Greenpoint seeds!!

Heisentroll why all the hostility did I ever suggest u didn’t have legit cuts? Nope didn’t think so!!! Just because I call u out for being a troll which You are doesn’t make me a nut swinger I’m sure u don’t call all the dick riders in your thread supporting you without ever putting anything out dick riders.... It’s not hate homie I still plan on picking up some of your drops just to support ...
I know you will.
Not one damn bean has been popped or grown out. LOL. Not even the free untested autos that won't pop. Back to the echo chamber that is Heisens thread where you can schedule your daily tea bagging sock puppet.
So what you have is "He might not follow through." Personally , I think he will. If he doesn't, I'll be the first one on here eating crow. So let's just wait and see huh? It's funny, he said those seeds were untested, old, and they might not pop. People said they wanted them anyway. Then, when they didn't pop, you have people on here trying to say that proves his whole business venture is a bust. I believe some people are going to be looking kinda stupid in a few months, and it's not gonna be me. But I get it. Pessimism's fun!!!
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jesus christ... so it's either heisen or a heisen shill, or it's actually someone who is on his nuts before he has even released his seeds. i don't know which is more pathetic.

personally, i don't think it's heisen. i don't think he's that stupid. he would also essentially be acting like one of the fanbois he hates so much.

leaves me believing this person is really just as stupid as they're making themself look. maybe he thinks he can fanboi his way into some beans?
Actually, my reasoning is solid. Let's just give it a few months and we'll see who looks stupid. I'm already getting free beans on the first drop, but I'll be buying a hell of a lot more than he'll ever give me.

From what I'm observing, Heisen, in starting his bean company, is taking all of the necessary and logical steps to ensure he avoids all of the bullshit that everyone bitches about with other bean companies, from the chucking, to the representation, to the shipping. I guess if you recognize that, approve of it, and point it out, it makes you a fanboy shill. Whatever floats your boat. In the meantime, he's got my full support.

That said, you'd come across as a lot more credible without the insults. Also, if you addressed the actual content of what I said, rather than resorting to ad hominem attacks.

For me, I don't allow the pseudo anonymity of the internet to cause me to lose my sense of politeness and decency. And I don't participate in nonconstructive arguments. We all have a lot more in common here than not. So, I always make a serious effort to keep it friendly.
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So what you have is "He might not follow through." Personally , I think he will. If he doesn't, I'll be the first one on here eating crow. So let's just wait and see huh? It's funny, he said those seeds were untested, old, and they might not pop. People said they wanted them anyway. Then, when they didn't pop, you have people on here trying to say that proves his whole business venture is a bust. I believe some people are going to be looking kinda stupid in a few months, and it's not gonna be me. But I get it. Pessimism's fun!!!

No, what we have is you postin some ridiculously laughable list of all the great things about his shiz with absolutely nothing to back it up. Old ass haggered out autos smh. I’d like to be optimistic about you and his crew, soon to be nicknamed the Lacroix Boixs, using his forum thread for the worshipping sock puppet stuff and stop trying to use the eyeballs here to keep interest in the goofiest named seed shop in the game. It’s sad now.
From what I'm observing, Heisen, in starting his bean company, is taking all of the necessary and logical steps to ensure he avoids all of the bullshit that everyone bitches about with other bean companies, from the chucking, to the representation, to the shipping.

This has to be a paid service. It’s like I’m in some weirdly placed infomercial where my weed forum used to be.

For my next act, I will spray some shit on a
Screen door in the bottom of a boat and ride around a lake yelling how awesome it is.
Are you saying gu just got them this morning or your seeds of the cross arrived this morning?
I think they restocked this morning I received an email.. I went too look at the price and it’s 500$ that’s just plain retarded !!!! Fuck him I won’t buy his seeds unless I find them for like 40-80$ ....... I have some Mac F2’s a buddy of mine made so I am exciteded about that ....
This has to be a paid service. It’s like I’m in some weirdly placed infomercial where my weed forum used to be.

For my next act, I will spray some shit on a
Screen door in the bottom of a boat and ride around a lake yelling how awesome it is.

and right on time!
3 more packs of MACdawg and Bison Breath on Reverse Auction.

Don’t forget to use the 40%off code!

Gu's inflated sense of worth for untested seeds is baffling.

Shit would be like going to Walmart and buying a $500 pair of Shaq shoes.. :lol:
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the price ... He doesn’t even do all his own breeding.. He pays people to make seeds for him so u never know what u gonna get ...

“Too expensive? Check back in later and see if it fits your budget. But wait too long and someone else will snatch them from your cart!”
Well one of my big orders cleared Canadian customs after 2 weeks the other just sent to SF after 2 weeks . USPS or GPS shipping is slow. 14 packs total . Need to find a Canadian on here to do some trading with lol , Have a large freezer bag full of beans already . Its like collecting baseball cards.