The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Yeah, you dumb. Too dumb to know it.

Funny how you say illegal, stole, violated etc... yet nothing was done. No charges were brought up. Just complaints that your side lost again lol. Hey man, keep this up. You look like a retard at this point. Just a dumb person with internet access.

There it is again, your inferiority complex. “You’re dumb” “you’re dumb” lol.

Dude give it up, you’re a dependent, uneducated loser.
Funny how you say illegal, stole, violated etc... yet nothing was done. No charges were brought up. Just complaints that your side lost again lol. Hey man, keep this up. You look like a retard at this point. Just a dumb person with internet access.

There it is again, your inferiority complex. “You’re dumb” “you’re dumb” lol.

Dude give it up, you’re a dependent, uneducated loser.
how many governorships did you guys pick up
Racism racism racism lol. Man, it really is just a natural reaction for you to just claim racism lol. The numbers are real. There are other sources.
The numbers you cited are from a guy who calls himself a white supremacist

If you weren’t a racist you would cite those “other sources” instead of the white supremacist you retarded klanman
The numbers you cited are from a guy who calls himself a white supremacist

If you weren’t a racist you would cite those “other sources” instead of the white supremacist you retarded klanman

Are all of these sources also racist? Damn you’re such a loser.
Ever heard of the “Biden Rule”?
first off, the Biden rule was based on a hypothetical situation, there was no SC vacancy at the time.
secondly, later in the same speech, he said the Pres should be able to put forward a moderate nomination if the Senate is consulted.

another swing and a miss...
first off, the Biden rule was based on a hypothetical situation, there was no SC vacancy at the time.
secondly, later in the same speech, he said the Pres should be able to put forward a moderate nomination if the Senate is consulted.

another swing and a miss...
You can’t read. I never mentioned about a vacancy. I used the Biden Rule as the basis to the delayment of an appointment. And it wasn’t hypothetical. He tried to get it passed so there could be a delay in appointments until after an election.
You can’t read. I never mentioned about a vacancy. I used the Biden Rule as the basis to the delayment of an appointment.
the biden rule is another made up story by the Repubs.

you can't read. there was no vacancy, it was a hypothetical situation, not reality. and later he said there should be no delay for an appt if the Pres consulted the Senate with a moderate choice.

yet another swing and a miss...
Awww look at this loser try to get underneath my skin lol. Associate nurse? Hahahahaha. You AGAIN provide a clear view to your belittlment of intelligence and success. It couldn’t be more clear that you’re a loser with no money, probably no job and most likely are using your parents WiFi lol. 99% of Democrats don’t identify as Liberals you idiot. Same as 99% of conservatives don’t identify as Conservative. You’re a uneducated loser. Just deal with it.
The conservative movement died during the Bush administration. There is nothing conservative about today's Republican Party.
the biden rule is another made up story by the Repubs.

you can't read. there was no vacancy, it was a hypothetical situation, not reality. and later he said there should be no delay for an appt if the Pres consulted the Senate with a moderate choice.

yet another swing and a miss...
Made up? You’re brain dead. He literally tried to have the senate pass a rule for congress to wait to appoint a justice after an election. There are plenty of sources and videos of him stating it.
And there is nothing Liberal about the Democrat party. Just some wannabe communists trying to “stand up to the man” lol.
Right, the Democratic Party is a liberal progressive party.

Now then about that so-called conservative movement. One of the foundations of that movement was small government and fiscal responsibility. They never delivered it, even when Reagan was in office but Bush Jr's tax cut for the wealthy during massive expansion in government spending became the grave-site for that movement. What's so conservative about cutting taxes and increasing spending as Trump and his GOP dogs so gleefully tout as a major accomplishment?