When does veg actually start the minite the seed pops?

Its funny you would use the word biology, since that in it self contradicts your whole arguement, which is still wrong. It doesn't matter what "us growers" refer to with how count your veg time. A "seedling" is definitely a real botany term, and is part of the plants life cycle. The biology of the plant and of all plants defines this term. You are the one that is trying to remove that period and just call it veg time.

Your right this is very googleable. Thats why I googled a simple info-graphic to make it easy for you to understand. I just choose one, but there were many. All showing a seedling stage :). Nutrient bottles, and grow guides since the beginning of time have all defined a seedling stage.

So thanks for playing but you're wrong, you can't redefine biology terms just because you count that as veg time ;).

I only brought up the flower period transition because that's another way some growers just do things. Lots of growers will refer to 12/12 time, but that IS NOT the same as flowering time. If that isn't made clear to new growers, they think the plant is flowering once they switch their lights. Then 7-9 weeks later they don't understand why their plants aren't ready yet.

I stopped "counting" weeks/days years ago. I watch my plants and veg them till they are ready to flower and then flower till they are matured and ready to harvest. The last time I counted time was while running testers for Sin City Seeds. I kept notes for that since it was part of the tester process.

I also should add that my seedlings and clones get full strength veg nutes as soon as they have roots.

There is no such stage as seedling it merely defines a young plant of which is vegetating.

You can call a six foot four week old plant a seedling but vegetative stage starts the second a seed pops.

Its pretty straight forward, I'm not sure why you think you can fight basic biology. The seedling stage is part of every plant life cycle. You are really just making yourself look foolish claiming seedlings don't exist, and that its just a word.

Yes its a word that describes the earliest part of a plants life before it starts to grow and mature.

Why does every nutrient company, and biology book, and grow guide referance the seedling stage?

Because its part of the life cycle bud. Based off what I've been reading about all of this. It seems that the seedling stage would typically end once the plant begins to produce real leaves, and begins to genetically mature.

Its pretty straight forward, I'm not sure why you think you can fight basic biology. The seedling stage is part of every plant life cycle. You are really just making yourself look foolish claiming seedlings don't exist, and that its just a word.

Yes its a word that describes the earliest part of a plants life before it starts to grow and mature.

Why does every nutrient company, and biology book, and grow guide referance the seedling stage?

Because its part of the life cycle bud. Based off what I've been reading about all of this. It seems that the seedling stage would typically end once the plant begins to produce real leaves, and begins to genetically mature.

I know its straight forward but neither you or anyone agrees when it ends and thus far it has been pointed out that there is no actual predefined seedling stage and at the first interception of light the vegetative stage begins.

One can independantly elect to apply the premise of the word to whatever stage you decide but there is no hormonal, protein or morphological change that starts or ends the period.

It has been debated that the seedling stage starts much earlier at when the cotyledons form which is in the embryonic stage of the seed.

Still if you show me a plant and say four weeks veg when its seven weeks from seed ill think you guilty of bending the truth to make yourself look better.

You clearly didn't read the link I posted, as it breaks it down simply enough. The seedling forms at germination and goes through growth shifts which only the seedling stage does. Then it begins photosynthasis and develops true leaves and begins to mature. This would be the point when it becomes a veg plant rather then a seedling. This is the point when the plant stops taking its nutrients from the seed and begins making its own. Once again this is basic biology, and botany 101. Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it less true.
Just curious or do you have a week off seedlind stage then veg begins?
Germination under 24 hour lights starts the veg. period. You should notice plenty of growth everyday if you are doing it right. I like to flower at 2 weeks so they stay small and easy to manage and I have less problems with deficiencies.