Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Have you tried green cleaner mate but pricey but it’s alcohol and soy bean oil and something else but it kills heaps of bugs and mites, dries them out on contact pretty quick too, I found it work pretty well View attachment 4252942
Nah, just eco neem and insecticidal soap. I'm not too worried at the moment cos the plant with mites is manageable and in good health and the others are coated in enough stuff that they don't want to move over but if they do I might need to look at other options.

After this run I'll bomb the shit out of the tent and under the house and hope its better next go


Well-Known Member
Wondering how mutch this gunna gunna stretch I should tie this down now as mutch as I can might chuck the indoor outside two fuck the tomatoes compost bin seems to be pumping with worms now since I put all the water melon in I have no idia how to kno when mine is useable is if it’s like black and smells ritch than that should be good enough thinking if I need to add any thing now or I was gunna do a bit of an experiment t using megacrop eco amino grow and eco seaweed or maybe some megacrop and foliyer the ecos who knows the one is starting g to smell tho oooo I forgot the neutrog might save the megacrop for indoor


Well-Known Member
My son is such a miserable cunt, bought him a trampoline for Christmas and all he wants to do is sit in his wheelchair and cry.


Well-Known Member
So rape is no go, but disabled children are fair game? Pot, kettle? Not that I give a fuck about the joke but it's extremely hypocritical.
This the problem with taking a moral standpoint - consistency is hard to maintain. Nothing is really more offensive than anything else it just depends on opinion or personal bias. luckily I'm always right so it doesn't apply to me. FIGJAM


Well-Known Member
So rape is no go, but disabled children are fair game? Pot, kettle? Not that I give a fuck about the joke but it's extremely hypocritical.
Oh so I take it you didn’t see the one about fucking foetus’ yday.

Dude don’t u reckon there’s been enough fighting and tension in here lately? Just relax and go with the flo bud. Isn’t that what u told me?


Well-Known Member
So rape is no go, but disabled children are fair game? Pot, kettle? Not that I give a fuck about the joke but it's extremely hypocritical.
And you seriously didn’t pick up that I’m doing it intentionally? You guys like shock value so I’m just joining in. Is there something wrong with that?
If ya can’t beat em join em..?