I got some catching up to do anyone wanna make some bullet points of the important posts lol
More reliable as well. The professionals choice!
That shit is dangerous. I prefer to avoid it cause it cause it leaves a funny taste in my mouth and throat that last for a week. Same chemicals they use to make mirrors. I've never had an issue using CS without worrying about burning the plants. I also think it will change the structure of the pollen if it's used to heavily. It's easier to make but I prefer not to deal with the chemical side of it.
That shit is dangerous. I prefer to avoid it cause it cause it leaves a funny taste in my mouth and throat that last for a week. Same chemicals they use to make mirrors. I've never had an issue using CS without worrying about burning the plants. I also think it will change the structure of the pollen if it's used to heavily. It's easier to make but I prefer not to deal with the chemical side of it.
I don't blame you. Sounds scary!
I've ingested CS many times for lingering coughs and it always works. I'd like to think its harmless.
Everyone who signs up here will get first dibs on whatever packs they want. Will be first come till there gone.
I'll send them all out for free unless your in Canada the shipping is 10 dollars lol. I'll be out of pocket sending free seeds to Canada
fine by me to pay $10.

not even really picky about what i get. should have real deal gg4 in hand soon though. always down to run cake as well.
the stuff used to spray.is a 2 part mix including silver nitrate.
Yeah, I figured that out right after my post. If it’s properly mixed there should be no silver nitrate in the end product.

STS has been used for a long time in biological research. It’s perfectly fine.
Do adub & mac1 yield ok in your experience?
I know you said wed cake does ok.
And do yu think any of the ecsd crosses would bring down the flowering time a little on the ecsd?
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