Those were some seeds i put in pro mix. I put some castings on top and some rice hulls for mulch. They must have started composting. Its all good lessoned learned, go easy on the castings lol
Ive got totes of soil that i mixed once so far and dont plan to again .
It will be about 2months 1 week old soil Hyroots recipe on the first page .
I havent seen the blend. I dont tend to bother with these elaborate soil mixes, no offense to the creator in this case, who seems like a nice soul, helpful and knowledgeable on growing here. He certainly isn't as blunt as me! Its just that they
all appear to me, to be a little odd in light of my simple observations of natural grassland soil systems around the world, North and South and everything in between. Eg average organic matter %, mineral composition varience between healthy and unhealthy grassland systems (non farmed), rates of infiltration, average moisture%, pH, average temps and CO2/ O2 burst.
I think rice hulls have a Carbon ratio of about 115. I suspect you may have too much N in the blend elsewhere if these are composting quickly. No disrespect intended, but i wont go back to review the blend you use. I have seen many hundreds of these, super soil/ grow mixes, its not really worth the science imo, of which there is plenty of higher value, not least in truly understanding the mechanisms behind enhancing human chain beneficial plant characters and beyond. After all we are growing medicine here

If we study nature, and not men, the story of what grows a high quality grassland crop is already resolved with reference suitable environments and or say C/N ratios for grassland crops. I think people over think growing plants in ways that are self distracting, but I do love to see human minds working anyway, and i am not suggesting how I grow is better or worse, its just may be different to many here and the same as many too.
I treat compost as a soil additive, not a growing medium. I use local soils, real soil, eg clay, sand, silt, local bedrock, biology and so I limit my added organic content to be within a natural percentage overall, matching C/N for the crop I want to grow. I understand that every input i make, has consequences for the community, so i try not to add things that arent already in the system, eg tomorrows organic matter is today's residue.
My idea of organics, is to depend more faithfully in the systems of God/ Mother nature, and do my very best to mimic what is already working without human interference.
Added disclaimer: I dont grow indoors anymore, I dont need to because i am lucky to live in a country where the production of this crop is made easier and is much the less consumptive because i dont pay for power or add extra carbon waste using electricity, but I used to before i migrated to a zone more preferential to my biology, and that of MJ too

and so i understand the challenges of trying to replicate nature on a budget, without getting arrested.
I do use Rice Hulls myself in potting mixes that require free draining media, so I am not bashing the use of these or anything people use, lots of things are seen to work in the growing world, but this is pony credit, if we consider "life itself" is more determined to grow, than we have capacity to fuck things up. Our lives may not be so lucky as the sum total here however.
Cornell always had the best resource for understanding compost and composting. No use trying to reinvent wheels imo, what we have discovered is a small fraction of what we might know, so i am not bashing soil mixoligists,